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Floating around space
Member Since
Insomniac, paranist, etc.
Real Name
The spelling of my name is detrimental to the pronunciation. And vice versa.
Existing! i w00t!
Anime Fan Since
I can't remember what happened yesterday... all i know is I was an anime fan before that.
Favorite Anime
Um... Hellsing.
Having the patience to get through 9th grade.
Trying to make a guitar
Monday, March 20, 2006
Yay, I love that ummm... word now. Probably because it just screams incoherence.
But, I'm also insanely happy.
Because, today I not only woke up for real after my brother's friend went home (actually, he woke me up once or twice, but i went back to sleep). But I also went to see V for Vendetta. *yay!* but i really hate when you go to watch a movie where things blow up, and they decide to play horror movie trailers. My imagination is alrealy overly excitable, I don't need to not sleep a week so someone can sell another shit movie that depends on just suddenly suprising people, despite the fact that the plot is predictable, and the acting is crap...
Sorry! I just had to say that, I once went to a movie and they played a preview about dead people and computers, and I just so happened to have left my laptop open in my room... I couldn't stand to use my computer for days...
The movie was really cool. Things blew up... I like movies where things blow up... and it was actually a good take on disease-caused dystopia... unlike aeon flux, which was a horrible failure...
Speaking of dystopia, i was cleaning up my bookshelf and found that i hadn't finished A Clockwork Orange, very interesting really...
There are too many dead things under my desk, because I was cleaning up my room a bit too... i'm going to need a vacuum cleaner... and that's such a pain to bring up here...
And I know something else happened... Oh yeah! My dad is letting me read The Engineering of Consent, which is about making people think a certain way *evil laugh* even if pointy objects and me aren't dangerous, if everyone thought like I wanted them to think, the world would fall apart in less than twenty-three minutes.
Random Fact #9: I can remember why my parents said I had to brush my hair everyday nine years ago, but I can't remember what I did last week...
Soo... bye!
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