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Guestbook Entries:
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MillenniumChaos (07/17/06)
I do love my grammar: It would be a crime against my nature if I didn't join. I know all sorts of nitpicky grammar rules (though I rarely enforce them). Rock on, Constance, rock on.
TwistedNightmare (07/17/06)
It's aobut time that someone created a site like this. I'm also glad that it was you, since I already know you and all. I raise my glass to you.
I'd love to join. Well, later.
Anoel (07/17/06)
Ah, yes, finally someone started something like this. I wish I had thought of it first though... Oh well.
Here's to SLACKEN! *chugs soda*
Seto Kaiba Freak (07/17/06)
Example Entry:
Look! I can spell! And I use capitals! *gasp* And punctuation! [But it's not required!] And I'd like to join! [But I'm the founder so I'm already in. XP]
If you can't do that, then, er, well, don't sign the guestbook. :P
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