AIM Faust VIII Fan E-mail Click Here Website Click Here Yahoo! Messenger Girl_Hao
Birthday 1990-09-20 Gender
Female Location P.A., U.S.A. Member Since 2004-12-13 Occupation Student Real Name Alicia
Anime Fan Since I was really young Favorite Anime Shaman King Goals Don't know Hobbies Drawing, reading, silence... Talents Drawing, hurting myself while walking (^_^') Skeleton Summoner
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 07/16/05:
Mint? Useally I get Pudding or Zakuro.
Result Posted on 07/16/05:
I thought I would get that...
You are Faust VIII. You are...insane. Gorgeous but necropheliac, the loss of your true love drove you irretrievably into the realm of madness. This means you are very cool. And scary.
Result Posted on 07/13/05:
Hm, who doesn't dream about Magic and stuff like that?
You dream about magic! You love to daydream and hate the modern world. You constantly find yourself wishing that the world had more adventure and excitement.
Result Posted on 07/10/05:
I like cats, they're pretty cool.
CAT! Meow... Elegant,with an own will. Cats are cool and they are independent. When they want to cuddle they come and if you want to, and the kitty won't, it will show you her claws.