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The spelling of my name is detrimental to the pronunciation. And vice versa.
Existing! i w00t!
Anime Fan Since
I can't remember what happened yesterday... all i know is I was an anime fan before that.
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Um... Hellsing.
Having the patience to get through 9th grade.
Trying to make a guitar
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Thursday, June 22, 2006
Good thing that's over...
Yay, I'm done with exams, and just one day of school before summer. Today I slept til about noon. Then I mopped the kitchen floor and watched a movie...
Tomorrow is the last day of school, w00t!!!!!
exams went well.. nothing much to report, history was easy, and not too much pressure because each question was worth a third of a point. the only bad one was science. (no kidding) and i got a bit of a fever before the math one. My dad made a huge deal about the art final. Jerk. But the teacher said it was completely fine.
Speaking of my dad making a big deal of things. I had to do a stupid alcohol informational survey. It was 25% of my gym final on a have you or have you not done it basis. I did it the other day and my dad was asking me if it was going to be grade. And I was telling him it was a lot of confidential bullshit. Really. How could someone grade a survey anyway. And then he told me that "every time i say something isn't going to be graded it is." So yeah. I don't know what he's thinking about, but as an "apology" for overreacting he said that "You're probably taking after me in calling things you don't like stupid, so I'm going to stop, and you should to." And it really was stupid because the site doesn't work, it shows slides a mile a minute and then tests you on them. But the informations on them is obvious, "All alcoholic drinks contain the same drug: Alcohol" This one gave a good laugh.
So yeah. He's going to tell me how much I'm failing life when i get a report card with B+'s on it. Maybe 1 B if i'm unlucky. But I am in all honors class next year.
And teachers wonder why I panic about bad grades...
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Sunday, June 18, 2006
One last post before the finals... probably
I know I said I'd probably vanish, but i'm back for one last post before thursday, which i have off of school, but friday is the last day. So..
On friday was the town fun fair. It's gotten so stingey and money grubbing. Tsk tsk... bad town, bad. No cookies. And it got moved to a different field than normal because we were building a library right between the two normal fields... so i was there for a while, trying desprately to avoid being there, so i took a walk around the outside of the school and ran into Andrew, who had prettymuch been there since atleast an hour ago. Although he had gone to the library. Then i ate free cotton candy because it was flying through the air... that was fun. Then I went home and got ready for a dance that was friday... that was fun, it was only our grade. So there was the preppy people in summer dresses. And then there was the other people, not too many colors... and a bit too much pop. Damn these people and their pop music. Yay, I have a picture of me and the dress i wore... it's not a very great picture in my opinion...

but anyway. Yeah. I spent most of my day putting the contents of 2 dressers into 1 dresser, a closet, and a trashbag. Why does my grandmother not realize that I loathe pink? WHY? And er.. that's about it. My finals are:
Monday- Science & Math
Tuesday- English & Art
Wednesday- History & Spanish
Thursday- None!!! (I don't have to go to school but most do!)
Friday- Last day of school- None.
So yeah. See ya later. Shrewsbury is a really sketchy looking place. But that's where all my mail goes. I can sleep through music with screaming, but not japanese techno, and my science teacher beat the superintendent at DDR. Yes he did! The superintendent almost played against me... that was scary. DDR is fun. YAY. Be around in the morning when I'm awake.
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Monday, June 12, 2006
I'm going to be disappearing for a week or so...
Oh my God! Finals! Not this week, but next... FUN!!! Especially my art final: draw a sound. What sound? Vandae said try your favorite song, and since it's Headfirst for Halos... angry pointy drawing? I have no idea. If anyone can thing of some sort of good sound to visual illustration, I'm incredibly bad at them.
So, now the teachers are cramming in last minute projects, one is on texas hold 'em. I was trying to do some work on it in study hall because i've got cards, but I had to put them away because there is "no playing cards in the study hall" Ok, fine. I was organizing them by playing kings clock. And of course they offer magazines. Hell yeah I'd rather be reading seventeen or some such bullshit. (end sarcasm)
For science we're doing pinhole cameras. so we got extra credit for bringing in shoeboxes. I go to pick mine up and find that *someone* has done a rather crude, rather rude drawing on mine. And I know it's a guy. A very stupid one too. I mean, why do they have to be so vulgar? Do they think they're witty? So i had to look for a new shoebox at home today because Mr. Menin decides to spring a project upon us all of a sudden that involves conjuring boxes from mid-air. Fortunately I found another box because we have these neat fold up boxes at home...
hm. whatelse? I'm getting a pool. It's going to be round. That's going to be sooo fun. Not like the pond. That makes my mom itchy and the fish congregate around my feet. Speaking of which i hate bathing suits. Really. They're either too big or too small, and just the right shape so both are quite a problem. Then there's finding a good one that isn't a bikini etc. Blah. Well, i suppose I should go do my homework... be around later.
