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uh...I'm a student.
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I met an all-star football player once. XP
Anime Fan Since
since I was 6
Favorite Anime
YGO, DBZ, and Megas XLR
I'm an aspiring athlete, either in the Olympics or better....
Playing video games, watching tv, playing outdoors...
I'm athletic, and a good actor.
Hey, people. I'm Skull God, and my brother is PrinceofPyro, and my sister is LPpunkrocka. Just if u eva visit 'em.
I'm a cool kid once u get 2 know me. *grins, and shows blood on teeth*...uh, this red stuff is ketchup, don't mind it.
Well, if u leave a comment, or sign my gb, I'll b happy, and we might become friends. If not....THEN U SHALL SURELY DIE!!!!!
OK, as LPpunkrocka would say, L8R DUDES.

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I'm sorry I can't be perfect...
Monday, March 28, 2005
ashley, my big sister, has always been saying she is what she is NOT. she has always radiated a confident image. but guess wat, dudez? SHE'S NOT AS CONFIDENT OR CAREAREFREE AS YOU MAY FREAKIN THINK.
she has always had pride for her writing and drawing abilities over everything else. She is always modest about it, saying she sucks at writing, to avoid a big-time flamer-of-art-or-fictions-or-fanfictions will leave her be. Apparently, some retard anonymous didn't give a shit (yeah i swore) either way and got her big time just under an hour ago.
ashley wrote a fanfiction, and titled it, "just go away". she let tyler and i read it over once, and we both liked her style. her character is the main one, and it's about how her characther, kelly, i thin,k her name was-moves to domino, but everyone notices something wrong with her, and it's about her past, as well as everyone else's. we all know it really was a great story, and she happily posted it on an hour ago, and was waiting since she posted it for somebody to review. eventually, somebody DID, anonymously, and they said these exact words:
"i don't understand why anyone had to *care* about shit when it comes to that stupid fucking mary sue of a character you have. joey has his OWN past to worry about, let alone some stupid bitch's who was on drugs. and SHE INSULTED BAKURA RYOU. how could you be so high to fucking do that? plainly, the story fucking sucked, and as for your character...she's not that special."
I have no idea who it was, since it was anonymous, but it broke ashley's heart. she spent nearly a year writing it, put her heart + soul into it, spent weeks proofreading, was SO proud since everyone she allowed to read it loved it, and that one review shattered it all.
right now....she's sitting in the living room. her hands are shaking, and shockinlee-u can tell she was actually CRYING. i have never seen her cry since i was 5, she was 9, and our great grandma died. she's not talking to anyone. i may argue a lot mw/ her, but i hate 2 c her this way....she's my big sister, people! she promised to stop writing-no more poems, no more songs, no more DRAWING (which had nothing 2 do w/ it, it's because to her, writing and art are the same category), and she's sorry for sucking all the time.
im sure 2 a lot of u she seemed like she wouldn't care, but guess wat?
if i knew the loser who destroyed her awesome creation, i'd beat the god-lovin crap outta them!!!
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Saturday, March 26, 2005
go kyle, it's your birthday, we gonn' party 'cause it's your birthday!
Yeah, yesterday was actually my birthday, but we're celebrating it toda, sinc we took a 12-&-a-1/2 rode trip to get to mah dad's house. yeah my parents r divoced.
mah sister LUVES it hurr a LOT. thurr's a hill not far from this hous @ all, and from the top u can c cincinnati, ohio, and it's public property, but i dout that ppl will b up thurr @ around midnight like she waz!!! she's effing city CRAZY, man.
i asked her why she walked up thurr and stared @ cincinnati 4 half n hour, and left her coat @ home when it's FREEZING out, she sed, "dude, it is SO worth it".
we all kno dat my sister's sole love is the city of Ccincinati, but offense, but DAT is crazy!
well, i g2g...posted @ around 3 am, man...sugar roolz
~Skull God
Question of the post:R U A city or country person?
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Tuesday, March 1, 2005
Snowing out...
a lot of stuff lately is soooo weird. LPpunkrocka doesn't talk much anymore, she said there's no need 2 do that when the only people who care about her are people she don't know. i dunno what happened, but it's worrying me.
PrinceofPyro is doin better, tho. he's out shoveling the near 2 feets of snow we gots. he does it 4 free,, wat a guy. lol
me been thinking of changing this place a little. probably a different bg, and more pics on
well now i g2g, i have a sled, thurr's a hill nearby, and i have a need for speed, man. lol
Quetion of the post:Is winter your faveorite season? if no, then wat is?
~Skull God
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Sunday, January 30, 2005
what does this mean?
LPpunkrocka, my older sister, got really ticked off when I said something to her, so she yelled at me, but I don't know what she said.
The only Japanese word I know is baka, and I think what she said was in Japanese...if anybody knows what it means, please tell me, as I'd greatly appreciate it. Thank you.^^
pic of the post:DBZ, baby.

Vegeta's cool.
Question of the post:um...what is your favorite animal? ^^"
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Monday, January 24, 2005
Pinkeye sux...
Hey, who ever reads these out there.
I'm sick, and it sucks...
Well, hopefully everyone will enjoy the site, and I hope I can make some friends.^^
That's all 4 now. CYA
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