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Klarissa (A.K.A: Fran/Swiss Cheez)
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Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 12/03/06:
im not weak but i am nice to my friend sand all ^^
What Do Naruto Characters Think Of You?(girls only)
 Name: Chikara TsukikoKekkai Genkai: Nishisan, the kekkai genkai of heaven and hell.Likes: Meditating, Training, learning new jutsus, birds, peace, dreaming, being supportive, sushi, comforting, friendsDislikes: Loud things, when Neji goes and does something mean, sweets, Gai's eyebrows and Lee's too, when people give up, shruiken.Fave Color: whiteAge: 13(Neji's age)Rank: GeninTeam: Team GaiSpecialties: Ninjutsu, using her Kekkai GenkaiKakashi: We should expect great things from her; being of the Chikara clan.Naruto: She's always supported my dream!Sakura: She's sort of quiet, and always is very nice.Sasuke: Weak. Worthless.Asuma: She's generally very quiet, but I don't really know her much... Ino: She's sooo nice!Chouji: Who?Shikamaru: Barely knows you.Kurenai: Doesn't know youHinata: She's really nice, like an older sister to me...Kiba: I've never heard her complain. Or whine. Or shout.Shino: Barely knows youGai: HER YOUTHFULNESS NEEDS TO HAVE A BOOST!Lee: YOSH! SHE MUST BE MORE YOUTHFUL!Tenten: She's really nice and everything!Neji: She's one of the few people who are destined to be great. With these eyes, I have watched her, and she is the only one who really knows the pain of a caged bird.Iruka: The quietest student I've had besides Hinata.Orochimaru: Doesn't know youKabuto: Doesn't know you5th Hokage: She barely talks.Jiriya: Doesn't know you3rd Hokage: Very shy.Temari: She's so nice to us, even if we're from Sunagakure.Kankuro: A weakling.Gaara: Can I kill her? Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 12/03/06:
i really like this pic ^^
What Japense name are you?(Pictures and Translation)
Result Posted on 12/03/06:
i really like this pic ^^
Result Posted on 11/27/06:
now this result tells the truth about me. i AM a tomboy ^^ and im proud of it ;)
PICS!!!!Are you girly,tomboy or in between?
Result Posted on 11/24/06:
i like what i got for my result ^//^
What type of person is drawn to you? (Amazing anime pics!)
 Kind: You attract the widest range of people! You have probably found interest in this person because they love everything you do and they are supportive, nice, and brighten up anybody's day, much like yourself. You guys are obsessed and crazy for each other! You two are all about a romantic, nice, and easy going relationship where you can trust each other with everything. In the end you find yourself to be that dreamy couple that you could not have even asked for. You know you are soul mates from the beginning and you constantly attempt to make each other happy till the end. You get that satisfaction from everything in life and that is one of the many reasons they can not stop thinking about you! Just don't take it too easy on each other because then things can get ugly. Remember to stand your ground and know the difference between a want and need, and when somebody is using you. Don't take advantage of your partner and know where to draw the lines for yourself. This relationship is sure to never be forgotten, that is if it ever ends. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 11/23/06:
i think this result is kind of what i am in real life ^^ (i think ) lol.
What type of beautiful are you?
Result Posted on 11/12/06:
thats my personality! ^^
What Color Is Your Aura??? (7 breath-taking results!!!)
 Orange is the color of an…orange. You’re sarcastic, funny, childish, and tend to talk before you think. Confident and out-going, you seem to fit in with most people. You like bringing fun to people’s lives, and beneath that childish-self, you’re self-sarcraficing. You want the people around you to be happy, and you put your need’s last. People see you as a person who’s a little foolish, but extremely fun to hang with, but some people might just wish you would go away. You seek for happiness in others, and just pure fun!Famous Orange-Aura: Ashton KutcherMost Compatible With: Orange-Aura, Red-AuraLeast Compatible With: Green-AuraQuote:“Don’t ask what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” --John F. Kennedy At Your Best:Confident, funny and self-sacraficing At Your Worst: Selfish, annoying and hurtful Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 11/12/06:
i like the result i had got ^^
What do Naruto Characters Think of you? Girls only
 Naruto:Thinks your StrongSasuke:Wants to fight youSakura:Hates you periodIno:Wants to be like youChoji:Doesn't like you cause you don't share your foodShikamaru:Thinks your just...TroublesomeNeji: Can't get enough of youLee: Adores your beautyTenten:Takes Lee instead and loves to talk boys with you Kiba: Thinks your rudeShino: Thinks you need to think about what you say before you say it but your nice enoughHinata:Is glad you make Neji happyGaara:Wants you for himselfTemari: Loves to hang out with you cause you have a lot in commomKankuro:Feels left out cause he knows nothing about youKakashi:Thinks of you as a daughterGai: thinks you and Neji are full of "youth"Kurenai: Is glad to know you Asuma: Thinks you make Ino "more" bossy than she isTsunade: Thinks you'll be a great NinjaYour Boyfriend:NejiYour Best Friends:Tenten and Temari Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 11/10/06:
i absolutly LUV this pic XD
what dark pic are you? 43 DIFFERENT RESULTS
Result Posted on 11/10/06:
i LUV this pic! ^^
what dark pic are you? 43 DIFFERENT RESULTS
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