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myOtaku.com: Skiaska

Monday, May 30, 2005

Red Geraniums
I have to do a literary analysis of To Kill a Mockingbird and I decided to show how flowers/plants represent people, and I just noticed a great place to make one of my many obscure anime references. Red geraniums belong to a person determined to rise above their social standing. I wonder if I have to cite the source of the quote...

Anywho, aside from an english teacher who's out for my blood, life isn't all that interesting, save for the fact I get to skip school Monday the 13th. I think that's the day, but I wonder if I could convince my friend to come over and have a video game tournament? She's just discovered Soul Calibur...

Anyway, I have to get cracking on my homework that I put off til way too late. Bye!

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