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Thursday, June 8, 2006
Hello everyone, i've got a nice long rant for you all today.
Ok, so i said i'd post tomorrow, several days ago... and i didn't, so now i'm back *yay* and still asking the question: What's small, light, fluffy, nocturnal, and tastes salty? Because i may have eaten one in my sleep. Strange dreams, yep.
So i've also had several reeeaaally weeeiirrd dreams. The first being that I somehow managed to use my ninja skills that i suddenly aquired, to sneak into the sterelized room of the OCD's fast food restaurant. And so I spent the whole dream running around, touching things, causing panic, and eating nice fluffy french fries. That was a nice dream.
Then I had a dream I can't remember.
Last night I dreamed that I was in a crew shell in Spain, and we were going to row to Cuba, which in this case was a little over 1500 meters. I think. But the shell sank, I dunno why, and so we had to swim the rest of the way, and we were really close and a GIANT OCTOPUS which looked suspiciously like a pink and purple octopus squeaky toy, attacked so we hid underwater. Then it turned into a really bad dream because it stole my mom T.T so i woke up at 4am and refused to go back to sleep. So i've been nearly falling asleep all day. Damn. I'll have to go back to sleep sometime...
Soo... school's a bore. I had a band test this morning, on things we haven't learned. Oh well. What's a 3rd interval? Anyone know?
Tomorrow is my brother's birthday. Yay! Happy birthday Charles! just 4 more years until he can become a blogger and truly enjoy the internet.
Hm. I was going to say something more... I got sheet music for Yakety Sax so i'm going to start practicing that. Oh yeah, the other day I had a sign on my locker that read something along the lines of, "GOOOOO LYDIA! RUN YOUR BUTT OFF! THROW A PR! (etc.)" My name is not Lydia, I do not know who Lydia is. And this isn't the first time someone called me Lydia and told me to throw a PR. What's a PR anyway??? Well, the sign never reached Lydia, whoever they are. It got thrown in the trash by the custodians 2 days later, after having been moved two lockers down, and thrown on the floor...
So um.. That all i can think of. I'm falling asleep right now and should probably go do my homework...
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Tuesday, June 6, 2006
What's fluffy, small and tastes salty?
I really need to know because i think i may have sleep-ate one last night.
I won't be getting around to sites, longer post tomorrow. thanks for stopping by.
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Tuesday, May 30, 2006
hey, i forgot something last post...
Soo.. i forgot to mention.. what. i had it a minute ago... oh right, i'm playing a crazy person in a little group skit thing. I'm a bit paranoid and schizoid. kind of like me! only without the borderline. and of course, since i'm the co-author/editor person of the script the crazy person resembles a character from a webcomic Squee! i get to be Kano!
My friend went to Boston Anime last weekend. They got a Tofu hat!! Today they let me wear the hat. And some huge sunglasses that made me look like corbain.. spiffy, no? so i'm wearing a tofu hat now! and it's all nice and 90 degrees outside and i'm wearing a winter hat!!! but it's adorable
i finished the chainmail for my other hand. i would have had it done earlier, but i didn't have art because of MCAS... and i've been drawing a purple jar thing on a table after i finished it...
An amigo of mine went to india for quite a while and got back today! and he returned bearing gifts! He gave me and some friends bracelets and some indian stickers. It's really cool and the bracelets are so nice and dangly off my wrists....... heh. they're kind of gold with black or whiteish "stones" on them. very indian looking.
The Weather
hey, it deserves it's own title. but it just decided to switch to 90 degrees and turn my room into an oven. i have 5 windows, 3 should open, but only one does. and i'm friggin sick of people complaining "oh, i've only got one air conditioner.." "I've just got air conditioning in my living room" STFU. I have no air conditioning at all. At 11:30 last night i went on the quest for the Fan That Is Nearly As Tall As I Am so my room could be a decent tempurature.. it doesn't work: I wake up freezing in the morning.
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Monday, May 29, 2006
it's 10:30 on a school night! w00t. i'm stupid.
soo... happy memorial day for the 1.5 more hours it's memorial day.. I went to go see the da vinci code today.. it was good. i think. it was ok actually, too prolonged...
lessee... yesterday I watched Steamboy, and my aunt was complaining about how it didn't end when she thought it would... bitch. not that the steam castle could explode in the middle of london, that would be horrible. but honestly (in reference to previous paragraph) do we really need that much dramatic music and turning viewpoints?
i played the first game of pickle of the season on su-saturday.. it was fun. it's a really pointless game that involves running from one tree to another while trying not to get hit by a tennis ball that "it" is throwing, three hits by one it makes you it.. but the trees are safe. fun game. it sort of snowballs tho, so it can get rough. I was playing with a friend that's a few years younger who just so happened to be at the pond. he's nice, likes music.
and i keep forgetting to say, even thought i said i'd say it, if you would be so kind as to stop by Vandae's site, then she won't feel lonley when almare and i don't visit sites.
