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MoThEr EaRtH (619)
Member Since
College Student
Real Name
Maricel a.k.a Mar-Mar
Too Many
Anime Fan Since
I was 7 years old.
Favorite Anime
Sailor Moon (aLwAyZ)
To become a Graphic Designer and to go to Japan to do Anime drawings or have my own Anime Show. (That would be SO KOOL! ^_^)
SiNgInG, DrAwInG, ViDeO GaMeS, HaNgInG w/ fRiEnDs AnD FaMiLy, DoInG GrApHiCs DeSiGnS, MuSiC, WrItInG/ReAdInG FaNfIcTiOnS/PoEmS, AnD AnImE (sAiLoR mOon)
Drawing/Graphic Design/Singing
Saturday, February 19, 2005
Maricel And Her 3 Guys
Yesterday was so awesome! I was in the GEAR UP meeting at Lunch and I was standing by the door because there was no one at our hang out place and I had to watch over our stuff. Then I walked outside cuz I was saying hello to a friend and right when I was about to go back to a meeting, someone yelled out my name. I turned around and it was Omar. I walked up to him so see wassup. We exchange hugs and he told me to follow him, that there are people who wants to meet me and we were walking into a classroom. There were lots of Asian students there but then I notice there was a guy wearing a black jacket and I know who it was. IT WAS GIBRAN!!! So yeah I walked up to him all happy and gave him a big hug. *hehehe* I guess you can say I missed the guy, even tho I talk to him online. *lol* So yeah, Gibran hanged with us in AVID class, it was kool. Then after school, we wait for Momo cuz I wanted Gibran and Momo to meet and they did. YAY! after that we went to Starbucks to get sum drinks and hang out. Then we drove to Downtown cuz Momo wanted to go to Hillcrest but we ended up hanging out at a park. So it was Momo, Omar, Gibran, and Me just hanging together. it was so much fun! Well, kinda ish cuz Gibran fell asleep on the bench and he was taking most of the room, so Momo had to sit on my lap. Then Momo switched with Omar, and Omar was sitting on my lap. *hehehe* I had 2 guys on top of me. I'm so freaking lucky! *lol* So yeah, I had fun hanging with my 3 guys. Well, BYE!
Girl: Mommy look! *points* Why is that Man sleeping on the Bench?
Mother:Oh Honey, He's what we call a Bum. Now stop pointing...It's rude.
- *lol* I'm just messing Gibran. But that's a good picture of you, Man. ^_^ -
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