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myOtaku.com: Skeleton Summoner

Welcome to my quiz results page. This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken. 10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.

Result Posted on 06/16/05:
Yeah, I believe that's me...

You are a dark girl. You have a really quiet and
really a i dont' care attitude. You like to be
alone and that is what you enjoy. You don't
like to be around others and you'd rather be
away from here. You have a get away from me
look and others find you bitchy and
self-rigious. You'd rather read than be at a
fair but that's ok because that's who you are.

Who are you inside????? (LOTS OF RESULTS)girls only
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Result Posted on 06/16/05:
I love that song...I felt exactly like that-plus it remines me of Faust.

Even in Death
Your Evanescence song is: Even in Death
You had it all, a happy life with a person whom
you loved very much. But then he/she died and
left you alone, or so it seems. Whether it is
your own imagination or the ghost of your
lover, you two still meet. But others don't
understand this and you feel your loved one
needs you. Your human life does not seem
important for you anymore, and you might be
thinking of suicide.
They don't know you can't leave me
They don't hear you singing to me

What Evanescence song are you?[many outcomes + wonderful pictures]
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Result Posted on 06/16/05:
I really need that? I guess I do...I'm very unsure of myself.

You need guidance.
You have become very confused in your life
right now and are unable to make decisions that
pleases you. You may resort to drastic measures
as harming yourself, but the situation doesn't
seem to get any better by whatever method you
are using for now. There is a pain inside
because of this and you feel helpless in your
life, thinking you will never find your way
back. But even though the path may seem dark
you still try to find yourself, which means
your inner battle is not over.

What Do You Need in Your Life? [dark pics]
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Result Posted on 06/16/05:
Dead? I'm dead or am I the undead?

You are dead inside and don't experience sadness
that often

Why are you sad? [amazing pictures] For darker people
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Result Posted on 06/16/05:
Fire...fire...*goes back to watching a candle flame*

Fire element
Your element is Fire. Like fire, you have a hot
temper and you can be warm and loving as well
and angry and wild. It all really comes down to
what you are feeling. You have a lot of close
friends who you are very protective over, and
with your temper probably some enemies too. You
are not Miss Popular in school since you are
your own person and don't want to be forced
into behaving this or that way. You are the
untamed wild horse, the kind that everyone
wants to catch. But you don't want to be tied
down for the moment and just keep going with
your little crushes. Your will is strong and if
you set your mind to do something, you will
most likely succeed. But beware, your friends
may not always accept your mood-swinging
behaviour. Even if you don't mean to be mean,
they can still feel hurt. You just need to
start thinking some things through before you
do them, and not always jump in with so much
courage. One day you may be hurt because of
that, but then again, your element isn't fire
if you start to analyse situations before you
act. After all, your nature is to shoot first
and ask the questions later. Rate and message!

What is your element? [with pics + 7 outcomes + detailed answeres!]
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Result Posted on 06/16/05:

You are a necromancer. You are dark and dangerous,
possibly homicidal. You love to torment others
and bring pain to the world. Love sickens you,
youd rather see death and destruction any day.
You use your dark magic to bring monsters to
this world and slowly torture whomever stands
in your way.

What Kind of Spell Caster are You? (anime pictures)
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Result Posted on 06/16/05:
AwWw, I'm so lucky. I scare people plus I got something with Faust in it!

Faust X Eliza
You are the tragic couple that consists of Faust
VIII and his deceased wife, Eliza. Your love
may be here and gone in a flash, so make sure
you are always watching out for them.

You're a happy couple, and you are so in love with
your mate that you would do anything for them,
even conquer death. You are a tad crazy when it
comes to this person, though, and anyone who
insults your love will pay ever so dearly.

If your love happens to get away, do not go insane.
You could scare others.

What Shaman King Couple Are You?
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Result Posted on 06/16/05:
Hao's team? *thinks* SWEET!! Wait-I'm agianst Faust-oh well I'll ask Hao-sama to keep him alive!

You belong to Hao's team
If you took part in the Shaman Fight, you'd join
HAO'S TEAM! You'd probably feel attracted to this mysterious
and cute boy who wants to create a world ruled
by shamans only, and you'd give your loyalty to

What is your Shaman Fight team? (Shaman King)
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Result Posted on 06/16/05:
I'm really dead? Really? Interasting...

Dead soul
Your soul is dead.
You've probably been through one too many rough
times in your life which has eaten you up from
the inside. Now there's nothing more to eat
from since you just don't care anymore. Life is
meaningless and you live it like a zombie. The
good thing though is that you cant be hurt,
since you are so distant from the emotional
world. Love is something you dont understand or
just dont remember. If it was up to you, your
life would already be over, but it doesn't make
you suicidal. You are probably alone most of
the time, looking at the world with a blank
stare. The yearning to feel alive and be happy
has simply gone away. What's left now is only
the shell of what used to be you.

How is your soul?(pics)
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Result Posted on 06/16/05:
Cool, I love fire and spirit. Lucky me...

~*~Result nr 9~*~

Your power is: Being a controller of an

Explanation: Wether it is earth, fire,
air or water or even all of them, you can
control that element. That means you can
manipulate their pysichal form and with just
thoughts and make an inferno for example. In
good purposes it can be used to protect but in
evil purposes it is used to hurt.
As a person you are slightly 'odd'. People see
you as different and probably has prejudices
against you. They see you as 'weird' or the
'freak', and either that hurts really much or
you chose to ignore it. You keep your hatred
for people inside and probably daydream about
killing them, which gives you satisfaction.
Truth is you are not evil, only missunderstood
and mistreated.
Negative aspects: Since you have deep
problems inside you could get into some sort of
mental illness or simply get depressed (if you
aren't already).

What Power is Compatible With You?
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