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MoThEr EaRtH (619)
Member Since
College Student
Real Name
Maricel a.k.a Mar-Mar
Too Many
Anime Fan Since
I was 7 years old.
Favorite Anime
Sailor Moon (aLwAyZ)
To become a Graphic Designer and to go to Japan to do Anime drawings or have my own Anime Show. (That would be SO KOOL! ^_^)
SiNgInG, DrAwInG, ViDeO GaMeS, HaNgInG w/ fRiEnDs AnD FaMiLy, DoInG GrApHiCs DeSiGnS, MuSiC, WrItInG/ReAdInG FaNfIcTiOnS/PoEmS, AnD AnImE (sAiLoR mOon)
Drawing/Graphic Design/Singing
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Friday, June 2, 2006
Jury Duty
oh god! i went to jury duty today. it was so fucken boring. first i had to wake up art 4:30am to get ready cuz i had to go with my mom to work cuz she was going to take me to jury duty later on. it didn't start until 8am. when i got there, there were already a lot of people. so i just sat there and waited till i get called. OMFG! that was the longest wait i had ever done! they didn't freaken call anyone until 3:30pm! can u believe it? waiting from 8am to 3:30pm? thats 8 hours of just sitting there. so yeah, it was a long wait and i was so fucken bored. well, i didn't get out of jury duty until 5:30pm-ish. and guess wut? i have to go back tomorrow at 9am. i hav to go back cuz there were a couple of people that didn't get the chance to get interview. so this REALLY sucks! all i know is that i hope i don't get pick! oh god, don't make them pick me. *lol* and when i got home, i just went straight to my room and took a long nap. i was SO tired and i didn't get up like about an hour ago. so yeah, this really sucks. oh, what a great way to start ur summer vacation with jury duty... NOT!
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Tuesday, May 30, 2006
You're Not Here
My 3 day weekend was great. Yeah. Anywhoo, I am now on my summer vacation for 3 months. What to do? Hmmm....
You're Not Here
(From The Game: Silent Hill 3)
Blue sky to forever,
The green grass blows in the wind, dancing
It would be much better a sight with you, with me,
If you hadn't met me, I'd be fine on my own, baby,
I never felt so lonely, then you came along,
So now what should I do, I'm strung out, addicted to you,
My body it aches, now that you're gone,
My supply fell through,
You gladly gave me everything you had and more,
You craved my happiness,
When you make me feel joy it makes you smile,
But now I feel your stress,
Love was never meant to be such a crazy affair, no
And who has time for tears,
Never thought I'd sit around and cry for your love,
'till now.
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Sunday, May 21, 2006
Christine's Birthday Party
OMG! Christine's party was hells fun! it started at 1pm and lasted till 2am. it was so freaken kool! i saw faces that i haven't seen in a hella long time. it was great seeing them again. and i was VERY happy to have my Momo there! God, I love that guy! too bad he's gay. but i still love my Momo! i like spent an hour hugging him. i miss him so much! ^.^ we did karaoke with the magic mic that i brought. there was so much yummy food. we watched 2 movies (Mr. & Mrs. Smiths & The Exorcism of Emily Rose) on the wall...awesome! Momo danced for us. we played with 2 cute puppies. OMG! THEY WERE SO CUTE! Christine gotten her little lap dance from Momo. and when the party was about over, we started to clean up and that took about an hour or so. we were supposed to go to the beach when we were done cleaning, but it was already 2am. so we didn't. but i brought home hella food for my parents. Christine kept telling me to bring more food home. *hehehe* she's funny. man, everything was awesome.
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Sunday, May 14, 2006
Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day To My Mother,
To All Mothers Out There,
And Soon To Be Mothers...
And look what I got for my Mom.
Its a picture of me when I was a baby with my Mom. It was a small picture before, but then I made a bigger copy and put it in a frame. I know you may think its Lame, but my Mom loved it.
