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Floating around space
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Insomniac, paranist, etc.
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The spelling of my name is detrimental to the pronunciation. And vice versa.
Existing! i w00t!
Anime Fan Since
I can't remember what happened yesterday... all i know is I was an anime fan before that.
Favorite Anime
Um... Hellsing.
Having the patience to get through 9th grade.
Trying to make a guitar
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Thursday, June 16, 2005
My little brother just brought his school journal home, and its rather mean about me. It says I punch and kick him while I am the one getting punched. I would gladly leave him alone and not bother him, but he just walks up to me and pretends to be a rapper and starts punching at me. Jackass.
Sometimes I feel like screaming something completely random at him such as:

Yes. This is what I secretly feel like screaming at people. Either that or
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Monday, June 13, 2005
I'm so bored...
Nobody else in my grade is at home, I'm all alone and yeah... so I'm in the heat of my room/house and can't go swimming because it would be weird to bike past the school to get to the town pond while school is going on.
Anyway, I got a new email address, its far more anonymous than the address my mom made me, or my school address, so it'll now be the e-mail of doomish doom.
Doomish doom, doomish doom, doomish doom...
At our town's fun fair I just hung out with a few kids in my grade and ate a lot of sugar, I ended up predicting the apocalypse, and therefore suggested that people buy swedeish fish to protect themselves.
Then when I was dragged to go shopping I was trying to figure out what video game system I would want most, and it's really hard if you want DDR, Halo, and Legend of Zelda. Someone should really make an all encompassing system that might cause some people to rejoice and some other people to beat themselves over the head ^^;
Alright, I said whatever I was planning to say, time to go play video games some more ^^
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Tuesday, June 7, 2005
Wihdrawal symptoms maybe?
I was writing down my train of thought during history/spanish and now I think this may be some sort of withdrawal symptom from not blogging... Am I a blogaddict? Anyway, here's what I wrote:
"No clean locker=no ice cream... so where's the bloody motivation? Iffin it were Hagen-Das ice cream I would care, so what is the point of trying.
Iffin I didn't go to six flags, didn't eat a hoodsie at the crappy party, what makes you think I'll want cheap ice cream with sub par toppings?
Well iffin it doesn't matter to me, I'll just work on cleaning and not care a bit. And so what if I'm the only person that doesn't care? I don't even care if nobody cares.
I love my messy handwriting!
So... I find myself facing 6 hours with no way of talking to my friends. And I wonder: Do I really care? Iffin I have time to myself to to read + a nice freezie thing... What does it matter to me? Besides I just got all 7 volumes of JTHM, 3 volumes of Hellsing, 3 volumes of Hikaru no Go, 3 volumes of Kenshin, 1 volume of FLCL with the rest on DVD, 2 volumes of Trigun, and 1 volume of FullMetal Alchemist... this should be an interesting monday...
Also contrary to popular belief (or unpopular belief):
I can really only mimic... so I can sing something I've heard many times.
The "I LOVE TO DRAW CHIBI'S" took up 13 lines... I wrote that too big, but wanted to use up space.
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I had soda come out of my nose... it hurt.
I was drinking a soda and my friend sadi something about a relay race where people had blenders on their heads, and I was drinking right then and it came out of my nose... but she didn't notice that I was snorting and crying a little because soda hurts when it comes out your nose.
Anyway, I had to say that.
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Repent! Repent! Floss often!
You know the world is ending when you recieve mail sent tomorrow. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?
And a cookie if you know where I got the title.
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Sunday, June 5, 2005
Need. Sleep. Now.
I didn't get to sleep last night! I was reading Hellsing and FullMetal Alchemist. And then at 4am I went on the computer until 6 then went to sleep for two hours when my friend called me, then I fell asleep again, then I woke up wondering if my friend called me.
Anyway, I have two major papers due tomorrow which I hardly started... oh well, bye everybody!
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Thursday, June 2, 2005
I need a set of priorities.
It's 9:00 and I've been spending the last half-hour listening to Green Day and reading Hellsing Manga. And I haven't started my homework in all of this.
Oh well. My life is messing up my mind, not that it wasn't messed up before. Just moreso.
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Wednesday, June 1, 2005
Why do people vanish?
I was going to invite a friend over, but at the end of the day, she vanished, and I've been calling her for hours. Its so dull at my house too since most of my friends can't come over.
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Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Not much to say, but has there ever been?
I survived another day. Big deal, it was just another day spent at school which attempts to teach us, but most things just bore me. I mean if we finish our acedemics before the end of the day, can we just leave? No. We have to stay and get tortured by the evil class of Physical Education. I already know I can't play badminton, can we get that over with?
Anyway, life was as dull as usual, school, computer, homework, dodging homework by updating (^^;) and then finishing homework, and sleeping after trying to sleep for atleast an hour.
My life is trying to kill me. I haven't had enough sleep and I have three papers due soon, then finals... for school, then I have to figure out what "dressy summer casual" means before june 20th. Does anyone want to help me out on this point?
And I finally heard the song American Idiot, my brother heard it before me, but didn't have the attention span to let me listen to listen to it. It was on his little kiddie football game. I want that CD.
Oh yeah, I just remembered I had a weird dream: I was in this weird icy place and I was talking to a penguin which looks like a stuffed penguin in my room. So anyway, the penguin asks me why I hate life. And so I explain to him and he starts urging me to kill everyone. But very subtley. And the penguin had a british accent. Then I broke through the ice to the city below and started killing people with a penguin. I think I need to stop eating spicy food.
Oh well then, I guess taht was a lot to say, but the funny thing is: it didn't seem like much at first. In fact it can all be summed up as SNAFU.
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Monday, May 30, 2005
Red Geraniums
I have to do a literary analysis of To Kill a Mockingbird and I decided to show how flowers/plants represent people, and I just noticed a great place to make one of my many obscure anime references. Red geraniums belong to a person determined to rise above their social standing. I wonder if I have to cite the source of the quote...
Anywho, aside from an english teacher who's out for my blood, life isn't all that interesting, save for the fact I get to skip school Monday the 13th. I think that's the day, but I wonder if I could convince my friend to come over and have a video game tournament? She's just discovered Soul Calibur...
Anyway, I have to get cracking on my homework that I put off til way too late. Bye!
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