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Sore wa himitsu desu
Member Since
wouldn't you like to know, but i'll never tell...
Real Name
Slive, but everyone calls me Demon
living everyday as if it were my last.
Anime Fan Since
since way back ....when dinosaurs roamed the earth
Favorite Anime
The Slayers, Fushigi Yugi, Gravitation, Pretear, Getbackers, Saiyuki, inu yasha, vampire princess miyu, etc...
always love anime, go to college, learn to play guitar, pursue my archery, and learn to sew stuff
Archery, reading, writing, being weird, and i'm also on gaia
can twitch ears, can act insane at random times
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Saturday, December 17, 2005
well, nothing much here, just woke up not too long ago. Hopefully i'll be going to the mall to finish up some last minute christmas shopping. Oh, i'm so happy, only 2 more days until my break starts!!! I plan on sleeping so much...and eating lots of chocolate, and cookies *baked by me of course*. well, cya for now.
I need help!! i want a background for my site, but i'm kind of lost on how to do that, teehe!
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Sunday, December 11, 2005
Japanese Festival
Well, today was our anime clubs japanese festival. It was Great!! me had a kendo group, and a taiko group preform, and it was really cool. We also had some dances, and served Muchiko (ground up rice). I got to run around in a kimono!! it was so much fun, teehe!
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Thursday, December 8, 2005
nothing much
hey all, hows it going? nothing much here. lets see..whats been going on.
Well, Saturday I ended up going ice skating by myself, since all my friends backed out last minute. Thats okay though, I had tons of fun, and I plan on doing this more often.
This week has been pretty good, except I pulled a muscle in my back, so it's also been a painful week. Then Sunday i'm taking place in a Japanes festival. Well, gott jet, cya around!
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Friday, December 2, 2005

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it snowed again last night! school got cancelled, and i just finished making a snowwoman! it's about 7 in the morning, but hey, i don't care. this is so cool, we never get snow, and now this year we're finally getting some! This is great!
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Thursday, December 1, 2005
oh cooleo, it's snowing where i live!! it started early this morning, and hasn't let up yet. i'm so happy. We rarely ever get snow, so it's a real treat. Teehe!
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Thursday, November 24, 2005
Ohaiyo my peoples!!! Happy day of eating the turkey, lol. Hope everyone enjoys their little holiday, and to those whom cannot afford and/or do not celebrate this day,well....happy turkey day anyway!!
As for me, I plan on really enjoying this holiday of eating. Mostly it's because I feel so good about helping those whom can't afford to celebrate. At my school, we collected 1504 items of food (in just my class alone) for the neady. Since my class won the food drive, we were gonna either have a ice cream, doughknot, or pizza party. Instead, we donnated the money to the food banks in our area. I hope it helps. Anyway, cya guys around. Sayonala!
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Sunday, November 20, 2005
yo everyone (well, to anyone who actually reads my pathetic posts), hows it been? me? not too good, just stressful and annoying (namely a friend named Miko). I've been working on school work, stuff like that. Friday I went to my little sisters karate graduation. Shes now in advance gold, and i'm so proud of her. Then today I went and saw the fourth harry Potter movie. It was okay, alot better when compared to how the third one was. The graphics were good, and they kept to the main story line, so i can't really bug much about it. Theirs this really good movie coming out in December, called Memoires of a Geisha, and I can't wait to see it. I have the book, which was really good, so I hope the movie is good too. I've been so bored and P.O'd at my friend Miko. All she does is wine about being hungry every five seconds, and that we should go to McDonalds. Meanwhile, while shes going on and on about being hungry, i'm laying down trying to fight the urge to throw up (see, i have a really bad cold right now, and going to the movies really wore me out. So when we got back, i took a half an hour nap, but woke up feeling really bad). I got so annoying that i finally just told her i had plans to go somewhere tonight (which i actually do, and i told her this thursday, friday, and today), and that she needed to call her dad to come and get her. Of course, her dads wasn't home, so my mom had to give her a ride, and my mom had to listen to her complain about being hungry all the way back to her house. God, she wouldn't shut up about wanting McDonalds!! I mean, being hungry is one thing, but to want McDonalds isn't the most important thing in the whole world.
I feel a bit better now, but i kinda feel all alone here on the otaku. I don't really have anyone to talk to, so now i kinda wonder why i'm even posting. It makes me feel kinda depressed...oh well, can't fight it i guess. well, to whomever reads this, sayonala!
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Thursday, November 10, 2005
man, it's been a stressful week (of course, it's been stressful these past three weeks, but no one cares, so oh well). I've been suffering from magrains this week, and Miko (my friend) is really starting to tick me off. See, it's like this. She writes fanfics, and i'm her editor, as in I check for spelling and grammar problems. Well, she had no idea on where to go with her second fanfic, so i helped her out. I gave her a storyline, a plot, and how to kill off a few of the characters, and i even helped get some history for it as well. I never once got a thank you, or anything of the sort. Now shes coming back and asking me to help her again, but thankfully this time i said i couldn't help her. I feel used, and it makes me mad, I think that since i'm her friend and everthing, and i helped her make this fanfic, she could at least say thanks, and maybe even put at the bottom of the fanfic, "with help from editor". It just makes me so mad, cause she gloats and boasts about how good her fanfic is, and if i hadn't of helped her, it wouldn't have turned out like that. It just....grrrr...okay, I'm sorry, but i need to vent, and since barely anyone ever posts to what i put down anyways, i guess it doesn't matter. Hopefully, this weekend, which i have to myself, will be rewarding, and peaceful. well, i gotta jet...cause i have to. Sayonala
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Tuesday, November 8, 2005
nothing much here, just chillin around my house. I passed my japanese midterm >^_^<. I'm also gonna sell my inu yasha mangas, which are sadly collecting dust on my book shelf. I'm also thinking about taking Karate. I'm not too sure about that one yet, I need more time to think it over, but it is something i'm deeply looking into. Other than that, same old same old around here, meaning absolutely nothing is happening.
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