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Saturday, May 13, 2006
You Got Burned... By My Mom! *LoL!*
good morning everyone! man, im so tired but i can't go back to sleep. *haha* oh god, yesterday was so fucken awesome! i hanged out with my two best guys. Vick and Ian. we all met up at the usual place (vick's house) around 1, but i got there earlier. then we started to head out to the mall. we were suppose take the bus but when the bus was right in front of us... ian couldn't find his transfer. so it left without us, but like a second later right when the bus started to go. ian found it. *lol* but we started to walk to the mall anyways. when we were on Sweetwater road, we caught the next upcoming bus from there. so we did went on the bus anyways.
when we arrived to the mall, the first stored that we went to was GameStop. Vick, wanted to trade in or returned a game that was unable to work in his PS2 well. Vick and Ian gotten into a little argument about a card. it was pretty funny cuz i was right in the middle, looking at both of them. its really funny how they argue. but at the end, vick just bought the new game of the game that he wanted to give back. so he was happy and ian was... eh. *hehehehe* after that we went to the book store to look around. we stayed there for awhile, but when we were going to leave we overheard a worker that was talking to an old man, he told him that he was going to set off the fire alarm and not to worry. the guys got all excited over this, so we stayed for it. *lol* when the fire alarm went off, it wasn't that big or wutevers. but ian wanted me to run out screaming. when that was over, i got a craving for a cone. an ice cream cone! yay! so we walked to Carvel. vick never been there and i think ian only seen it. so it was so kool taking them there. well, i got a chocolate ice cream cone and it was sooo fucken good. i think they have the best ice cream there and stuff. vick and ian were deciding on what they wanted and while they did that, they were having some of my ice cream. it was so funny cuz the 3 of us were just sharing this 1 cone. and when i was about to take a lick of my ice cream, i see ian coming towards me too cuz he was about to get sum. i freaked out and backed away. it was too weird! *lol* anyways, they both got a milk shakes, i think. vick had the oreo and ian had the reeses. now that the 3 of us had our sweets (mines almost gone, thankx to the help of the guys. *lol*), we were off but then we stopped at another game store and just stayed there for awhile. after that we were going to head to the bus area but for some crazy reason we stopped by and stayed at the Hollister. the guys sat down on the sits that were in front of the store. then they started to greet the people that came in and said good bye to the ones that were leaving. that was so funny! and if u saw how they were dress yesterday, they were SO out of place. *lol* and when this one couple came in, ian said " Welcome to Hot Topic." and they were like confused. *hahaha* god, i love hanging with these guys! well, after we had our little fun, we went outside to wait for the 961 bus. i was going to take the guys to my house to hang out and... to meet my parents. OMG! *hahaha* well, they already met my parents. so yeah.
When we got to my place, my mom was in her room sleeping. so the guys and i quietly went in my room. ian has already been in my room when Irene was still around. but vick, well he did seen my room but it was like years ago and it was different back then. so yeah. after they put their stuff down and took off their shoes, we down stairs again to get something to eat. the guys had some adobo that my mom cooked and rice. i wasn't that hungry then, so i just had a peanut butter sandwich but only on one bread and milk. while the guys were eating i started to wash the dishes cuz i always do that when i get home. vick asked me if i was alright and i said yes. its just that i do a lot of thinking when i wash the dishes. its weird. when the guys were done they started to wash their own dishes and i told them that they didn't have to but they did it anyways. then we just went back to my room to hang out. ian went on my lame ass computer and vick and i played his new game on my PS2. when it was about 6, we started to get ready cuz we were going to watch the free movie at the base and my parents were going to drop us off on their way to the bowling ally.
the movie that was showing was Basic Instinct 2 and i felt sorry for the guys cuz vick told me that there were a lot of porn in this movie. and guys + porn in movie = a lot of crossing the legs. *lol*anyways, the 3 of us shared a large popcorn, nachos, and a drink. and ian ate most of them. *hehehe* during the movie, vick had many side comments. i remember he told me that they should fuck again in a desperate way. *lol* and when his cell phone rang, he lean over to answer it. and then i looked at ian and whispered to him that vick was talking to his nuts and we started to laugh. *lol* and ian told vick wut i said he started to laugh too. ian said that i burned him but i was just joking around. but they both congrats me by shaking my hand. those guys are weird. *lol* when the movie was over, i thought it was alright. but im sure that the guys liked it. *hehehe* it was about 8:20, so we started to walk to the bowling ally to met up with my parents.
