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New Mexico
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I've taken a few college courses while still in high school.
Anime Fan Since
about two (my dad got me started)
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Graduate from college now, and hopefully become one of Disney's interns
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Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 07/23/06:
If You Were An Anime Character What Would You Look Like?(Girls Only)
 You are the warrior anime girl.You are the type that can start a fight and win.You are very strong and can beat anyone up (but just don't ^_~) and some people can be afraid of you but alot of people admire your strength and want to be just like you well the people that want to fight.You can defend yourself very easily and can probably handle some kind of weapon.You have a short temper(like me)and get angry easily but you can be really nice at times ^_^and once a fighter always a fighter. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/23/06:
I guess I could say we hold a common ground.
Result Posted on 07/23/06:
I wondered why he bugged me every so often.
Result Posted on 07/22/06:
Result Posted on 07/22/06:
what element are you?(Anime pics)
 You are water.You don't care about the future and you are tranquil and content. Sometimes you are very cheerful and talkative but most of the time you are quiet. You are not the worrier and only care for the present. But you care much about your friends, family, and pets.(please rate) Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/22/06:
What Element Angel Are You?
 water angel. The current. Peaceful yet strong. Quiet also, and usually keep to yourself, or your kind. Even though underneath your controled by the the moon. Keep expanding, you make all the difference. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/22/06:
(A better) what Element goddess are you?(Please please rate)
 You are the moon goddess you like to hang around in the night time to see the moon and the sky you are not afraid of the dark and you can get lonley sometimes but your friends come and cheer you up and they are good to you. you are very nice and you can get very deppressed some times but you will get over it^^and there is somthing about you that is MYSTEROUS and you take things serous. rate my quiz.please Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/22/06:
Which Mythical Being Resides In You?
Result Posted on 07/20/06:
Wow, didn't figure. Oh well...
Result Posted on 07/20/06:
What Resides in Your Soul? (Anime pics, Accurate Results!!)
 Adventure resides in your soul!!! You are a person who loves change and is always moving. You are pretty indisicve, you can't make up your mind. But when you do, you are as stubborn as a muel. You are creative, fun-loving, and reckless. You don't mind putting yourself in danger if it means to have a good time. However, your family and friends do worry about you, and you should keep that in mind when off doing something rebellious. You are/were proabably a punk in school. You love disorder and hate rules. You hate being restricted. On love, you try not to get attached, but somehow you do. The right preson for you is someone who can keep up for you, someone who challenges you. Someone who doesn't mind your lack of affection, becuase they know that through small signs, you do love them. Congratulations, and please rate!!! ^^ Take this quiz!
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