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myOtaku.com: sleepilyawake

Friday, December 16, 2005

   my yearly wrap up
well, the year is almost over, and i've been looking over all what happened this year, and decided to make a list of what my accomplishments, and not so good things that happened... by far though, this has been one of the best years i've had so yea... but anywho here is my list

-first time i fell in love
-had my first summer fling...lol
-had my first summer camp experience
-stayed in wisconsin without killing anyone lol
-made lots of new friends!
-got better grades in school
-finally stopped being so naive about everything
-i managed to lose the best friend i'm prolly ever gonna have for a really stupid reason... (that was definetly the worst thing that happened this year)
-i managed to lose intrest in the only thing i have actually stuck to and have been passionate about... martial arts.
-did a lot of stupid stuff i prolly shouldnt have.
-had more than one bf

yup thats my year... exciting huh? not really lol. but yea, i'm gonna try and make '06 as good as i can... i hope everyone will have a good "holiday" break!!!! and have a happy new year!

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