When we got to the ally and said hi to my parents and to let them know that we're here, i showed the guys around. after that we went to play pool! yay! *hehehe* pool is so awesome! on the first round i went up against ian. this was vick's first time, so he just watch to get to know the game and stuff. while we were playing, ian was kinda getting piss cuz well i was beating him. i should have warned him that i was pretty good at this game. about 7 years pretty good. *lol* and at the end i won. then it was vick turn go up against me. he was doing really well and ian was helping him out too. and this game took awhile cuz i i was missing sum shots. ian kept telling me to stop holding back. and i wasn't.... i think. *lol* the world will never know. *hehehe* but at the end i beat vick. hmmm... is it bad that a girl can beat a guy? *thinks* nahhh! *lol* anywhoo, ian wanted a rematch against me again and at the end... i won. *hehehe* but i don't really think that it counts cuz ian hit the black ball in. so yeah. well the guys got tired of me beating them, so they kicked me off the table and played pool with each other. *lol* and ian did it again. he hit the black ball in. so vick won this round. man, ian was having bad luck in pool yesterday. *hehehe* it was about 9:30, and it was time to go. but then my mom wanted to make a stop at wal-mart but didn't know wut time it closes. and wut a coincidence, vick works at wal-mart. *hehehe* he told my mom that it closes at 10, but it was almost 10. so we went to the one in chula vista.
the reason we were going to wal-mart was because my mom wanted to get a birthday gift for our new founded niece. yes, i just found out that i have another niece a couple a days ago. and she's 9 years old. it was a shocker! *hahaha* my mom was about to get her this barbie doll and that was a first. cuz she normally gets clothes for kids. as she was looking around, i was just standing and talking with the guys. i took a couple of pictures of them cuz they were being dorks. then my mom was looking at kids ear rings and she told me look at the ones that she liked. i told her that they was kool. and she bought them. then she sent me and the guys on a mission... to find a small bag to put the ear rings in. *lol* so we were off on our quest. i couldn't find any bags that was small enough for an ear ring box but i took the one smallest one that i saw and started walking back to my mom. but then my mom called me on my celly. i told her that i couldn't find a small bag. and then she told me to find another bag for the barbie doll. she was going to buy the barbie doll too but she was getting it for me to give to the girl. it was kinda weird cuz this was going to be the first time i met her but ok. i was about 7 feet away from my mom and we were still talking to my mom. i told her that she should come with us so she and pick the bags. when she said ok, i turned around to face the guys. and vick was laughing. i was like wuts so funny. he said that he thought i was still talking to my mom on the phone cuz she was only couple of feet away from us. and i started to laugh too but then i stopped and said i was. *lol* i didn't notice. so yeah, we went back to find 2 bags. and guess wut? vick found a bag that was small enough for the ear ring box. i couldn't find it cuz was it was up all high and he's tall. so blah. when we finally found 2 bags, we went to buy them. vick offered to let my mom use his wal-mart discount card. my mom was happy cuz she didn't have to pay that much. awww... vick made my mom smile. *hehehe* after that we started to walk outside. we went through the girls section. and when we were passing by some bras and my mom stopped and asked vick if he needed a bra. and we just burst of out laughing. *lol* and i was like "Vick, you got burned.... by my mom!" *lol* it was hella funny yo! it was a little sad cuz he did let my mom use his card but it was a joke. a funny one. *hehehe* then we went to the parking lot to find the van. and get this... my dad forgot where he parked. *hahaha* so the 5 of us were just walking around looking for the van. *hehehe* but we did find it. and it was time to drop off vick cuz he has to get up for work the next day and it was getting later. i told my dad where vick lives and the next thing you know, vick was giving me a goodbye hug and saying goodbye to ian and my parents. but as for ian, the night wasn't over. cuz i was taking him to the birthday party. *hahaha*
