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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

independence, please.
I want my license! D:< Haha..yeah. That and the college board not to be so anal. All I need is to bring my cell phone to the test site so I can secure a ride home so I don't have to look like an @$$ and bum a ride off someone AGAIN.
Apparently in some small country, far far away, over TEN THOUSAND people died. Due to a cyclone or something of the sort. The freaking government did almost NOTHING to warn these people, who are mainly without electricity or any weather warning system. The army was seen warning sections of a large city, but it was generally only the richer portion.
It's pissing me off, obviously. XD End rant - before I really get going. :)

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Monday, April 28, 2008

Looking into *future opportunities*, I came across the "Power Chord Academy" [lame name..wow] website and requested info. [They do summer music sessions with lots of cool stuff. XD] Today I get an email saying that they need a lead guitarist for a couple sessions...and I'm smacking my forehead.
A) I haven't been playing guitar regularily, B) where the heck are these sessions? and C) it's not really a possibility..due to France and then college/tuition uncertainties with my sibling [no, she's not a bad student!]. But D)...DAMN THAT'S A SWEET OPPORTUNITY.
[That's how the art school schmeal is going too.] Thoughts? Please? XD

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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Today has been intense. School was fine, I had trouble staying awake though. Homework was difficult, I'm still not done [not on schedule for APUSH, then math & french tests tomorrow]. Been talking to Jeff a bit, I've been trying to convince him to take up the drums...but he's being a pessimist. Or maybe just realistic..? Either way, it's raining on my parade. XD He's sticking to his life plan of biology...whatever.
Anyways, I seem to have tapped a hidden reservoir of determination tonight. Josh's acceptance to Perpich - and Tina's transfer to an arts school - has got me thinking. I'd LOVE to switch to an arts high school, probably for music and writing. [At the same time, I have opportunity at MV - I'm excited about Accel. Chem. next year, and a little for band & french.] Everyone says 'you can't make a living off of art' but everytime I hear it, it only makes me want to prove them wrong even more...agh. I'm torn about it, but it's not the "oh noes!" wimpy torn. This is an AHHH-WTH-WHY-CAN'T-I-HAVE-BOTH?!-angry torn. :P
In other news.. Dave Grohl [supposedly] wants to run for president as an independent candidate. He wants mandatory weekly BBQs, the illegalization of war, and a "forward focused" attitude where "we redefine American morals: family, music, barbeques." Sounds good to me...how about you guys? XD

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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

i take a look around, imagine if this all came down
This place is so boring.

I really want to cut my hair short again...>.< It just feels better, it’s kindof an excuse I guess. XD
Finally finished MCA testing [reading for us] today. Easiest test I've taken in a LONG time..seriously.
Feeling a mix of pessimism/antagonism/feminism today...oh wait, that's just called angst, right? XD I forgot the proper term. [That statement, btw, was DRIPPING with sarcasm.] Anyways, not much hw tonight, so that's kindof exciting. But not really, because if my mom finds out, it's off to work I go. I'm so lazy. XD

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Saturday, April 5, 2008

Went to morp tonight...it was pretty fun, other than the fact that Traeume couldn't go. -.-; That was NOT COOL. We missed her. :( We all danced..and I'm sure I looked stupid, but I don't care. There were a few breakdancing circles even. And...I danced with a boy. >> A boy who just so happens to be-really-cute-and-may-like-one-of-my-friends-but-I-can't-tell-but-he's-like-a-ninja-with-a-six-pack-and-a-pretty-dang-good-dancer, so yeah. Becca egged [egg'd? lol] me on somewhat. I was being a wimp, and he didn't seem like he was going to claim a girl or anything..eep. I'm smiling on the inside/worrying, but I'm trying to shut that latter part up. :o
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Tuesday, April 1, 2008

karma's a bitch.
Ugh. For MORP, as you may or may not have heard, my group is going mobstyle/Al Capone/gangster.
I went to Ragstock tonight [with my mom, she wanted to go grocery shopping] to buy a pimp hat/fedora..but of course, not to waste a trip, I had to call and make sure they actually had the hat that I wanted.
They did, and the guy on the phone just SOUNDED cute, dammit! XD He didn't even know what a fedora was...
Anyways, so I get to Ragstock, and HOLYCRAPTHATGUY'SCUTE! Wait - I think that's the guy that answered the phone earlier. That makes sense. So then I buy my stupid hat and waste a chance to be outgoing for once and ask for his number or SOMETHING.
But of course I don't. Hence, karma's a bitch...and I'm sure you don't want to hear all about why it's punishing me. XD
So I'm attempting to make myself feel better..and stay off of Ben & Jerry for a while, haha. But if tomorrow's crappy, then I don't think that's going to happen.

