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Floating around space
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Insomniac, paranist, etc.
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The spelling of my name is detrimental to the pronunciation. And vice versa.
Existing! i w00t!
Anime Fan Since
I can't remember what happened yesterday... all i know is I was an anime fan before that.
Favorite Anime
Um... Hellsing.
Having the patience to get through 9th grade.
Trying to make a guitar
Sunday, June 18, 2006
One last post before the finals... probably
I know I said I'd probably vanish, but i'm back for one last post before thursday, which i have off of school, but friday is the last day. So..
On friday was the town fun fair. It's gotten so stingey and money grubbing. Tsk tsk... bad town, bad. No cookies. And it got moved to a different field than normal because we were building a library right between the two normal fields... so i was there for a while, trying desprately to avoid being there, so i took a walk around the outside of the school and ran into Andrew, who had prettymuch been there since atleast an hour ago. Although he had gone to the library. Then i ate free cotton candy because it was flying through the air... that was fun. Then I went home and got ready for a dance that was friday... that was fun, it was only our grade. So there was the preppy people in summer dresses. And then there was the other people, not too many colors... and a bit too much pop. Damn these people and their pop music. Yay, I have a picture of me and the dress i wore... it's not a very great picture in my opinion...

but anyway. Yeah. I spent most of my day putting the contents of 2 dressers into 1 dresser, a closet, and a trashbag. Why does my grandmother not realize that I loathe pink? WHY? And er.. that's about it. My finals are:
Monday- Science & Math
Tuesday- English & Art
Wednesday- History & Spanish
Thursday- None!!! (I don't have to go to school but most do!)
Friday- Last day of school- None.
So yeah. See ya later. Shrewsbury is a really sketchy looking place. But that's where all my mail goes. I can sleep through music with screaming, but not japanese techno, and my science teacher beat the superintendent at DDR. Yes he did! The superintendent almost played against me... that was scary. DDR is fun. YAY. Be around in the morning when I'm awake.
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