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Sunday, September 5, 2004
I am gona try to be on more and if i am not bored so much any more i will tell u all about the weird things that go on in my brain but not until tomorrow.Bye Bye
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lets see i am so completely bored i am so tried and pissed.Dont ask unless u want me even more.OK I haad a boring day and i fond out that i love swords.Soooooooooooooooooooo pretty and sharp.I might get a dagger in oct i can't wait.Oh and cause the dance is in oct so that is the coolest.
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Thursday, September 2, 2004
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school is lame and makes me tried.I am already sick of it.I can't wait for the dance though every one has been talking about it even though its not until like oct 8th.well thats it I am pretty sure.
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Saturday, August 28, 2004
I did get my class i wanted and i got one of the coolest teachers.I can't wait its strange i never this happy to be going back to school.Whatever!Its in two days.I did get some classes with my friends so its alright.Me and my best friend don't have any classes together though.My first class is a art class.Its gona be my fav class at the beging but then in jan when we switch are class my sec will be my fav.Cartoons!I am gona draw anime cartoons.
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Wednesday, August 25, 2004
hey everyone i hope u like the new pictures i put on .I had an ok day.I got some of my friends in my class for school on monday.I have one class with Fang and it could be two if i get gym when i swicth out of band tomorrow,but i am hopeing they let me pick the class i want because i want an art class instead of gym.
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Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah.I am so bored.
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Monday, August 23, 2004

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Sunday, August 22, 2004

the Zander zone.
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Saturday, August 21, 2004
just because here is the whole first Slash stroy
Slash's Blade
A long time ago about 5,000 years ago a vampire,named Slash,killed 50 hundred humans in one night.He was knowed as the bloody death god.He was put to sleep by a powerful Elf named Bardock.The spell was not to be broken until slash's coffin was look in a castle.Chapter one starts now!
Chapter one
Slash's Bloody blade returns
"I wonder if this will work,"asked Mai a young british girl?
"I hope so my dear Mai,"Her father told her.
"Slash was my friends,great,great,great,great,great,great godfather,"MAi's uncle said.
"well see if it works tonight,"Mai said!
Later that night.Mai walk up the stairs that lead to the the tower where they had Slash's coffin.When she got there she look in the window and then she saw him a tall, slim,and mysterious young man.He had all black on with a long black cape and he had long black hair.
"My dear slash may I let you out of your cage,"Mai asked sweetly?
"Who are you."
"lets just say i'm a friend of your family and leave it at that."
"ok then let me out of this stupid fucking cage."
"My,My,"she said opening the door.He then ran out and grabbed her.He was about to bit her when he saw her ears.
"Elf with a funny smell like vampire blood."
"yes I'm a Elf and a vampire."
"Damn i hate half breeds and also I wanted to kill you."
"thats harsh!"
" What the hell are you talking about bitch?"
"Hell.Now i see why you say that"
"I hate that word"
"Stupid fucking little hoe."
"I'm 18 for that matter."
"Your little to me because I'm 10,000 years old bitch."
"Man your old"
"Shut the fuck up."
"Gosh men are pigs."
"Move i got to get something to eat."
"Your going to eat people?"
I dont eat people.I only like to kill them."
"I'm leaving even if my father will kill me for letting you out so come back before the sun comes up."
"Bye my dear Slash."
"Will you shut the fuck up bitch."
Then Slash jumped out the window.
"stupid vampire."
"I heard that bicth."
"thats not my name."Its Mai M......a...i.."
"M.....a.....i,I dont care i'm calling you bitch."
"you pig,"Mai yelled leaving the room."Slash is such a meanie!"
she went to bed.In the morning,Mai went back to the room where they had Slash.The door was locked.She unlocked it and walked to the coffin.She opened it.
"Stupid fucking, bitch I'm trying to sleep."
"How rude."
" mai he must be alive the coffin was empty last night,Mai's father told her when she walked down the stairs.
"Thats great father."
The news was on the t.v."25 hundred people were killed last night."
"No he didn't,"Mai saidin a whisper.
"Whats wrong Mai'
"Father what happen to them.How did they get killed."
"I dont really know but i think Slash killed them."
"But why would he do something like that."
"in his time he was a bloody killer."
Chapter two
The zombie faith
that night.Mai walked up to Slash's room,but before she got there,she said,"Was it you?"then she got there.
"Unlock the fucking door!"
Did I what Bicth?"
You didn't did you?"
"what the hell are you talking about Bitch?"
Its Mai!Why did you kill all those people."
"I did cause thats who I am"
"Whats that?"
"I'm a Vampire.Humans hunt vampires,so vampires kill them Asshole."
"so im a Asshole?"then she saw something shine from his shirt."What the."She grabbed it.
"Hey give it back you Fucking little bitch."
"what is this"
"A sword,now give me it."
"Why did you have it inside your shirt?"
"I like to listen to the screams from the people I killed and when ever the sword lays on my heart i can hear them."Then he saw her putting it in her shirt.He grabbed for it but instead he grabbed her brest.
"You pervert."she kicked him in the balls making him fall down the stairs.
"You bicth I only wanted the zombie faith."
"the zombie,what?"
"my sword asshole."
"you didnt have to grab for it you could have asked."
"How else do you think i could have got it back?"
"Ask,dont you even listen.'
"Yes,now why the hell were you putting it down your shirt any way?"
"I wanted to hear the screams."
"only i can hear the screams,cause i killed them and you have to be a killer to hear them."
