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Floating around space
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Insomniac, paranist, etc.
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The spelling of my name is detrimental to the pronunciation. And vice versa.
Existing! i w00t!
Anime Fan Since
I can't remember what happened yesterday... all i know is I was an anime fan before that.
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Um... Hellsing.
Having the patience to get through 9th grade.
Trying to make a guitar
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Friday, April 15, 2005
To sum things up: SNAFU
That explains how I feel right now. And if you don't get it, you probably shouldn't talk to me for extended periods of time.
If you have one. My schedule was killing me, such as I had to skip dinner and breakfast for two days. Plus I had concerts which means I'm so nervous I couldn't eat if I wanted to and had to do my homework in the morning.
My arms are thawing and it feels weird.
Now If you'll excuse me the world is still spinning so I have to bury my face in my pillow and hope that helps.
... (several minutes later)
Sorry, that was my train of thought at the moment. I was playing with my little brother and spinning around way too much. So yeah. BYE!!!
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Wednesday, April 13, 2005
I am gonna kill him!
Today was a bad day. To start I had a danish for lunch and breakfast. And that was about it for the day. Nextly I had drama and we were kicked out of the auditorium. Furthermore I had a dentist appointment and a pimple on my chin and when the dentist made me open my mouth really wide it hurt. Then when I got home I just had time to change clothes before I had to leave for a concert. And then after thorough confusion and a consipcuous lack of fedoras (I need to check the spelling on that, its a type of hat by the way) some jerk took my mouthpiece and dropped it into the bell of his tenor sax. I was going to fish it out, but then he dropped it on the floor and cracked the plastic (I play alto sax so that's why its plastic). This was right before we were going to go on stage, so I had to steal someone elses ( I hope it wasn't diseased *shudder*) And then someone crushed my ligature. Damn them whoever they are!
On the plus side: that jerk got multiple death threats.
In related news: I have started the cult of the miraculous reed. All must bow down. It survived the fall my mouthpiece did not.
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Friday, April 8, 2005
I have a website!
Alright, I just figured how to make a website using microsoft publisher a) because I'm freakin' lazy and b) I'm enemies with trellix or whatever that program is called. So don't expect me to be anywhere for a while. In other words I've outlined a plan for world domination. Mostly. And then I can destroy clocks and creat a loose time schedule based on where the sun is.
And now for an odd story.
Today while I was at drama we were in the wings and found a three liter bottle of cola. Anywho we also found glasses from the 2001 prom and decided to drink some. So if our test subject isn't it school monday, then we'll know not to drink any more of it. But still. Why was it there along with the glasses?
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Wednesday, April 6, 2005
Separation of Church and State?
WHen I got to school this morning I noticed that the flag was at half mast. And my mom explained it was because the Pope was dead. So, why would we have theflag at a school at half mast if the Pope died? Or did someone else die recently and was overshadowed by the Pope?
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Saturday, April 2, 2005
I look like I tried to slit my wrists with a washable marker...
Why are washable markers called washable? They are not washable. I’ve been trying to get this marker line off me all day, and it’s mostly off. I even tried dish soap (that’s soap for washing dishes in the sink, not dishwasher stuff). Oh well. The mark is probably just hard get off because it’s on the underside of my wrist. I mean, what is with that? My mom has the theory that it’s a band thing, but I think they’re trying to find were-wolves.
In slightly related news I went to the MICCA festival today and got a black washable(?) marker line on the underside of my wrist and a bronze award for the school. It’s a bit of an interesting story how we actually found out what award we got, because we were going to play and leave, but our director forgot his jacket and when he went to get his jacket they gave him the award. He was almost screaming at us in chorus, because they might cut our music program leaving him without a job. So what started as a please-don’t-bring-a-screw-driver-into-class-to-unscrew-the-brackets-on-the-back-of-the-music-stands rant turned into a you-don’t-appreciate-me-even-though-you-can’t-vote-to-keep-our-band-program-I’m-going-to-shout-at-you rant. And then in all irony our chorus director tells us to sit down and think about what he said, and half the class still has to stand because we aren’t in the seats, so therefore cannot sit, and cannot unscrew the stands that are in the rows of chairs.
