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myOtaku.com: Skiaska

Friday, November 18, 2005

w00000000000000000000t! *'tis the �ber w00t*
Ok, so I thought I had a C in english (my parents are pretty upset about a B- ok? so they'd be really mad about a C) but instead I manages a B+ or something. And that was the main class I was worried about.

And we have an effort grade which doesn't really matter, but I got mostly Outstanding and Very Good, even though I hardly give a damn.

w00t! w00t for apathy! w00t for hollisticness! w00t for pretending to hand in essays! w00t for the week off! w00t for our science project that is driving me more insane!

Sorry, I had a lot to w00t about. w00ting is addictive.

And I was ready to burn my report card if I "flunked" (remember that's a C+ for me or worse) English. But then I was so happy I cleaned out my locker (which involves clearing out the 8 or so empty vanilla coke bottles in there) and won a free powerade. Yawn. But it was nice to have won something.

Tomorrow and sunday I'm taking some classes at MIT and apparently I'm going to be one of the younger people there, 'cause I'm a freshman and mostly it's upperclassmen. I'm afraid. Afraid and tired. So very tired.

*falls asleep on keyboard*

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