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Haughton, LA
Member Since
sophomore in highschool and band member
Real Name
i bought things w/ my own money.
Anime Fan Since
since my past life
Favorite Anime
fruits basket, inuyasha, yu yu hakusho, full metal alchemist, naruto, wolf's rain, and everything else anime!!!!
to become an anime writer and to create a video game
Playing video games, watchng tv, sleeping, writing, and playing around on the internet.
playing trumpet, playing video games, prevertedness, drawing and writing i am a talent
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 05/25/07:
Result Posted on 05/25/07:
Result Posted on 01/21/07:
Itachi f-in rocks!!!! His so hot also.
Result Posted on 01/13/07:
Result Posted on 01/08/07:
What did your past self lookact like? (Girls only. please!)
 In your past life, you were a goddess, with amazing and great powers. Yopu were young, fair and elegant, and people who see you can tell right away. You love to love anyone, and are more than a friend could ever want, as you were in your past life. Now you are just the same as you were then. Don't let go of your dreams. Embrace your destiny! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 12/23/06:
What is your fantasy love life?(Beauitful Anime Pictures) GuysGirls
 Oh your love Fantasy is my favourite! It's going to be Romeo and Juliet! Hopfully you know how the story goes, boy and a girl in love but aren't allowed because of your families hating each other! Quote: Love is like breathing, without you die..... Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 12/18/06:
Which YuYu Hakusho boy is right 4 you?
Result Posted on 11/25/06:
wich super smash brothers melee character are you? (with nice pictures)
Result Posted on 11/20/06:
What season is most like you, and what does it say about you? (anime pics! very detailed results!!!)
 Spring - a time of re-birth and purity, all is new and life is flourishing. Things are cast in a new light, the softness of the season like a sweet lullaby. It is a simple yet complex time, everything is young and fresh - and flurry of new life. It is the awakening after the endless slumber. A change and transition towards something new and different, something like a faint memory at the edges of your mind. What it means about you: this may mean a few different things about you, keep in mind that not all of them are going to necessarily apply to you. Spring means that you are a person of change, you may be going though one or have changed yourself, it is all about transition. You may be breaking out slowly as a person, feeling slightly more comfortable but are still a shy person. It also may mean that youre a dreamer, you like to fantasize about things, and live in a world created by your mind. You also are a person with good intentions but have a hard time keeping commitments. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 11/19/06:
What are your wings made out of? (AWSOME ANIME PIX!!!!!)
 Your wings are made out of water.You are clam and love sitting by waves. (well, some of these angels like sitting by waves) You like to be alone sometimes, but at the same time love hanging out with your friends. You don't like really loud noises, and love the quiet. You can be shy, but not to all new people. Your very kind, and all your friends love you because your words can be as deep as an ocean. You'd probobly be a great poet. Take this quiz!
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