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Waukesha, WI
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Actually passed 9th grade, working on 10th...
Anime Fan Since
You mean I wasn't at some point?!...scary thought...
Favorite Anime
FLCL, Gundam Wing, .hack//SIGN
To get my basic website layout working, to complete my website, to create the mythical perfect adventure in OB.
Working on my website, playing Diablo II, writing stuff on OB
Videogames, drawing, web coding
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Friday, April 22, 2005
A miserable failure
Well, I think we can all see how far my little 'post-crusade' got me...So I give up, for now. Current Record: 2 days. Pitiful, isn't it? I know one of my friends got to the mid-eighties before missing one. That makes me feel special. And my dad yelled at me again yesterday for being late for my ride home from animé club. My life is great. Isn't my life great?
On the up-side, I just got news bcak from Kayla that the next post in .hack//TRUTH should be up on Sunday, if all goes well. This is a bit of a major personal boon to me. It's quite a massive project by now. I've got a few of my friends and family reading it, and I dare say it's built up a small fan-base on the boards. I'm not gonna go into speculation, though...
What else happened? Well, not much...algebra homework was cake, as usual. Not a whole ton happened in school, aside from me breaking my personal record for 'times falling asleep in class throughout the day'. New record: twelve (record set 4/21/05). I dusted off my old Yu-Gi-Oh! deck of cards to put some kids back in their place after they had claimed they could 'completely trash' my deck.
I haven't seen them around this morning...*laughs evilly*
the incurably fluffy-cute neko |
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Tuesday, April 19, 2005
RP vs. IRL...
Day 1...again.
Well, I decided it wouldn't really be fair if I included weekends in my post-crusade here, so I didn't include the weekends on the grounds that I NEVER have access to a computer on the weekends anymore. However, I don't really have a legitimate excuse for yesterday, so I guess we're back to square one when it comes to the day count. Boo-hoo...
A thought occurred to me yesterday, one that didn't startle me that much, but I guess just kinda...bugged me. I realized that most of what I do in real life can, in some way, be connected with the things I do as my roleplay character. Hence the title of today's post. Interesting, wouldn't you say? It lead me to believe that maybe, just maybe, I spend a bit too much time in my little animé fantasy world. Then I looked at the idea again after a moment, and said to myself na, that's impossible, ya moron. I'm glad I put me back in my place.
That being said, I'd like to move on to another thing I did yesterday: I went to Josh's house again. A fairly routine thing by now, as that's what I do every monday. We drew a bit, as well as trade some cards (you can be an animé fan and still like card games, right?), and Josh's dad made an amazing dinner, as usual.
That's pretty much all the new stuff for now...but I'll be back tomorrow, I promise!
the incurably fluffy-cute neko |
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Friday, April 15, 2005
Weekend Party!
Day 2
Alright, it's weekend time!!! That is, after I get out of school...but the point is, the school week's almost over, and that means time to have some normal, if admittedly abstract fun.
This weekend my step-brother is coming over, and he'll be bringing the Playstation 2 back, so I can finally play La Pucelle again. La Pucelle is a great game, I don't care what any of you think!...Okay, I'm sorry for that little outburst, there...but I'm just so happy It's easy to get really really excited over tiny things like that.
My friend that heads the Animé Club here at my school borrowed me her copy of Azu Manga Daioh! vol. 4, on the condition that I treated it like it was my child or something. I'm proud to say no harm has come to the book whatsoever under my care.
I'm planning on inviting my friend Josh over for the weekend so we can all play Dance Dance Revolution Extreme on the Playstation 2. Once again, an amazing game -.- . My favorite song on it is probably either 'A' by DJ Amuro, 'Love Love Sugar' by DJ Taka, or 'Pink Rose' by...someone...I forgot.
Oh, and there's an art contest at the Animé Club over the next few weeks, one that, if Jee-Soo (sorry I misspelled it earlier, Kirstie) is participating in, I have no hope of winning, but that's okay, I guess. Well, that's all the new stuff in my life today, see ya latter everyone!
the incurably fluffy-cute neko |
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Thursday, April 14, 2005
Hello, again, everyone! I've decided to do my best to update this little corner of MyOtaku every day, so I'm officially labelling this Day 1 of my post-crusade! Not much happening since the last post, but I did get grounded from the computer over at dad's...again.
That's okay, though, because neither MyOtaku nor the Boards are blocked here at school...yet. Which gives me plenty of time to work on my top-secret project: my own version of our school's animé club website. Not a word from you, Kirstie. -.- Be quiet, it's a secret.
Okay, I'm officially out of things to type up for now, sorry it's so short. Byes!
the incurably fluffy-cute neko |
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Wednesday, April 13, 2005
The Rebirth of Skeith's MyOtaku.
Yeah, that's right, I'm back, after the...erm...*looks at last post*...really long time I've been too lazy to update this place! I think it's kinda funny that I've been gone so long...but I won't go into that right now. The point is I'm back, and there's not a damn thing any of you can do about it. So there.
