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My own lil' world... speaking of which, you haven't payed your rent!!!
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| Snapplejack2005
Monday, February 4, 2008
Hey, it's me again(go figure). Why two posts in one day? Because one was for my nonexistent love life and this one something completely unrelated! Ok, I do not believe in heaven or hell, god or the devil. To me these things are as fictional as "ELMO". I feel that those above figures above were made to answer the unanswerable. I live in the moment, I don't care about how the universe started or is going to end. Instead of saying something is a miracle or god-at-work, I say I don't understand it, it just is. All that matters to me is now and what I can do to further myself in my future now. You know what? Doesn't sound bad, right? Wrong, I am constantly tried to be proven wrong over and over. I wish I didn't stick so strongly to my opinion! I wouldn't have all of these people trying to change me.
Alright, so there is this girl who "relates" to me... wandering through an empty field of pain, right on the edge of suicide, but she found god! You know what that says to me? She couldn't take her own problems so she decided that they didn't exist as long as "ELMO" existed because "ELMO" is all powerful and all loving. She says I need to pray every day and come to bible study! I went once, it wasn't exactly fun. Everyone brought up intensely painful memories and insisted they wouldn't have happened if I embraced god.
Another thing, christians say that the only thing that comes of sin is death(yes, even lying). Don't say christians don't say that, they said that in the church and then proved what they were saying was true by the bible. If this is true, then what the fuck did my mother do? Why did you take her away, all mighty "ELMO". She was twenty-fucking-five! Just old enough to give birth to me and my brother. Do you know how old we were? I was four and my brother was two. She must have been pretty evil if she died so young! On top of that, instead of just taking the life of my mother, "ELMO" decided to make the rest of my life from six-years-old and up a living fucking hell! Suicide wouldn't be so bad, sometimes. I almost killed myself, then I decided that was the biggest thing you could do to be a pussy. How easy would it be to die so you don't have to take care of problems, just like god. Believe in him and your problems will go away! What bullshit. *sigh* Why am I writing this, you ask? Here is my answer: because (just like my answer to life, the universe and everything).
p.s. Please don't hate me for my opinion
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