we arrived to my Kuya Ricky's place about 10 something. when we walked in, i introduce ian to my family and they gave me that question look. the question look asking if he's my boyfriend and then they asked me. ian and i just looked at each other all weird and i told my family "No. He's just a friend." and then thay gave me that yeah right look. but wutevers. then ian, my parents and i went to the table to get some food. but before that, i met new founded niece for the first time. her name was Paula and she was so shy. my mom told her that i was her aunt and she just waved at me. and i was like why are you just waving at me? i walked up to her and said welcome to the family and gave her a hug. and then i gave her the gift and said happy birthday. and thats when i went to get some food. so yeah, i was eating and talking to ian and it was kool/fun. and then i see paula asking my kuya to open the barbie. she looked at me with a smiled and said thank you. awww...she like my gift. *hehehe*
it was almost 12 and ian had to go home cuz his mom called him. so on the way there i told my mom that Paula like my gift and ian was like but you didn't really get it for her. your mom did and i told my mom that and she just laughed. and then she said that Paula didn't even bother to open the gift that she got her. *lol* so that suck. when we got to ian's house he said bye to my parents and gave me a goodbye hug. then it was time for us to go home. over all, yesterday was so fucken awesome! and my parents like Vick and Ian, so thats really good too. ^.^ they even said that i can bring them again if i want and i said thats great. so yeah, thats about it. well, byes!
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Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Me + Skirt = NO WAY!
no. its not what you think. i did not wear a skirt today. i went to the mall to LOOK for a skirt. *lol* yeah, erika and i went to the mall and i kinda end up looking for a skirt. and guess wut? i found one. yay! well, i found it but i didn't buy it...yet. i was looking for a skirt cuz i'll be wearing one at the up coming comic con. i'll be a schoolgirl or wutevers. how exciting, huh? well, not really but... heh. *shurgs* but the skirt was really cute tho. erika said that it looked good on me. anyways, besides looking for a skirt we also went around getting somthing for erika's aunt and her guy friend. it was really fun hanging out with her at the mall other than at her house. *lol* so yeah, it was fun. well, thats about it. and tomorrow morning i hav to get up hella early cuz i hav to go to the doctors again. that sux.
annnnnd bye.
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Tuesday, May 9, 2006
I Went To The Doctors Today...
Yeah, I went to the Doctor's for a TB test. It was for my health class. I was pretty nervous cuz its been a while since i had a shot. but it was alright. i did embarrasses myself, but if you know me well i just brushed it off. when i first saw the needle, i started to laugh cuz yeah, i kinda scared. my mom told me it was nothing, but still... me scared. *lol* when it was time, my mom walked out the door but i was like "mommy....come back." *lol* but i just sucked it up and went to take the shot. but the doctor knew i was still pretty nervous and asked my mom to come back in and to hold my hand. I was like OMG! I'm such a baby. =P But then I said "yeah, hold my hand. in fact hold both of my hands." *hahaha* after my mom told me to calm down, the doctor took my arm. I looked away cuz i didn't want to see it. then the next thing i know... it was over. and it didn't hurt at all. so i was all scared for nothing.... god, I'm lame! *hahaha* so, right now i just a red dot on my arm and i hav to go back to the doctor's again this wed. again. oh, i can hardly way. *heh* well, thats about it. bye!
Oh, and congratulation to Vick for getting his promotion today. I'm so proud of you, Babe! *huggles* ^.^
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Sunday, May 7, 2006
I Love Hanging Out With My Guy Friends!
Man, yesterday was so fucken Awesome!
