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Oi. Tis Dith/Ping/insert-all-other-nicknames-here. Yeahhh...so...I'm not that great of a realistic artist, so most times I make random junk. I call it...umm..."abstract pandemonium of PiNG."
Yeah. 8)

Saturday, August 2, 2008

So..I'm going to Warped tomorrow [yay]! I'm really excited..except it's going to be brutally hot and it might rain. Haha oh well.
Early Monday morning I'll be going up to Trout to work for a week, which will be..interesting. I'm cramming tons of stuff into a suitcase..maybe it's a bit in excess? I'm not very good at packing. XD It's just the loose ends now..shoes, toothbrush and everything haha.
Been looking at graphics tablets recently..if I ever save up the $, I'd really like to get one. Probably a Bamboo Fun by Wacom. :)
So..remember those crazy goggles I was talking about? I'M GETTING THEM. I'm so excited, it's ridiculous. I'll be sure to show you all as soon as I get them..with a prettyful picture! <3 XD

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Sunday, July 13, 2008

Target has DOMO folders and notebooks. Teehee! I bought two folders. Domo news [obey the Domo] and Domo face ["I own your ass!" Sorry..it's an icon].
Wow..there's a picture of a band [OMG] and the lead singer is holding a chainsaw. HARDCORE!
Let's see..in the past three days, I've read two Chuck Palahniuk books [Survivor & Diary, both amazing], cleaned up my computer, tuned up all three guitars in the house, played all three of them, made a massive 8 ft by 4.5 ft tie blanket for my sisters boyfriend [that guy owes me...BIG TIME], cleaned my room [it's so bright and clean it hurts], was dressed by my sister - my pink whale shirt and board shorts, it made me feel like a clown, and WOW if anyone actually read through this..you have WAY too much time on your hands.
I haven't even started on the selling lyrics deal...XD I'll spare you.


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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

"she drank from a bottle called DRINK ME...she ate from a plate called TASTE ME...and so she changed, while other folks never tried nothin' at all."
Well. It's now July..and a bit has happened since I last posted [does anyone read this, anyways?]. I went to France [and came back - boo], I watched some cool movies, I've started taming the shrubs in the yard, I got a shiny new ipod - and lots of music on it, thanks Josh!, new headphones, new pants, and..um...well, that's abouot it. Not much else is worth mentioning. XD Summer, of course, is flying by MUCH too fast.
I can't report that I've changed all that much, no major traumas or anything. Unless drama over new rules from my parents counts...I was seriously worked up about that. I'm taking advice I was given, though.
Whee. Happy [early] July 4th, everyone! Don't blow yourself up with fireworks or anything. Not a good idea. :)

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Thursday, June 5, 2008

blue and yellow
Tomorrow's the last day of school...finally. One more final, I think. I can't figure out what's going on with APUSH or english.
I feel like crap today. Real fun. :) I better not be sick, I'm leaving for France on Tuesday...and there's so much fun stuff going on this weekend! Nehehe.
I'm pretty sure I'm going to give up on making my sheet for biology and studying...to go make brownies. Yay, brownies. <3 I'm so dead right now. XD

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Saturday, May 17, 2008

set it off?
Saw 21 today..it was decent as those movies go. :D Then I came home and watched 27 Dresses with my mom..it's pretty cute.
Listening to Emarosa/MSI/the Used at the moment..sorry Pi, I can't go to your band concert. :( It's my dad's 50th/party, so I really can't miss it.
Can't think of much else to say.

edit: Oh yeah, I got into Symphonic Winds for band next year. Woo and yay.

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