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some where around Michigan!But how about by my computer since you all dont really know
Member Since
Vampire!10th at swartz creek I'm so lucky he he yeah right!That school sucks. billy martin obsessed
Real Name
My name is Ashley but i think Slash is cooler cause its evil and thats how i'm cause I'm a vampire!
I've beat final fantasy 8 more times then i can count also beat ff7 easy end boss beat ff9 right beat the inuyasha game like 102 times or something like that beat shadow hearts and beat both ffx and x-2
Anime Fan Since
A long time!Dont know i forgot!
Favorite Anime
Yu Yu Hakusho&Fruits basket!any other i happen to see
finish all my slash's Blade storiesI have only two more that i have writen but i think i'm going to make 10 but last time i said i was only going to make 6,but now i've got 7
writing&drawing&Playing games& other
Sucking blood!
| SlashBladeQueen
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Monday, April 12, 2004
Hello i'm very very tired of doing anything any more so thats way i haven't been on i think i just feel like doing nothing to but i had to get on cause i wanted to check if my friend was on!so thats about it anyone have anything to say just tell me i shouldn't be doing anything
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Friday, April 9, 2004
I still feel bad
Ok i hate that i'm sick n my brother n his friend are evil jerks!I'm wanting to kill him but i wont cause i'm not like that or I'm I!oh yes 37 i think thats how many days are left!oh yes i'm not very happy a little but mostly disapointed(sorry if spelled wrong i go to Swartz Creek!)
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um happy yet i dont feel very good
I'm like very happy today!but i also feel like crap!I hate being sick when i'm so happy!
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Thursday, April 8, 2004
I'm so glad i'm home!School is over for break for me n those who had it before Bla your so mean!But hey its ok.So i have no idea what to talk about!usally its kinda easy to pick what i want to talk about but not today so if anyone knows any thing tell me or just talk
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Wednesday, April 7, 2004
Um well its just what i did today.
OK my friend and me are so stupid some times like today, I was calling her mean and I wrote meam and so know we start yelling at each other calling each other meamie,see where stupid. Me one teacher is pretty cool cause today we had a test and she let us use our books, but she also let us be in a group of 5 or 6 people. Oh n that friend n myself also started to write on our shoes cause we were bored in our band class!Yeah i did feel stupid though cause were alwas doing something stupid like that.Dose any one else do stupid things like that please tell me someone dose!Oh well i guess thats just the way we are.I'm sad one of my friends moveing far away!:(
it makes me so sad !
Well Bang! oh 39 more days I so can't wait until Troy comes out
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Tuesday, April 6, 2004
Last chapter
Slash is leaving!
Chapter 5 the last chapter is now.
The next morring."Hey bicth!"
"I have something to tell you."
"What is that?"
"I'm leaving, Mai."
"You can't leave. Not now.Why?Whats the fuck is wrong with you?"
"I don't know, I think its cause I'm a fucking loser, who needs to know how Bardock lived, or maybe I just need to have a fucking good time."
"Will you ever come back?"
"I don't know but I should?"
"Slash don't leave me now"
"I need you cause I love you."
"Well, you shouldn't cause you could get hurt, but that is another reason I must leave!"
"bye Slash"
"See ya I will write to ya."
"You better or I will become a fucking Vampire killer."
"I'll remember."
Slash took of. Mai Kicked Bardock's dead body that was laying on the groud."You stupid Bastard its all your failt!Why dose he have to leave I already miss that Bastard! Slash you bastard fuck you..Your such a fucking jerk."
"Right back at ya,"Slash said quietly.
The end
That is it I'm not going to put any more for my Slash Blade stories up until later because I've got to finish #'s 6 and 7
P. S I still will post info about the second one
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Has any one ever played shadow hearts or I'm I the only one,cause thats my fav game n i wondered if anyone else has played,beat,or seen it?If not n you love rpg's then you should play that game the pictures under this post are pictures of that game.oh yeah 40 more days!Yes Yes Yes!
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Monday, April 5, 2004
chapter four
Is it you or dose it look like you.
That morning on the TV "Again 36 hundred people died and this is who killed him."They showed a figure that looked like slash but it was hard to see his face."Is it you or dose it just look like you,"Mai said in her head.
"Thats not Slash."
"How can that not be him?"
"Slash is left handed and that person is right see his holding the sword in his right hand."
"How do you know that slash is left handed?"
"Maybe, lets see cause I'm Slash."
"Don't do that! How did you get out?"
"Thats for me to know and you to never find out Bicth."
"What if my father sees you?"
"Doesn't he know that I'm alive and killing?"
"Will yes."
"Great, I'm hungry, so im going out for a fucking good time."
"Which means?"
"I'm going to go fly around and check this fucking city out it must have changed I was sleeping for 5,000 years.
"I want to come too."
"Hell no fucking girl."
"Fine go have a fucking good time without me."
"Great idea. Now go fuck yourself or something Bicth."
That night."Stupid fucking girl where did she go?"then Slash walk into the room where Mai's father happen too be."Hey old man where's the fucking little bicth."
"Mai you asshole."
"slash stop calling me that and Mai who you call bicth is ;ooking for the bandit elf."
"Bandit Elf?"
"The bandit elf who keeps framing you named Bardock,I think."
"Bardock!"Then Slash jumped out the window breaking it. On the tallest building.
"stop framing Slash you stupid fucking elf."
"I'm not trying to frame him I'm trying to kill him and I see you care for him so you will die."
"Bardock don't you touch a fucking bit of that girl you little fucker."Bardock throw a knife at Mai but she ducked making the knife hit Slash in the head."ochie."
"Leave me alone Bicth and I told you its slash only."
"Asshole bicth fucker shut the fuckup."
"you hate me"
"Almost as much as I hate that fucking Asshole."
"He dose hate me."
"Fuck you bicth.Now for you Bardock,I don't know who you lived for 5,000 yeas, but your a fucking asshole and you must die."
"What's up with people calling me pushy."
What's wrong Slash I thought you like being a loser?"
"Whats!You a loser."
"I cant believe you stupid fucker!How can you call me a loser."
"So what have you been doing for three days. Killed Anyone?'
"No well. No No "
"You haven't killed more then the first night did you."
"Fucking bicth I told you to leave me alone."
"Answer the question."
"Yes, I've killed 51 hundred."
"You jerk."then Mai kicked him in the nee making him fall on the ground.
"What the hell was that for?"
"You didn't have to kill so many."
"I'll let her kill you for me."
"I'm sorry OK Mai I can help it."
"You called me Mai"
"I mean fucking bicth."
"no you don't"
"i mean Mai OK"
"Your still a jerk."
"I know, Im a stupid fucking jerk."then Slash killed Bardock before he even knew."Take that you fucking gay asshole."
"I was going to say he's alive but I decided to kill him.
"How dare you."
"What's the matter he's died"
"I wanted to kill him."
"Oh well."
"Fuck you"
"How rude."
I don't give a fuck."
"he he he."
"That's not funny bicth."
"Yes, it is he he he."
"lets go back to yourfucking house."
OK that's it now I have the last chapter going up tomorrow its called Slash is leaving! I don't think I'll be putting any more slash stories up until maybe after break.
Bang! Slashbladequeen is going on break starting after tomorrow.
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   only 41 more days I'm so happy.if you didn't know i'm counting the days until troy.
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