I hanged out with my guy friends all day. We all met up at vick's place at 12. But I got there earlier cuz I have to do my hair in pigtails. Cuz the day before that ian and vick were talking about doing something different and they wanted me to put my hair in pigtails and everyone to wear black and white like a group or sum thing. *hahaha* so i did, i even had my glasses on. God, I looked like a little girl! but the guys said that i looked like an hentai girl or that girl in that one porno. *lol* anywhoo, they did said that i looked hott and stuff.... riiiight! *lol* and oh yeah, i will never eat go-gurt in front of them again. too much dirty minds and it was a bit messing too. *hahaha* Well, when everyone was together, there was Conrad, Earl, Ian, Vick, and I. Vero was supposed to be there too but she never showed up. She wasn't having a good day. *heh*
The first place that we went to was the Plaza Bonita mall. but on the way we did stop by to gets some California barrios. they're so good! and it was even more good cuz conrad treated all of us. *lol* When we got to the mall, we went to find a red dress shirt for conrad. and with the shirt came with a red tie and conrad gave it to Ian. but ian didn't know how to do a tie, so i put the tie on my to fix it up for him cuz i knew how. i think its a talent that every girl show know... to put on a tie. *lol* when i was done, i kinda liked it so i left it on. so i was wearing a white tang top, black jacket, and black pants. the only colorful thing i was wearing was the red tie. so i was like a wannabe Avril Lavigne with pigtails. it was so freaken weird but i didn't care. *lol* anyways, we went to the book store, game stop, and then to Tilt. it was so kool. the guys went all crazy over this punching game. it looked fun tho. and then vick and i went to play DDR and yes, i so suck at that game. *lol* then the guys came over and we started to do this which around. it was kool watching them. well, about 4ish we started to head out cuz conrad had to go home cuz he was going to Sacramento for the weekend. so we took the bus and he got off by his apartments. now it was Earl, Ian, Vick, and I. and the night was still young, in fact it wasn't even night yet. so the four of us went to Chula Vista mall to watch Silent Hill.
When we got there, we just missed the movie that started already. so we had to stick around for the next one that started at 7:45. We went into another game store and i was surprised to see my friend, Fatima there. Well, she did tell me that she worked at a game store but i didn't know she worked there... or maybe i just 4got. *lol* well, we were there for a while and fatima was trying to make me reserve a game or should i say beg me to. but i couldn't cuz i didn't have money on my. Sorry fatima! after that we went up to the comic and stuff and we hanged out there for a long time. they have such kool stuff tho. then we went to go buy the tickets but we still had an hour or so. Ian paid for me cuz i didn't have money... god i need to get a job. *lol* when we all got the tickets, we went to the book store to waste time. it was so kool cuz the four of us were just sitting on the floor looking at the books... i don't know why but it was kool tho. then it was time to watch the movie. well not really, we still had like 45 minutes but we got tired waiting and stuff. when we walked in the theater it was empty and dark. we sat way in the back at the corner. Vick next to the wall and then it was me, earl and ian. the 4 of us mostly sat there and talked and then ian went to get a drink but then he came back and asked earl to help him cuz he was getting something for all of us. awww... ian is so sweet! *lol* when they came back ian got us 2 nachos, popcorn, and a large drink. vick and i shared a nacho and earl and ian shared the other and we all shared the popcorn. but before we got to the mall we also got a 2 liter soda for the 4 of us to shared. so yeah, we snuck in food! *lol* then people started to come in. but then we notice that some of those people brought their kids and they looked like they were about 6 or so. so we didn't know why they brought their cuz that movie was hella scary. but oh wells. we were still sitting there waiting for the movie to start, then i told the guys that when im scared that i'll started to laugh. then they started to laugh at me. i remembered that ian was laughing and i think i asked why he was laughing and he said that he was scared. *lol* i started to laugh cuz he was still making fun of me. when the movie started, it was so exciting! and during the movie they were a few times that i giggled. and it was so funny cuz ian scared earl. and vick and earl were saying something about save point. and then vick dropped some cheese on my pants, and when ian heard what happened he started to laugh but he was like drinking soda and some came out of his nose. OMG! it was so freaken funny.
Well, when the movie was over it was about 10. Vick called his mom to pick us up and to take us home. Man, yesterday was so fucken awesome. I swear, I love hanging out with those guys. ^.^
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Sunday, March 19, 2006
I Made Another Quiz! Yay! =)
Have Fun And Enjoy! ^.^
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Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Graphic Design #2: Its Not Pink. Its Lightish Red
 By: Maricel
I Made this one like, last week or so.
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