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myOtaku.com: Snail6

Friday, June 30, 2006


Thank You
You are my friend
Hopefully you will be my friend forever
If so...
I will see you when I am older
I will see you when you are older
That way we will never be old friends
instead we will be friends for a long time
So be my dear friend...
So we can walk the path of friendship together
And we will never be apart
and we will be friends for a long time...


-For her dear friends

Everything is coverd with a white blanket
A little girl makes angels on the soft blanket
that gets bigger when white little flackes come down
The Little Girl softly says to herself "Why is everything so white"
then the girl saw someone white and said
"The answer was simple...
Becuase death means that someone has come to Heaven
Heaven is white...
White means pure..."
So when the girl truns to an old woman
she dies..just like the leaves that has fallen
and then are coverd in snow
she too will see the pure white heaven
And when she sees it
she will see a little girl and say "Why is everything so white"
She will turn to a white angel and tell the girl
That simple answer she heard when she too was a little girl


-That is why snow is white....becuase Heaven is also white...

Spring is so free
Life starts...
Cherry blossoms bloom from their long sleep
Summer the sun is wide awake
All summer flowers show all their pedals with great strength
End so soon...
Fall everything starts to die and everything is cold
Leaves fall down
Everywhere is full of dead leaves
Everything is dead
Leaves are covered with beautiful white snow coming down from heaven
The End has came and spring will start


-Remember everything is like seasons....when someone dies..some one will be born on spring

The young girl looks outside...
She sees the white stars smiling at her
She smiles back becuase she can see her grandmother's smile
The girl says "Grama...I will never be sad nor lonely becuase when I look
outside I will always see you there...in the stars..."
The young girl is now a young teen who works in a cafe
she has no boyfriend yet while all of her friends have one
and yet
she is never sad nor lonely becuase in night she can see her gandmother's
smile in the night sky...and she says
"Grama...I will never be sad nor lonely becuase when I look
outside I will always see you there...in the stars..."
Now the young teen is a lady
she works in a small offic e with no husband yet
she is not sad nor lonely becuase she always looks out of her
window and sees her mother
and she says
"Grama...I will never be sad nor lonely becuase when I look
outside I will always see you there...in the stars..."
Now she is a woman
she has a family
she works in a large office
she is happy...mostly when she looks outside...
she always looks outside and says in the night
"Grama...I will never be sad nor lonely becuase when I look
outside I will always see you there...in the stars..."
Now the woman is lying in bed
she is a grandmother
her youngest granddaughter is standing there crying
the grandmother smiles and says
"Don't cry...just look outside in the night.."
Why? asked the granddaughter...
"So you can see me...like I did..."
"But..." started the granddaughter
"That way you can say...
Grama...I will never be sad nor lonely becuase when I look
outside I will always see you there...in the stars..."
Now the granddaughter is the young girl...
-To her grandmothers...

The children wait...
they will be waiting for someone they miss
but never come back
the person died in something they could not understand
The oldest said "Why did it start in the first place?"
The other 2 said "becuase they could not agree on something
I guess"
Then the middle one said "But why did so many died...
it was not their battle..and why didn't the ones who
started it didn't die..."
The other two said "Becuase they were afraid
and didn't go into it"
Then the littlest child asked "So he died for nothing like everybody else?"
The other two said " I guess so...nobody really won...
people died...for nothing...becuase the ones who
started it didn't stop it"
-for the kids who will never really know why so many died in the cruel and hearless battles that people start and will never really end becuase the ones who had lost their love ones will always have an empty space in them....

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