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some where around Michigan!But how about by my computer since you all dont really know
Member Since
Vampire!10th at swartz creek I'm so lucky he he yeah right!That school sucks. billy martin obsessed
Real Name
My name is Ashley but i think Slash is cooler cause its evil and thats how i'm cause I'm a vampire!
I've beat final fantasy 8 more times then i can count also beat ff7 easy end boss beat ff9 right beat the inuyasha game like 102 times or something like that beat shadow hearts and beat both ffx and x-2
Anime Fan Since
A long time!Dont know i forgot!
Favorite Anime
Yu Yu Hakusho&Fruits basket!any other i happen to see
finish all my slash's Blade storiesI have only two more that i have writen but i think i'm going to make 10 but last time i said i was only going to make 6,but now i've got 7
writing&drawing&Playing games& other
Sucking blood!
| SlashBladeQueen
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Sunday, August 1, 2004

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Saturday, July 31, 2004
Hiei & Sesshomaru

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hope u all like
Times Apart
By: Ashley
Long ago there was the heroes of time. They where the controller of time. They used the powers of elements to controlle time. The different elements where Fire, Earth, Wind, Water, Light, And Darkness. They where very powerful and could kill any demons in there way of destroying the evil Snake. Snake was an element user he was the user of Death. He would kill people that where trying to stop his evil ways. He wasn't any normal demon he was a Black Hawk. The element users had tried to stop him but they where killed in his darkness and their bodies where locked in another world far beyond are own.
Chapter one
The New element knights
Three young knights are in a book store. They are on a mission to find the other element knights. The young lady is looking for places to kill demons to make her stronger. The young male who has black hair is looking for places to get money. The last one is looking for a map to the next city where they will find the next element knight.
"What are you two doing," a 17 year old man with brown hair yelled at the 16 year old woman, with blonde hair and the other man about his age with black hair.
"We are looking for the way to find more demons,"the young lady said.
"What about are mission to find the other knights we can't just forget them and go fight demons."
"What about money. Why cant we get money?"
"We have to find them!"
"You make it sound like if we don't find them the world will blow up,"They young lady said picking up a magazine with a wolf demon on it.
"Maybe because it will! The black hawk lord is going to destroy it. All of the element knights are split up."
"So we can't even get some money,"
two people looking at magazines
"Did you hear about the demon of the black forest,"the first person asked?
"Yes, I also heard there was a reward and that the element knight of Earth went after it."
"Did you hear that Zain,"the young lady said to the guy with black hair.
"Sure did reward here we come."
"The Earth knight is there too so we all will get what we want"
"Then lets get this map to the black forest Rave,"Zain said to the other guy.
"Yupie,time to kick some demon's butts!"
"Yes, Angel demons,"Rave said
The three knights took of to the black forest. The forest had dark black almost dead looking trees. The ground was a black brown and there was dead leaves and bloody rocks every where.The ground was also very hard.It felt frozen cold.It was a very warm day but when they went into the forest it became dark and the wind blew very fast and it was getting colder as they went farther into the woods.
"So do you think the blood every where is from those humans that has tried to kill this demon that lives here," Angel asked?
"I am sure they are," Rave said
"You mean like those people that the guy from the book store was talking about."
"Yes, Zain those ones that tried for the reward before,"Angle said,
The three knights walk through the forest until they saw a young girl fighting a wolf demon. It was the same from the magizine that Angel was looking at before.It was very very cold there and they all shivered.
"Hey look its the demon from the magazine and that must be the Earth knight,"Angel said chattering her teeth.
"Yes, that is her the amazing beautiful Earth knight Maia,"Rave said.
"You sure seem like you have been reading about her,"Zain said.
"He he I guess I like her a lot."
"Hey come on lets go help her,"Angel said
Angel ran up there and used her light dragon, excial. Then Zain used his Fire phoenix, Flame. Maia then used her Earth tiger, sprit. Then last Rave used his water serpent draco.
"Thank you for helping me strangers,"Maia said looking at all of them and there elements.
"You are welcome Maia Earth element,"Rave said
'How do you know me?"
"I am Rave the water element and this is Angel the light and Zain the Fire. We where sent by lord dracon to fine the other element knights."
"Oh ok i have heard of you all. You are the ones who kill lord tranzer, Snake's henchman."
"Yup that was us,"Rave said.
"You didn't do........,"Angel started to say but rave but his hand over her mouth so Maia couldn't hear her.
They all went back and got the reward. Rave asked Maia if she would come with them to find the other element knights and destroy the powerful Snake. She said that she would gladly come with them. Well, that's how it all started out they got the earth element and where of to get the next.
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hi hi
inu pic

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Friday, July 30, 2004

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hi hi
hi everyone sorry I haven't been on in a long time.How are you all?
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Wednesday, July 14, 2004
I am so bored today my stupid internet is not working well today.My cable is out.Oh well.

Isn't my wolf cute.
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Monday, July 12, 2004
hey i am watching i love the 90's.
BORED!!!!!!!!!!!!!Cloud wont stop haunting my dreams.
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Saturday, July 10, 2004
i am so bored and sleepy.My father came home yesterday.He is doing ok.
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Thursday, July 8, 2004
i feel good today.My mother made me clean though that was not fun.I had to mop the floor.The good thing is my father is comeing home tomorrow.Only 20 more days until my brithday.
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