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New Mexico
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I've taken a few college courses while still in high school.
Anime Fan Since
about two (my dad got me started)
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Graduate from college now, and hopefully become one of Disney's interns
drawing, writing, & reading
mostly in art & cooking
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Monday, August 14, 2006
The Fair
I'm going to be working quite a bit this week. My school is working at the town's fair to help my class raise money for stuff like our senior trip and caps and gown. Yea there's really nothing special about our fair, so honestly I don't think I'll be doing any actual work until the last two days. After that I start school like about next week. The benefits of going to a private school. Unfortunately, my family can barely pay its tuition and my grandmother is getting to the point where the tuition is getting to be too much for her. I know my dad could pay it, but why would he? He barely even speaks to me let alone knows me. Fortunately I'm down to my last year, then I'm off to college! I love having senioritus!
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Friday, August 11, 2006
The Ugly Duckling
I'm betting that everyone at one time in their life feels like an ugly duckling. Well, there are those few who feel like an ugly duckling for a long period of time. They are the outcasts, the straight-A students, and the unpopular. I am one of these selected few, for very understandable reason. Sure like everyone else, I wallow around in self-pity, but forntunately I catch myself and tell myself to suck up and live on. I know there are others who do the same. Considering the fact I've lived my whole life an outcast, it's helped me to toughen up and these moments of self-pity become fewer. I bet that some time in my life there won't be any of these moments, and it won't be when I'm an old lady. LOL Aging has its benefits.
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Wednesday, August 9, 2006
The Meaning Behind SW
 SW is short for Steorra Wandrian, a series of stories I'm working on. I've finished the first book, and now I'm editing it and writing the second. In the long run, I'm hoping to get these books published. I mean not everyone can get a book published, and I want others to enjoy my writings. If you go on Yahoo 360 and look for isbellld, I'm hoping to put one of my short stories of one of the characters on my blog.
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Sunday, August 6, 2006
Pure Shock
I can't believe that school is about to start. Summer went by quicker than I thought. The only reason I wish school would start is because I felt like I wasted so much time. Other than that I don't want school to start, but yay, I'm a senior! It's my last year of high school!!!
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Thursday, July 27, 2006
The Imaginary Friend
Everyone knows about the imaginary friend, usually because they had one or their friend did. One must honestly ask themselves why did they have one, where did they come from, and how did they affect me in the long terms? I remember watching an episode of Charmed and it was about Wyatt's imaginary friend. Surprisingly the character, Pheobe, decided to do a report on it and stated a lot of hidden truth. The beings have affected us in some way. Some of them kept us company because we were outcasts even in our young age, others gave us a thirst for knowledge like "Why do I have to do this?", while a majority were well known for helping us get into trouble. These are actual beings in the child's mind and might actually be spirits that take a liking to certain children because they remind them of something or some one special. We shouldn't crush those young minds who have these imaginary friends for they are a special part of one's development and basically teach the child how to be confident in themselves. Whether the child learns this lesson is whether those around them help them learn it.
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Monday, July 24, 2006
Mind Flow

Well, I've been putting up some more pics and I'm enjoying the fact that I get to show the world what I can do. I'm working on drawing a picture of Darkrenamon's backside showing some markings on her back which she uses the data for to change into wings. Yeah, I'm going to be working on a lot of other stuff, too. Like some of my own original characters. Hopefully others will like what they see.
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Thursday, July 20, 2006
 Right now, now that I think about it, school is the sweetest torture I could go through. When I'm in school I can't stand it because I don't get to sleep in, but when I'm out of it I want to go back because it gets me out of the house. I live in an extremely small town so there's really nothing to do here. I am extremely bored right now.
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Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Ideas Are Brewing
Man I've getting so many ideas in my head. I honestly don't know where to put them all. Whenever I get an idea I just have to draw it or write it down, depending on how I'm going to use it. Lately, I've been getting so many and I dont' have enough time in the day. How is a girl suppose to do it all?
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Saturday, July 15, 2006
A Friendly Gesture
It is totally amazing. You can go through the entire world and usually the only type of people who are polite are those who are crazy for something, like: anime, Star Wars, scifi shows, and etc.. I haven't been on here that long and I'm already making new friends. Who ever said anime was a waste of time was crazy.
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Monday, July 10, 2006
A Ways Away
It's been awhile but I'm back again. Let's see for how long.
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