Hi peoples. What's up? Anyways now that i'm done talking to people I can't see, i'll continue on my way skipping down the fields of daisies and marigolds *haha, yeah right!*
Now that i've got that out of my system, have a look around my site and sign my guest book and i'll love you forever and ever.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Oh Wow
I just realized that the last time I posted anything on this site there was only one Pirates of the Caribbean movie out. I suck.
Well anyways here's an update on me:
I just had my 19th birthday about three and a half weeks ago...
I dumped my crazy-navy-psycho boyfriend Sean and got a new one named Karl who's last name would give me a perfect idea for a boy's name if I were to have his kids. Heehee. Who's read "To Kill A Mockingbird"? His last name is Finch (I want to name a kid Atticus)
I'm in the beginningish-middle of my second semester of my freshman year of college (I moved to the heat!!!)
Annnddd - I still hate school!!
I have this class called LA101 wich is Liberal Arts 101 with it's main focus being "What Makes Us Human" HA-fucking-ha! It's the dumbest, most retarted class that you could EVER be required to take. Sigh.
But I declared my major last semester and I'm officially clawing my way toward a degree in English (Business and Professional Writing is it's actual title)
The last statement is the only good part about it, except the people that run the English department are dumbasses that lie to you about when they're going to lock the doors in the English Department location and you can't turn in your research paper that was due at 4 o'clock adn you tried to turn it in at 3:45...Jackasses.
Well...it's been lovely but I've got to go read another 50 pages for LA101 and then take an online quiz by midnight. Ha I'm going to FAIL it. I don't want to, nor do I think I'm going to finish the reading. I might just do a little and then take the damn quiz.
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Wednesday, August 23, 2006
*growls* school is starting again
GRRRRR. My summer is almost over - I DON"T WANNA GO BACK TO SCHOOL!!!
Then again - I'm a senior, who the fuck cares? I'm almost done, let the underclassmen rot I'm almost out!!!
***Insert Happy Dance Here***
Anyways, i'm gonna go see if I can leave the house for the first time in 2 day. I got the flu and haven't seen the light of day and haven't been able to keep anything down in 3 days. Hence I lost almost 15 lbs.
I need to get out and try to eat something
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Monday, May 1, 2006
Omg I'm so damn tired. I fricking hate school. EVIL. Anyways - 27 days of school left then I'm a senior and I don't have to worry about dumb upperclassmen when I'm one of them. *does happy dance* lalala
Prom is in 11 days anyone at Jackson Milton can kiss my ass if they don't like me cuz Sean wuvs me enough to make up for all of ya'll bitches.
Okay, I'm not allowed to have this much caffeine before I go to bed EVER again. I feel high and it's not 4/20 anymore. DAMN IT!!
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Monday, February 27, 2006
Mardi Fuckin Gras
Tomorrow's Mardi Gras!!!!!!
At least some things are going ok in the world 'eh?
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Thursday, February 23, 2006
College Fair
I got to walk around Pitt today being bored and looking at colleges.
I'm happy again. New beau, and he treats me a whole lot better than the last one.
love u sean!
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