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Terre Haute, Indiana
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black belt in tae kwon do...
become a pyschologist, have a BIG house in the country, never get divorced, always be there for my friends, and have midget babies :-)
listening to music, tae kwon do, drawing, going to football games, dancing in the hallways of my high school, theatre, going to the movies, and star gazing
| sleepilyawake
Monday, September 19, 2005
based on a TRUE story... and written by yours truly....
He sat at her grave and wept. Five years had passed now and he still didnt understand why his love had been taken from him. The brutal reality was finally hitting him. And now, he got lost in his memories as he did so many times before.
* A strawberry blonde head bobbed up and down as she reached for her customer's order. That's when he first saw her. that's when he first knew she was meant to be his. She had that brilliant smile, and those bright blue eyes. He HAD to ask her on a date. Sadly, she declined his offer.*
The old man snapped back into reality. He slowly started the walk up the cemetary hill to his old beat up ford truck. The wrinkles on his face creased, forming a smile as he drug himself back to the past.
*He was so scared to go back into the shop where she worked. He did not give up easily though. It was her he wanted. It was her he needed.
So, he talked himself into going back. he walked right up to her and said "ma'am i think you are the prettiest thing i ever seen, would you please go on a date with me?" A smirk came over the girl's face. "No."*
The old man pressed slightly on the accelorator, His heart thumped beneath his plaid shirt.
*he saw her again that night, looking at the stars while he was walking down an alley close to his home. "What are you stalking me now?" the girl said slightly alarmed at the sight of the grungy looking boy. "No ma'am just walkin.'" he said trying not to look her in the face. "Look, i dont date just everyone that asks me ok?" the girl said. she felt guilty making the boy sad. she really had had no reason to turn him in down. "Then go on a date with me, please." the boy pleeded once more. *
The old man pushed harder on the accelorator, boosting his speed to almost 75, no one knew it was coming.
*The girl had agreed to go on a date with him. She found she liked to talk to him. And just like that they were in love. 7 years had passed they were still together. more in love than ever before. they sat outside by a tree when the boy carved their name into without an explanation. the girl wondered what crazy thing he was up to now. Then he dropped to his knee. He said "you are my everything. you understand me. you are there for me when i need you. i love you with every inch of my being... marry me." she said "yes."*
The speed of the truck still made a steady increase. faster and faster the old man's mind raced. was this the right thing to do? Should he go through with it?
*20 years had now passed. They now had two wonderful daughters.Both were in their teenage years. It wasnt until 20 years later from this point in time fate decided to step in. She had announced to the family about her lung cancer. Her daughters, husband of almost 50 years, and 13-year-old granddaughter sat beside her. She went downhill fast after that. She was afighter, having struggled through breast cancer, and diabetes, but this time she could no longer hold on. It was her time to go. 2 years after her announcement was made she passed away.*
The wall came closer and closer. it was now beyond the point of no return. the truck crashed, and the man was found with a smile on his face. He could finally rest at ease knowing he was with his beloved. Now it is his daughters and grand daughters that stand at his grave and weep. "you cannot change what was meant to be. They were meant to be together, and that's how it has to remain." said the grand daughter. Just at that moment, she swore she saw two kids walk by the tree that had their names carved in it from so long ago....
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