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San Franscico
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school (BORING)
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around two years
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INUYASHA, wolf rain,chobits i'm jusst starting to watch it
to draw all the inuyasha charactors
drawing, listening to music, watching inuyasha shows and movies, and going in the well in my yard
singing, drawing, and writing poetry and stories
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Tuesday, October 5, 2004
I just felt like this and wrote about it
I've been feeling like this for a while now and i felt i should right about it. so here is my feelings
This is my story:
Everyone looks trying to guess what in my soul. Thinking they know who i am. When all they think they see is me as a happy girl in own her own cheerful world. But they don't know what happens when the lights go out and they don't see what goes on in my heart. They don't know the pain and agony I feel. They don't see the sad depressed girl behind a fake smile that looks real. They say she always happy in her own little world. But when you look behind those eyes, into her soul you see pure darkness. And then you hear the screams and cries of a sad girl living a life of lieing, depression, hatred, and fear when you look into the girl eyes. And see all her skratches and blood on her hands, with fear in her eyes. But then then when the lights go back on you don't see fear, pain, or blood. You see a sad girl hiding behind a happy face that nevers shows her real self.
That was my story.
A Poem: Just when things start right and go wrong
You say nothing can bring you down
You nothing can go wrong
And nothing is bad and everthings good and everything is as it should
But when you feel at your best happier than the rest
Your world goes wrong
Your smile has faded
Your joy, laughter, and hapiness has left
Making you feel depress
Your angry at your world
Things are not they way they should be
You should be in a world of joy, laughter, and free
Not dpression, anger, and greed
But don't worry you not alone
Because everyone in their own world goes wrong
Well that all for now laterz. Oh and now after writing this i don't really feel like this any more. lol
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Monday, October 4, 2004
hey hey
Hey everyone. Right now i'm listening to Skye Sweetnam "Tangled up in me". Well nothing really happened at school except the usual. My friend Charllene said her life got worse. It kinda annoying but i'm used to it. And i just nodd, say sure, or wat did u say? yah well that me. I just took a quiz. I don't really get it all that well but i don't really care its just a quiz.
 You are Form 0, Phoenix: The Eternal.
"And The Phoenix's cycle had reached zenith, so he consumed himself in fire. He emerged from his own ashes, to be forever immortal."
Some examples of the Phoenix Form are Quetzalcoatl (Aztec), Shiva (Indian), and Ra-Atum (Egyptian).
The Phoenix is associated with the concept of life, the number 0, and the element of fire.
His sign is the eclipsed sun.
As a member of Form 0, you are a determined individual. You tend to keep your sense of optomism, even through tough times and have a positive outlook on most situations. You have a way of looking at going through life as a journey that you can constantly learn from. Phoenixes are the best friends to have because they cheer people up easily.
Which Mythological Form Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Well that all for now laterz
P.S. My b-day is in two days from now and i'm still not excited yet.
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Sunday, October 3, 2004
I'm am sososososo sorry
I am sososososo sorry for taking long to update. I just tought i needed some time to relax from my computer for a while. Since i was balancing homework, friends, my websites, and i'm writing a story. I'm back now.
First topic: My story "Cry without a single tear"
I'm writing a story and i was think of a charactor that i'm not sure of using. Can you tell me if i should use her the way she is(powers and all), or change some powers, or not use her at all. I was thinking her name wuld be Kahanna. She whears a dark blue kimo with white diamond like stars all over it. Her powers are that she can literally transform into wolf like in Wolfs Rain. Also she is a dog demon, well a hanyou really, and she calms natural diasters by singing. Well what do you think of Kahanna?
Topic: Wolfs Rain
Did you see Wolfs Rain. Two more poeple died. Its so sad. IO just hope that no more people will die. Or that they will find paridise. They don't diserve people diengin because they are trying to make them happy. It just not right.
Well thats all for now
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Tuesday, September 28, 2004
todays result
Today was okay and funny too. Ms. Tobe made us do tumbling tough.UGh! I kinda sucked. but i know i'm not alone. Other girls and guys kinda sucked too. Which was funny too and i even laughed at myself too. hehe. Well since i was sick yesterday i had to copy homework from someone in each class room(except P.E. and office). The only bad thing is i still have to do tumbling for two weeks still. UGH!
cousin: watcha doin?
cousin looks at screen: Hey your not doing your homework. I'm telling!!
me grabs back end of shirt: tell my mom that and i'll say what happened to her 100$ vase and her prayer beads.
cousin: okay okay okay.*runs out of room*
well later
cousin: bye bye random poeples*smiles cutely*
me: i'm not gonna forget you know.
cousin: darn!
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*yawn* Tired
I don't wanna go to school today! Oh well. Here some animations of inuyasha.
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Sunday, September 26, 2004
yesterday i went to a friends house and we had a really great time. and then we got the idea of sleeping over at my house. And we played truth or dare! It was so great. I cannot belive what i did! I have a crush on this guy and she dared me too call him and say that i liked him and thought he was hot! OMG I can't think i can show me face to him ever again!!
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Saturday, September 25, 2004
I just made my first quiz!!
YEA!!! I just made my first quiz.
I hope all the girlz who take it rate.
 Your a queit and sweet girl. When you first meet someone your quiet and don't wanna make the first move into a friendship and then you might loose it. You like to let fate do things for you. Your smart and kind. When you have friends they are the world to you and your thankful for that. Yea you!
What kind of girl are you? (for girlz DUH!) brought to you by Quizilla
It took a while. Not because i was confused. But because i had to keep going off line when i was making my quiz and i never finshed.
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Friday, September 24, 2004
ITS FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yea thank goodness its friday! And i have hardly any homework!YES!! Tommorow i'm going to my friend's house. Her names Krislyn. Shes kinda a tom boy but thats what made us become really cool friends. But i bet when i get there we won't know what to do. haha.
Cousins report:
My cousin is moving in like a month over to Hawii. she promises to send a postcard for me to put in my scrapbook.
well i'll seeya later
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Thursday, September 23, 2004
todays result
today was pretty okay. Even though we have a suprise test in math.But i have no homework in Lang. Arts. YEA!! S.S. was pretty okay even though the teach is a pain. But we had an assembly through the entire period which was good.
We have to sell stuff to get 10,000 dollars for the school for field trips and activity day. Activity day is when we go bowling, movies, swimming,ice skating , ect. and miss school. And the prizes are pretty cool. if we get the customers we get to go in a strech limo off campus for lunch.
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Bride of Inuyasha
i just wanted to see if it works.
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