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Wednesday, March 1, 2006
Hey its been too long. I am now a gravitation addic. I love the show. Ryuichi rocks. I got my billy martin guitar which is so pretty.If you get the chance check out
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Sunday, December 25, 2005
merry x-mas
merry christmas everyone.I got a few good things.nothing speciel.Hope you all got good things and have a merry christmas.
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Thursday, December 15, 2005
Its been a very long while
ok so I haven't wrote in like more then a month. Nothing much every happens to me though. Me and my friend are writeing a harry potter rp thats pretty good. We had a gasoline spill on monday so we got out of school early but I went home before that cause it made me very sick. I secretly know that I am getting a celly for christmas my bro told me. Well not much more has happen to me. I am very boring.
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Saturday, October 29, 2005
no one
no one on here like ever updates any more its kind of sad. This is a great website and no one wants to talk on it. I get to spend more of my 127 dollars today I am thinking about buying sims two. My brother dosen't care cause are first sims game is taking up a crap load of room.
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Wednesday, October 26, 2005
pictures to enjoy

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so from my last post my two friends are now split up they didn't feel the same way about each other. Me and my friend marshmellow have started a harry potter rp. Thats doing ok for only haveing two pages.I am doing pretty good I guess how about all of you? Will I dont have much more to talk about so I gonna go. Take care.
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Wednesday, October 12, 2005
hows everyone doing? My internets has been down for some time now. Well nm else has happen though. I have a problem though cause two of my best friends are dating and I am very worried that things might not work out and that they might get mad at each other or one of them gets hurt. Anyone every have this happen? Plus I dont want to say something that could ruin them being together. Well thats about it take care.
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Sunday, September 25, 2005
Hey its been a while. I am lazy what can I say.Ok so I am going to see corpse bride at 5:00 today, in 2 hours from now. Have any of you seen it? What did you think about coprse? Not much every happens to me so thats why I never post anything if you want to talk to me just leave messages I get back to those better.
Well my friend who I haven't seen for two years and haven't talk to since june called me the other day. It was really nice to hear from her. She told me her address so now I can write to her and send her stuff. Well thats about it. Hope your all doing well. Take care.
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Sunday, September 11, 2005
whats up everyone? i had to be in a wedding yesterday and now my feet are killing me. It was a pretty nice wedding n all nothing speciel. My mommy also had to go to the hospital the other day cause her feet were bothering her. well take care
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Sunday, September 4, 2005
hey how is everyone? I am good getting a new guitar like I said I was going to the guitar center.I haven't got one yet but these are the ones I am thinking about....

which one do you guys like.Take to everyone later.
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