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| sizic-aka-sakura
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 03/08/08:
Which DeathNote Character Are You?
Result Posted on 02/18/08:
-.- how about a misa layout?
Result Posted on 02/18/08:
-_-" of coarse.
Result Posted on 02/18/08:
O_O wow. I'm good haha
Result Posted on 02/18/08:
hahaha wow. i took a guess to see if I'd get her and i did. ahaha. wait this means A13 touched my butt????
Result Posted on 11/12/06:
What type of person is drawn to you? (Amazing anime pics!)
 Caring: Someone has felt so bad for you that they have soon fallen in love with you! You are very fortunate for this person because without them you would be completely lost. This person is probably very nice, maybe they can overdo it sometimes. ^_^;; Prepare to be spoiled beyond your imagination. They love to see you happy and won't let anything get in thier way when it comes to doing so, even themselves. My personal honest advice to you is suck it up a bit. When you show that you feel bad it makes other people feel very guilty and terrible. Life really isn't bad and everyone has thier problems. You try to repay them and in return make them happy. You will soon relise that you TRULLY love them back. They don't wish of anything from you. Sometimes, it is this person that finds yourself. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 11/12/06:
What Does Your Inner Dark Anime Girl Look Like? (Awesome Anime pictures, 9 Results)
 This is your dark anime self! (Its also my fav. picture!!!!)You are a tough, non-flirtatious girl who just prefers the color black! You can scare many with just a glare. You are beautiful outside and inside if people would take the time to know you. Boys would do anything to get your attention.Your symbol is a silver moon.Pleaz rate or message at least if you like your picture and result. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 11/11/06:
yup,yup...that explains my man!!
What's Your Perfect Anime Boyfriend?!
Result Posted on 11/11/06:
You Are 67% Grown Up, 33% Kid |
Congratulations, you are definitely quite emotionally mature.
Although you have your moments of moodiness, you're usually stable and level headed.
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Result Posted on 11/11/06:
What is your element? [with pics + detailed answeres]
 Your element is Ice. This element may seem a little odd, but this is a side-effect from when the element of Water gets too hurt. Once you were a content soul, and happy with life. But then something happened. Not necessarily on one day, it probably happened gradually over time. You lost your will to care and became even more reserved from the world. People had hurt you in ways you do not want to remember and now you isolate yourself from them. You have turned into an outsider and probably dress more in black than you used to. Your depression is eating you up and tearing you apart and the worst part is that no one is willing to help, or so it seems. In school you are often by yourself or one single friend and you rarely seem to be truly happy anymore. Your sad, distant eyes and constant frown seems glued to your face and you need a saviour from this world. You may turn to music for understanding and sing/scream along in the lyrics to get rid of some pain. You are not very open about your problems to your family/friends, and wish that they would just notice it and make it go away. Take this quiz!
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