PLUS my mp3 player and Windows Media are being @$$es and won't work. I'm seriously about to make a hole in the wall with my head. Maybe I could get out of school for a day..?

Aww, screw this. I need ice cream.
Who cares, I mean, if chunky girls are good enough for Queen...*rolls eyes* [Fat Bottomed Girls - for those who don't get the reference.]

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Sunday, March 30, 2008

to the nth degree, we have peristalsis!
For the past three and a half hours, I've been in my room studying body systems/parts/functions, reading webcomics [it's a new form of self medication XD], and attempting to smoosh one certain little ladybug/chinese beetle into time-crushing OBLIVION.
Little bugger. *death glare*

Anyways, is anyone else sick of pansy-ass boys?
Yeah, me too.

Just wanted to get that off my chest. End rant.
EDIT: Apparently, ranting takes a toll on my skillz in grammorz. ["Ice cream, good" is a prime example of the result of overstudying. And getting pissed off at pansy-assed boys. Whee!]

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Saturday, March 29, 2008

   like the wind
Went to the Blue Man Group concert tonight. It was amazing! There were so many antics, and they pulled people from the audience. The music was pretty good too. XD I bought a cool-but-ridiculous-expensive t-shirt that I'll be wearing Monday. Oh yes, I am a megastar...XD
On Thursday [the night before an APUSH test...joy! Haha, it turned out to be 50 true/false questions. Real fun.] I was at Club 3 Degrees..the lineup was Decyfer Down, Thousand Foot Krutch, and Skillet. I like TFK more, but Skillet put on a better show...Decyfer Down was a lot better than expected! Haha, I saw someone from MV there. As you can imagine, I made it just a little bit awkward. :) But oh well, we talked the next day in biology.
Friday, I finally went to "Horton Hears A Who" - it was so cute! Aieee! Went with Traeume, so that was even better. XD Jojo is so adorable...he's this little emo who. He says like 10 words, and he's voiced by Jesse McCartney, of all people. I never saw that one coming.
So there's my weekend so far, in a rather scattered order...not that many people will read this. XD
Oooh! Pi, were you at Trout the year when MollyJo was in our cabin? She found me on Facebook. I think it was Sequoia that year.
Anyways, I should probably go to sleep so I don't look like a zombie tomorrow. But I ask you, what's wrong with zombies?

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Saturday, March 22, 2008

*facemelting in progress*
IEEE! I'M SO EXCITED! I finally revamped my myspace page, and found an amazing song to put on it. [Pain - the Used] Yeah, it is kind of emo, but...it's the Used! And it's absolutely amazing, rock-out session goodness is contagious!

BUT - it's a bonus track on the "LIES FOR THE LIARS" cd...and I am SO TEMPTED to buy it [on iTunes] just for that song. Not that I don't like the other songs..! "Pain" just got me writing again. Wheee! Just posted something on Deliric, which I haven't done in a lonnnng time. Betcha they all think I died or something.

Maintenant, nous attendons. O_O

[Now, we wait.]
That sounds creepy. Heh heh heh heh...

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

regarde, tout le monde! j'ai change mes boucles d'oreilles...XD
I bought a bunch of cool earrings today. 9 pairs of diff. colored stars, mini-hoops/post set, and some crazy...goopy ones. Hehe. I'm wearing a pair of blue stars right now.
I went to the MOA w/ my mom to work on finding me a dress or two. We actually found two! Yay! Mission accomplished...now I just need shoes. Oh dear.
There was a crazy spectacular song on the current [89.3 or ONLINE! rock on], so I looked it up and now I'm listening to the artists music. IT'S AMAZING. Super relaxing too, so don't listen if you need to stay..alert...*nods off*

Elle s'appelle: Anoushka Shankar
Elle joue: euh...<> et elle chante [and she sings]!

I CANNOT WAIT to buy some music. Hee. Course, that's always the case with me... Anyways, I'm off to sneak a brownie and some milk. Yumyum! Then it's time for beddy-by, it's been a long day. Hope you're enjoying spring break, MV peeps! Haha, that means you Traeume..did I spell that right? Prob not. Oh well-bonsoir!

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