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myOtaku.com: sizic-aka-sakura

Saturday, September 29, 2007

okies... the game was pretty fun last night... I wore my green tripps last night... nd they have these 2 straps on the back. soooo I was drinking some jolt nd Dylan walks by nd is like "holy shit!! i want some!!" so i gave him the bottle nd he ran away, (he chugged half of it XP) then i got it back and he saw the straps nd started pulling on them.. so basicly he was holding me back... so i ripped them off nd he got one so i was all pissed and i started chasing him. and then he stole it for the night... i got it back tho...

wat else.... oh i went with Aliea, Erica, and Brianna to cumby's nd appartly after weeks of them doing it they found out u weren't allowed to do it. so now Gorman's gonna call my house nd Erica's house... considering Erica's mom was there u woulda thought we'd be ok... but idk I'm avoiding the call right now....

Hill leaft cuz she was sick nd she's usually the one who helps me while we're on the field but I was all alone... it was pretty sick tho... I actually did it without making a complete fool of myself...

well the Jackass crew is open for anyone who wants to join... nd hopefully i get to ignore her -.-

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