Skytzo Franic
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Saturday, June 11, 2005
Bleh, trying to find work suxors...
And on that note *dances* I've gone insane due to heat trauma! And you know what that means!
Anywho, out of school for a week and I am already board out of my mind. Been trying to find a job, no luck so far, but eh, nothing to get depressed over, it's only been a week.
I'm gonna miss everyone with a passion, but some of my friends were lower classmen, so I plan on visiting them on occasions. Because I have a job to do, and that is to keep people happy!
Well, gonna post later, BYEA!
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Monday, April 25, 2005
Bad moods... everyone has them... if only I could deal with it the right way!
Though not like I do... I try my best to hide it...
Maybe that's bad? Though it may keep my friends and fellow psychos in a false state of security. I might be putting them danger if I were to have one of my ,rare yet plausible, out bursts of rage and temper tantrums.
Though I care for the safety of others, I have been known to accidentaly hurt them in ways I cannot divuldge at the moment.
But I have mostly calmed down for the moment by listening to "The Who" for the last few hours.
Hmmmm... Though I hate the way my life has been that is no reason for me to wimp out and quit. Right?
I believe I am too dependant on the comfort of others than my own satisfaction. Does that make me insignificant and obsolete?
I sure as hell feel that way right now. I am constantly daydreaming of a better life and am bored with the one I've got.
Now I know that others either have the same or worse problems than me, but I am usually trying to cheer them up. What do I got to do? Bottle joy and sell it and reap the profits before everyone can be happy?
I don't know the answers this time. I don't think I ever did.
I shall ponder these questions for a while...
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Saturday, April 9, 2005
Sleepy sleepy sleepy
Haven't been on as of late. Been tired and unable to get on.
GAWD this senior paper is a pain in the tush. Though the bright side of this time I've been gone I got a BESM d20 book I found at a bookstore I often am found at, especially on Fridays...
Though still I am at a lose of comments, maybe it's because I am unoriginal?
Anyways, I'll be leaving, seeya later.
Love & Peace
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Thursday, January 27, 2005
Crud, I felt like total shite this morning. I got in the shower and cleared my throat and wound up coughing up blood. Still am, but not as much. I'll survive, like I always do, bit still, thought you would like to know. Don't think I'll be posting for a while. Maybe longer if I die HA! HEh! heh... heh... ummm... yeah, sorry, death is only funny when it happens to someone eveyone hates and it's in a quirky situation. Like Osama Bin Laden dieing in Mexico during the running of the bulls...
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Tuesday, January 25, 2005
It's a spoon!!!
Ok, inside joke, but it's clean enough to let anyone in on it. Ok, one day, I'm at my friends house, he's playing Final Fantas II and I'm watching. He decides he'll mess around a bit and use one of the fighters moves "DART", now all he has is a spoon, a SPOON I tell you! Now he throws it, it hits, 9999 damage. I nearly barfed I laughed so hard. It was so horrible, and right before a major boss too.
Got Laugh?
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Monday, January 24, 2005
I just had to...
Take the quiz: "Which Matrix Character Are You?"
 Agent Smith You are Agent Smith. You believe that humans are just another one of nature's errors. You believe that you are a higher being and no one can stop you from taking over...not even the very system that created you.
Yeah, I believe it, I even look like him a bit.
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Saturday, January 22, 2005
Snowed in
Damn it's cold outside, nearly a foot of snow in one night. And the dance got posponed that I was supposed to go to with my gf. Rage, building! *curses the snow and the entire system in which it is made* Ahhh, much better.
Got Snow?
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Thursday, January 20, 2005
Gone insane, be back soon
Have you had one of those days when your brain is fried and you just begin to spout random things at people for no reason? Well after my fourth hour final I began to laugh uncontolably to myself with no sign of stopping, then after my fifth hour final (Pre- Algebra, why did they give me pre Algebra?) which only took a total of fifteen minutes I told the teacher I was gonna walk around and go to the lunch rooms. Instead I end up going to the lunchroom then got bored left, went back, got bored, went back, left for my class, ended up going outside to stare at them from the window and point and laugh, went back in, left for the gym rooms, then went back to class. Mind you this all happened in an hour and a half, and I walked. Now I got a sugar rush that could drive a small city into the stoneage because I ate half a box of Airheads (90 per box) so yeah, I'm bored. How was your day?
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Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Not a good day indeed.
Finals started today, wow, how fun. I seriously thought giving my cat a bath was more fun. At least then there was danger, risk, excitement, and blood, lots of blood, mine mostly. Who hates tests as much as me? I want to see your comments. It really makes me want to go through with my senior prank, more and more...
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