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Thursday, May 25, 2006
Well hello there...
Soo... i had the first of 2 sessions of mind numbing MCAS. You can't even write anything after them. That includes doodling. So i spent study doodling for spanish because i had to figure out a picture for "Come tus legumbres" (eat your vegetables) I copied a picture of Squee, Vandae helped a lot. Tomorrow I'm going to have a friend over. We're going to play Majoras Mask and watch the nightmare before christmas... It's funny, but i've been trying for weeks to call someone and get them to come over for a visit and every time it fails horribly i feel really (think suicidally) depressed.....
Soo... what else? Everyone's been sleepy today... and EVERYONE was talking about what happened yesterday. Looking at the weather it's going to be thunder and lightning tomorrow.
Oh. Has anyone had the sadistic "testing" that they do in gym where they make you run a mile? I've been trying to recruit people to walk with me and run the last leg as a fun run. But nooo. they all have to do good. it's like in elementary school, Presidential fitness is next to Godliness. Or something like that. God.
Today at lunch I ate ramen noodles with chopsticks. It's a pain to carry around the thermos for them, but it was fun...
my mom's going to give me a Whoopie Pie for snack tomorrow. And er... nothing else has happened. Ever. Except... nope. Nothing. Oh wait. I cannot stand the comercials for The Da Vinci Code, everyime i see them I feel compelled to scream MULLET MAN! at the tv... the haircut ruined it for me T.T
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Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Ok, I've just had a lot happen to me. And I was away because I didn't have that much time to post...
Soo... today, there was a chase, BY THE STATE POLICE after drug dealers, and they went into my town. Furthermore, I heard this IN PROGRESS ON THE POLICE RADIO! and one guy ran to the SCHOOL I HAD JUST LEFT AND LEFT HIS CLOTHING IN A BUSH IN THE CEMETARY which is right next to the school. The other guy is going to be really itchy because he ran THROUGH CONSERVATION LAND aka POISON IVY LAND on his way to THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL I HAD JUST BEEN SITTING OUTSIDE OF.
It was freaky because the elementary school had just gotten out. My mom and I were listening on a scanner the whole time and it was exciting, though we both laughed when it said a guy ran through conservation land.
Yesterday I was falling asleep. Nothing interesting happened.
All monday I was doing a killer history paper. Really. It's six pages long, not including bibliography, appendices, and works cited page. It's the longest paper I've ever done and i did it all in one day. Basically I rambled at great length about the space program and why it sucks.
On sunday I had states for crew (rowing) and so I had to get to the school at 5:30 because the boys coach wanted us to get up really early. My boat came in 3rd in the first heat, and fourth in the finals, so we're fourth in the state, out of 12 competing boats, but we beat another boat that wasn't in that race.. so we're fourth in the state.
I could show you by holding out my arms how close we were to third. And I have short arms.
lessee... I'm halfway done with the chainmail for my other hand and made a few chains when I get tiredof chain mail. I'm doing a sort of wallet chain type thing. For my wallet and my thumb-drive. Cool, no?
Yeah, I'm a geek. I don't look like one, but I am. Actually I do look like one, people are too preocupied with thinking i'm a goth to realize I'm a geek. Stupid people. There's a kid on one of the elementary school buses that keeps shouting "Hey goth bird of happiness!" Is this kid on crack or something???
Soo... did anything else happen? Nope? Good. Wait a minute, I have non-mattering MCAS (massachusetts comprehensive assessment system) tomorrow. which means RAMEN NOODLES FOR SNACK!!! YAY! And we have to be completely silent while eating snack... heh. they can't tell me not to slurp.
I hate MCAS, i really do, there's all this set up, and then you could guess on half the problems. And what's freaky is that if the teachers don't treat us like retards and read the script they could lose their teachign liscense. 's weird.
soo, toodles, i'm off to make my rounds around everyone's site.
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Thursday, May 18, 2006
Hi hi, I just did an emotional 180 and started noticing how damn funny everything is. It started after I finished cramming for history, and just made me giggly all day. Especially when Mr. Jones was talking about auras.
I finished my chain mail. I feel like i should make different types. Like fan mail, or hate mail. But now I'm just making a cover for my other hand..
Anywho.. States are on Sunday. We have to wake up at 6:45 am to go to Cape Cod. Whatever happened to being well rested???
But lessee... what else? I still feel like I mangle things just by touching them. But then again everyone does. There's something wrong with everything, and who cares if I'm the only one to see it?
And I didn't have an emotional snap or anything. That's what i've decided to call when I just burst into tears for no real reason.. I guess it happens more when people ask me what's wrong that I cry more... I don't understand myself at all.
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