"You can come out in the light can you?"
"What the fuck gave you that idea."
'Do you have to say that word and its cause you yelled at me this morning."
"I like that fucking word and the only reason i yelled at you was cause i was sleeping cause i didn't get any fucking sleep last night."
"Why did you kill so many people last night?"
That wasn't a lot."
'What do you mean thats not a lot?"
"I should have killed about doulb that amount,but since i was so tried the sun was coming up."
"Can you fly?"
"Where the fuck do you get all these questions?"
"I'm only half vampire so i dont know anything about them."
"Yes i can Fly you fucking bicth."
"Can i have a ride"
"What the fuck are you thinking? Hell No!"
"Thats mean"
"I dont give a fuck."
"please?"Four hours later.
"I cant belive you talked me into giveing you a fucking ride."
"Thank you Slash my dear."
"I only listen to Slash Fucking Bitch."
"Fine.Slash thank you."
chapter 3 starts now!
Chapter 3
A bandit elf.
The next day on the tv."We just heard that 36 hundred people From a bandit last night."
"36 hundred."
"Mister Slash is getting back with his killing ways."
"Father he is not a bandit."
"This is ture,but if he didn't who did?"
Mai ran up to slash's room."Slash did you kill those people last night,"she yelled through the window, not noticing he was standing right there.
"You don't have to yell and no I was giving a Fucking Bitch her first flying lesson."
"Thats right you where with me. lets find out who did this?"
"I'm a Vampire not a fucking superhero!"
"come on slash.Hes killing the people you should be killing.Superhero Slash and his trusty side kick the amazing Mai."
"I'm not a fucking superhero!"
"Superhero Slash the world loves you."
"Well, you can fuck the world cause I hate you and this fucking world."
"Your a meanie,"Mai said crying.
"Stop that its fucking loud you little bitch."
"This vampire is trying to kill me," Mai yelled! Just then all the people outside looked where they were.
"Kill the vampire," they all yelled!
"Fucking Bitch now their trying to kill me!"
"Get him,"she screamed!Slash was no where.
"Where did that vampire go?"
That night Mai walked into slash's room. Slash pointed his sword at her thort."I don't know why I didn't kill you before you stupid bicth."
"Slash you Asshole."Then Mai kicked him again in his balls and his sword fell right in front of his head."Now whose going to die Slash?"
chapter four
Is it you or dose it look like you.
That morning on the TV "Again 36 hundred people died and this is who killed him."They showed a figure that looked like slash but it was hard to see his face."Is it you or dose it just look like you,"Mai said in her head.
"Thats not Slash."
"How can that not be him?"
"Slash is left handed and that person is right see his holding the sword in his right hand."
"How do you know that slash is left handed?"
"Maybe, lets see cause I'm Slash."
"Don't do that! How did you get out?"
"Thats for me to know and you to never find out Bitch."
"What if my father sees you?"
"Doesn't he know that I'm alive and killing?"
"Will yes."
"Great, I'm hungry, so im going out for a fucking good time."
"Which means?"
"I'm going to go fly around and check this fucking city out it must have changed I was sleeping for 5,000 years.
"I want to come too."
"Hell no fucking girl."
"Fine go have a fucking good time without me."
"Great idea. Now go fuck yourself or something Bitch."
That night."Stupid fucking girl where did she go?"then Slash walk into the room where Mai's father happen too be."Hey old man where's the fucking little bicth."
"Mai you asshole."
"slash stop calling me that and Mai who you call bitch is looking for the bandit elf."
"Bandit Elf?"
"The bandit elf who keeps framing you named Bardock,I think."
"Bardock!"Then Slash jumped out the window breaking it. On the tallest building.
"stop framing Slash you stupid fucking elf."
"I'm not trying to frame him I'm trying to kill him and I see you care for him so you will die."
"Bardock don't you touch a fucking bit of that girl you little fucker."Bardock throw a knife at Mai but she ducked making the knife hit Slash in the head."ochie."
"Leave me alone Bitch and I told you its slash only."
"Asshole bicth fucker shut the fuckup."
"you hate me"
"Almost as much as I hate that fucking Asshole."
"He dose hate me."
"Fuck you bicth.Now for you Bardock,I don't know who you lived for 5,000 yeas, but your a fucking asshole and you must die."
"What's up with people calling me pushy."
What's wrong Slash I thought you like being a loser?"
"Whats!You a loser."
"I cant believe you stupid fucker!How can you call me a loser."
"So what have you been doing for three days. Killed Anyone?'
"No well. No No "
"You haven't killed more then the first night did you."
"Fucking bicth I told you to leave me alone."
"Answer the question."
"Yes, I've killed 51 hundred."
"You jerk."then Mai kicked him in the nee making him fall on the ground.
"What the hell was that for?"
"You didn't have to kill so many."
"I'll let her kill you for me."
"I'm sorry OK Mai I can help it."
"You called me Mai"
"I mean fucking bitch."
"no you don't"
"i mean Mai OK"
"Your still a jerk."
"I know, Im a stupid fucking jerk."then Slash killed Bardock before he even knew."Take that you fucking gay asshole."
"I was going to say he's alive but I decided to kill him.
"How dare you."
"What's the matter he's died"
"I wanted to kill him."
"Oh well."
"Fuck you"
"How rude."
I don't give a fuck."
"he he he."
"That's not funny bitch."
"Yes, it is he he he."
"lets go back to yourfucking house."
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