Anywho, for this morning my dad woke me up at 5:45 after I got to sleep way too late. And he fed me tiny muffins for breakfast and forgot to give me lunch money. So I was running off 3 minuscule muffins and a mug of coffee for about 7 hours. Ah well, my dream was getting monotonous anyway. Everybody kept saying the same thing, which was so incredibly obvious. I had been dreaming about our lawn and how badly kept it is, we don’t mow for months during the summer/spring/early fall, and it had become a jungle, the odd thing is after we cleaned up our lawn and it looked like one of those “model lawns” with all the garden stuff, and really green grass, ours is usually yellowy green and our garden is overrun by poison ivy, my mom kept saying “We’ll never go back to having that jungle for a lawn” which is weird, because I think most people related to me are pretty lazy. But seriously my mom sounded like an NPC in a game.
~The Caffiene Powered Skiaska
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Monday, March 28, 2005
Its raining, its pouring, my house is freakin' boring.
Alright, have you ever spent a (three day) weekend playing pointless side quests in video games? It can get really tiresome after a while. And now I'm attempting to make a site, but its actually rather difficult (seeing as no one in my house knows anything about hosting) oh well, if I get it up then maybe I'll post a link, you never know really.
Its been raining all day and my mom is trying to clean the living room. While I was "cleaning" I found some home made DVD's of when I had to do a video project on Greek Myths. Very funny stuff there.
~The bored one, Skiaska
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Sunday, March 27, 2005

This is the most current picture of me. Pretty sad isn't it?
~The very cute as a baby Skiaska
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Insert Witty Title here----> (II)
Its easter, and quite frankly easter confuses me. I have a fairly good idea of why easter is a holiday, but what a rabbit has to do with the reason easter is a holiday escapes me. Plus why would a rabbit have anything to with eggs? I just don't get it! Why a rabbit? And why eggs? Its makes no sense to me, unless there's some sort of connection to a person coming back from the dead and a rabbit delivering eggs. And if there is please tell me what it is. Ah well, this is the first year we haven't hid eggs, but my mom bought my brother and I a lot of candy to make up for it. By the way, what's with easter and chocolate? Egg does not make me think chocolate. Neither does rabbit. Or coming back from the dead. I wonder what a rabbit would taste like anyway?
Geez, now I'm hungry.
~The hungry and fairly confused Skiaska
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Thursday, March 24, 2005
Just a little rant
I have a cold! yay! I've missed 2 days of school and have a half day tomorrow. And then I'd have a six day weekend of sorts, onlyn I would be sick for most of it. To top it all off, my very loud cousin is at my house. He shouts even when he's talking to himself. And because of that I can't sleep and dream that I'm a ninja trying to steal a pickle, or that I was at an person's house too long and now my family is dressed up like vikings and will storm their house. Oh well, I don't particularly like my cousin, or his mom. Namely because my cousin lives off of Chicken Nuggets (Or "Assorted Chicken Pieces" as I call them) and claims that its a good thing if he eats said chicken parts because he's eating protien.
I hate those chicken pieces, namely because you don't expect part of the chicken to be cartalige... um... you know, that stuff your nose is made of? I can't spell. Anywho, I once had to take a five hour car trip with him, in which he was talking to himself, and because I only like fast food pie (I've had bad experiences with most of the other food when I was little) I get accused of just eating junk food. The irony of it all. Oh well, my cousin, the same one I've been ranting about, almost got run over by a bus. Really. We were walking to pick up my little brother, and the driveway of the school is a half circle and he just started walking straight across it, and there was a bus coming, I pulled him back onto the side walk, but its weird, because the buses aren't entirely quiet, and we were shouting for him to come back. He is so stupid. And he might even move onto my block. Which would still be kinda far away, namely beacause its over two miles to get around our block, but we'd see him even less! If this doesn't make sense, think about this: He lives in Florida, so when he comes over to my house he stays for a while, but if he moved closer, we'd only see eachother when we see eachother, and if he moved close I could ignore him, not go over to his house etc. HURRAH FOR FAULTY LOGIC!
Ok, sorry about the long rant, but yeah, I have no excuse.
~The Fairly Insane Skiaska
P.S. Its now my misson to download all of the Wind Waker OST on dial-up. Damn you internet connection.
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Sunday, March 20, 2005
I'm back!
My brother knows how to say "fuck" in chinese, and won't tell me... oh well, its strange that a seven year old would know the word "fuck", especially in chinese.
~The fairly suprised Skiaska
P.S. anyone feel like telling me how to say "fuck" in chinese?
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