Way too much has been happening in my life since I last posted, so I'll just go over the really important parts:
1.) January 14, My Birthday
2.) Learned the joys of Roleplaying online (ridiculously fun)
3.) Got banned from chatrooms (again)
4.) Joined animé club (but that was a while ago)
That's...erm...just about it for now, except I have one more thing to say:
the incurably fluffy-cute neko |
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Thursday, November 4, 2004
*crying crying crying*
Ugh...yeah, so anyways, I haven't been feeling very good lately. It's not any of you guys' fault, of course, but I've decided to put up my complaints here, so deal with it.
Okay, first on the list: My step-father. He's been even more of a jackass than usual, and that's saying a lot. On Tuesday, I had my friend Grant over, and naturally McDonald's was on the dinner menu. Okay, for those of you that don't know me very well, there's something fundamentally wrong with that. I've hated McDonald's with a burning passion ever since the fourth grade, and it was part of the reason I had my midlife-crisis a couple decades early. So after we get home, me and Grant go down to the basement immediately to play all these card games we like to play (i.e. Magic, Yu-Gi-oh!, Warlord, and yes, Pokemon-hey, shut up, I'm a card freak too!). Grant finished finally finished his McNugget Happy meal after about a half hour (I had finished much earlier, when I had put my cheeseburger down the toilet <.< >.>)
Magic got boring real fast because he wouldn't stop using his 'ninja frogs' deck (which is basically one of those 'affinity' decks, only with more frogs). Yu-Gi-Oh! got boring even faster because I wouldn't stop playing my 'vaccuum cleaner' deck, which won me fourteen tournaments before I more-or-less dropped out of collecting Yu-Gi-Oh! cards. Warlord...well, I'm not even gonna go there. And Pokemon wasn't much fun because I couldn't get him to trade me some Eevees for my 'ultra-cute chibi deck of doom' deck (I have all five evolutions of Eevee, but no Eevees to go with them *boo-hoo*). *cries*
Then my stepdad Larry comes down, yells at me for flushing a cheeseburger down the toilet and BURNS my Lugia, Umbreon, and two of my Ancient Mews right in front of me. Even worse, he did it with MY tye-dye Zippo, and then threw my favorite Zippo away because he said 'I shouldn't have stuff that dangerous'. Well, gee, thanks, Larry, I love you too. Asshole.
And yesterday, to make matters worse, I caught the COMMON COLD! Honestly, what's that all about?! I had three tests to take yesterday! It's like allof a sudden I've been given the finger by all the gods I don't worship because I'm Atheist. So, Because I was sick yesterday, not only did I miss three tests (two days before quarter grades close, I might add), but I also couldn't come here on the Otaku because mom's computer is a piece-of-$*@& Dell that can't even run NOTEPAD!
Well, even if I've been having what's got to be just about the worst week of my recent memory, I'm trying very hard to stay my good-natured, happy self. So here goes:
1.) To my non-internet friends Grant and Josh: I wuv you!
2.) To everyone else in the world (except for Larry): I wuv you!
3.) And to everyone here on the Otaku, reading this right now: I wuv you even more than all the previously mentioned on this list!
the incurably fluffy-cute neko
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Monday, November 1, 2004
Yes, another Halloween has just come to pass...very, very quickly, I might add. Unfortunately, the very last of my energy has gone with it. See, over the course of my lengthy weekend (school was closed Thursday and Friday), me and my friend Josh commenced in a sleepover-extravaganza that spanned the course of the entire weekend, and involved both me going to his house and him coming to my house.
Of course, this sort of sleeping-over took place entirely without the "sleep" part. Think along the lines of maybe two hours of sleep a day.
Then came Halloween on Sunday. Good god, it was rough. I hadn't been able to grab a costume cute enough for me, so I had to go as a wierd...reaper...devil...thing. It was a really rough fit, because it wasn't mine, and I looked terrible! I even scared myself when I looked in the mirror.
Even though my costume creeped me out (and I mean like 'scared it might bite me' creeped out), I ended up tricking-and-treating until well after nine-thirty (which is my weekend bedtime), and by the time I got home, I was so tired I literally fell through the door and had to be dragged to my room by my step-dad. At this time, I realized that the teachers, in all their mean-evilness, had assigned a crazy ammount of homework over the holidays that I had completely blown off for Josh. I ended up doing homework until roughly twelve-thirty. There's probably a moral in that somewhere, but I don't have the energy left to figure out what it is.
I got lots of candy though! (too bad I don't eat a lot of candy and my sister's already gone through half of it...) Happy day-after-Halloween everyone! Hope school doesn't get you down as much as it does me!
the incurably fluffy cute neko
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Saturday, October 9, 2004
Massive website overhaul!!!
I've been spending about 17 hours on my computer, perfecting the layout of my personal website. It's cuteness factor has increased by 37%, it's coolness factor by 48%, and it's aesthetic factor by an astounding 79%!!!
The only downside is that I still can't show all of you out there! Grrr! It's all on my Notepad here on my computer, waiting for me to find a good website host and enough money to support it...well, I guess it'll be up sometime soon...which will give me even more time to refine the website! I'm gonna go work on it right now! Bye! =^.^=
the incurably fluffy cute neko
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Yay! My first update!
Well, I don't have the attention span to make a really long pos-...hey, is that a butterfly...? How cute!, I just took my personality test (in the quiz section), and I couldn't've come up with a more delightful outcome! I'm a... What Personality Do You Have?
Woo-hoo! The Otaku knows me sooo well! I love you all! Buh-bye for now!
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