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Wednesday, September 22, 2004
my stats
i'm still only been here a few weeks and thats y i only have 70 visits. So if you all can try to come back more often while i see members, i will probably have over 100 or right at 100 visits. well bye
guestbook:26 i'll try to get more
popularity:#2867 thats cuz i've been here for a few weeks
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Tuesday, September 21, 2004
list of nice and pure evil teachers
Hey everybody i finaly got my homeowkr out of the way. YEA! I have a list of all the teachers for me and how nice or evil they are.
Homeroom: Ms.Liberman she is nice but hates it when we talk while she talks
1st P.E.: Ms. Tobe she is EVIL I TELL YOU EVIL! she kept us waiting because one of us talked to go change out of our uniforms and we all were last for our next class! Evil!
2nd Ms.Byer Lang. Arts: She is really really nice. I forgot one of my papers and she said all i needed to do was bring it tommorow.
3rd Mr.Snyder Math: He is nice and funny too. He is mostly right now giving us revieves of wat we did last year. And anythin new he explain everything and i mean everything there is to know even hints to the homework.
4th lunch
5th Ms.Clayman Sci: She is nice but she kinda like Ms.Tobe she waits if we talk. But not at the end of class. And someitmes we can eat our "experiments".
6th Ms.Bjornson Soc Studies: She and Ms.Tobe go like hand in hand they both are pure EVIL! She is always yelling for some reason and that is not her normal voice.
7th period Ms. Victoria office: Shes nice. But she doesn't really teach me anything. which means less hoeowrk. The office is like a volunteer thing. I answer phones, put things in mailboxes, and diliver stuff. Then at the end i go home.
I guess i have an even amount of good and evil. well at least there is a good.
this is a quiz i thought i should put somethin else on.
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Monday, September 20, 2004
its early. well too early for me. *yawns* well i just felt like drawing a pic. But i can't scan it cause i don't have a scanner. oh well here the real actual pic. But i only drew the head and some on the body.
its not a link
Well i have to get ready for school. bye
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Saturday, September 18, 2004
Today was cool and it will get better
Today was the last day of grounding. YES! I went to Borders and got 2 grafic novels, one of Card Captor Sakura #2 and Ai Yori Aoshi#5 and two mangas of inuyasha #'s 4 and 5. I got four book for the price of three. cool. And tonight Inuyasha is on which will be great. I can watch inuyasha and then at the breaks i can read inuyasha.lol. Well thats all i got.
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I found this quiz from friend
I just thought i had to take this quiz.
 Guardian of the Waters - mistress of the deep and master of the oceans and currents.
What are you Guardian of? brought to you by Quizilla
Cool. I got that for element too.
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Friday, September 17, 2004
I'm an Otaku Guardian! Yea!

I'm an Otaku Guardian.
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I'm now an Otaku Guardian now!
I am so happy now!
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Thursday, September 16, 2004
I don't know wat to do any more
Question: Is a friends your friend when she spread your deepest darkest secret?
Answer: no!
But she apologized and she want us to be friends. The thing is i taught her how to lie and good. She might be telling the truth or lie. Wat should I do?
Oh yea. I took this just now. It made me so happy. :)
 Pink Chii
Chobits - What Color Chii Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
this one made me kind happy.
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Wednesday, September 15, 2004
i dunno wat to call it
 -Enter-You enter sweetly...... maybe a twirl.
How do you like to enter? (Pretty girl anime quiz) brought to you by Quizilla
I only entered with a twirl once and that was to impress a guy. And it WORKED! hehe he asked my out the next day. hehe
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Why that answer!
I juss felt like putting this up because it is kind freaking me out. Cuz i think i like this guy in my skool and i told all my friends i hate him and this quizz is making it harder to decide if i really like him or not. UGH!
 ~~~~-^ OPPOSITE LOVE^-~~~~
Your love is wierd. You suddenly fell inlove or have a cruch on an enemy or someone you though you never date. You seem shy,silent,and nicer to that person. tip,so you like an enemy,oppisite always attrake.
LOVE SECTION, Whats your love type? very,very good pics.UPDATED brought to you by Quizilla
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