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New Mexico
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I've taken a few college courses while still in high school.
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about two (my dad got me started)
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Graduate from college now, and hopefully become one of Disney's interns
drawing, writing, & reading
mostly in art & cooking
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Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 07/20/06:
I've got problems, lol.
Result Posted on 07/20/06:
Which of the Four Winds are you? (Descriptive Results with pics)
 You're like the North Wind: You tend to be the quiet, anti-social one with the untouchable aura about you. You're both respected and admired, but there are people who hate you, likely for the fact that you can keep your cool in any situation. You have a few friends if any, but you care about them whether you want to admit it or not. As far as appearance goes, you could care less what your clothing looks like as long as it's comfortable. Natural appearance means little to you; you know not to judge a book by its cover.Odds are pretty good that you went through some kind of trauma or abuse in your life, which is why you are such a strong person both mentally and emotionally (and quite likely, physically). It also puts a hell of a lot of feeling into your writing; whether it's poetry or novels. You get along with: East Wind You can't stand: South Wind and West Wind You get along well with some West Winds and most East Winds for the fact that they're more of the social outcasts, just like you. West Wind can sometimes make you laugh, and East Wind is in your good graces for being the quiet one; you can actually be rather protective of your East Wind friends if they appear very vulnerable. You can't stand to be around louder, brasher West Winds and South Winds; either because you think they're annoying, too chatty or can't stand them altogether for whatever the reason. For that reason, South Winds don't like you either, and you tend to clash (of course, you usually win). Being the North Wind, you're usually the loner or the leader, both positions that you work well in. People tend to envy your cool, passive nature and leadership skills, but respect them at the same time. You have a strong sense of wrong and right, and you can't stand seeing an injustice being committed when you can do something about it. Your moral values mostly concern the world around you: not to let them in. When it comes to school, you usually excel in Phys. Ed, History, Foreign Languages and/or English, and tend to do badly at Science and Math. The only suggestion I have for you is to hold onto the friends you have; even independent North Winds have times of need, and your friends will be there when you need them. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/20/06:
I suppose this is me.
What Would be your Most Distinguishing Physical Feature as an Anime Character? (anime pics!)
 If you were an anime character the first thing people would recognize about you would be your wings. Having wings as your primary distinguishing feature shows that you are someone who holds to your beliefs (whatever they may be) and yet, you are not afraid of change either. You are a thoughtful person with a tendency to see beyond what most people perceive, and are quite open-minded towards new and unusual ideas. Most likely you are quiet and unobtrusive, especially in unfamiliar situations, because you prefer to observe. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/20/06:
This was quite interesting, didn't think such. Live and learn.
LOVE SECTION, Whats your love type? very,very good pics.UPDATED
 ~~~~-^ OPPOSITE LOVE^-~~~~ Your love is wierd. You suddenly fell inlove or have a cruch on an enemy or someone you though you never date. You seem shy,silent,and nicer to that person. tip,so you like an enemy,oppisite always attrake. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/20/06:
Wow, I'm impressed.
How do you Sleep? (Anime Pics)
 You are a very deep sleeper. You take sleeping as seriously as you take living. To you, sleep is not just something thats just necessary, its something that is an actual part of life and should be appreciated and enjoyed just as much as being awake. You are very deep and philosophical at times, and always willing to listen to someone elses point of view. After all, how can there be progress without change, and how can there be change without acceptance? Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/20/06:
Once again a quiz that fits me.
What kind of wings does YOUR soul have?(anime pics!!)
 You have mysterious wings.Not very many people understand you,as you have a very complex soul. You have some friends, but you trust very few of them.PLus you don't open up to very many people,and stay to yourself alot of the times.Your wings give off an artist side for you, even if you say that you dont have one. But you seem to have your own style to your things... Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/20/06:
I thought this was interesting. Fits me to a "T".
What Time of Day Best Represents your Personality? (anime pics!)
 Midnight is the time of day (or night, more or less) that best represents you. You have little patience for idiots and probably would like nothing more than for people to just leave you alone sometimes. People often see you as being a very dark and cold person, and you probably have some inner anger or resentment towards those who have hurt you in the past. You are almost always open to unusual ideas and you like expressing yourself through writing and/or drawing. Take this quiz!
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