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Thursday, March 13, 2008

APUSH was fun today...we were going through the DBQ, and I kept laughing with - okay, at - Eric. Hee. Twas fun...I'm skipping speech practice today to study for math, biology and french - all the while rockin' out...haha.
OOOOH! I got a Mountain Dew! NEHEHEHE! Study group will be interesting...hee. *attempts to suppress giggles*
OK Go's video for "Do What You Want" [the wallpaper one] is super amazing. XD I suggest you watch it...
Ummm...lesse. Party tomorrow at my house. For my birfday. WHEEE! BIRTHDAY! PI DAY!


I'll be back.

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

staring at the sun
Ahhh, I spoke too soon. I'm freaking out again. XD I had to do a bunch of makeup work, which isn't bad, but it is in math...I SUCK at math, so when I miss a day, it gets even worse. I was working on my other stuff, waiting for a time my dad could help me on my math hw, BUT HE WENT TO SLEEP. Guess I can't really be mad at him...so I'm mad at myself for being a *expletives* idiot.

Anyways. I'm glad I went to youth group...haha sort of half n half. I got caught up with Steph and Megan...got weird looks from people [me and Steph were running around outside...and piling on eachother...and sticking our heads outside at her cousins...and talking about..stuff. >> haha], so yeah. Pretty fun.

So it's official! I hate math, and it hates me. At least the feeling's mutual...XD

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

over thinking...
So I'm trying to figure out how to get you peeps to comment on my posts...make them shorter? Post less often? Be more interesting?
Eh, screw it.
My brain feels like it's coming out of my ears...very pleasant, yeah. We won the bball game - 81 to 68, against centennial - but I was stuck next to a group of insanely annoying/loud freshmen. I didn't really expect them to be quiet, but...
Anyways. I'm a little ticked off..my sister is here for a week. I'm busy, and she's busy meeting with friends and such. Haven't seen much of her. And whenever we're home at the same time, her boyfriend's here. 95% of the time, I guarantee it...
Boys continue to be ridiculous, clever, and sometimes even cute. My thumb has gotten better. Tomorrow I will catch up on the 5 classes I missed out on today. I've discovered that Coldplay has a positive effect when you're over thinking.
So, maybe I will make it through this week... :)

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Sunday, March 9, 2008

national product =
Hee. Found a new band to listen too...XD
Anyways! The-one-who-must-not-be-named [hah! Let's call him Voldy! And Pong, yes, it's you know who..] is being cheesy, so I've decided that I'm going to give him CHEESE for his birthday. Now I just need to find out whether he's a singles kind of guy or swiss...haha. That's weird. And now one of my other guyfriends/confidant? is bothering me about Voldy. Not to mention Morp...aka backwards prom, lol. I'm hoping that it's in fall, not spring, haha...
An evil hanger cut my thumb today. :( This made me sad...
Blaaaah. I haven't posted anything on Deliric in a lonnnnnnnnnnng time. I don't have any teenagerish rants/angst...haha I do, I just can't write about it...writers block? Ugh.
Over and out, I need to sleep..


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Thursday, March 6, 2008

So my sister is visting for a week or so tomorrow... Mes parents are at work all day, and I'm bored as all get out, cleaning. At least I have some good speakers...I've been blasting music, lol. Everything from Linkin Park to the Veronicas...it's been interesting. My hair's being nice today, so I'm having lots of fun headbanging. :)
Put one new thing up on Deliric, haven't put anything up on Threadbanger in a lonnnnng time...since it's a long weekend, maybe I'll get something done.
My mom is still flipping about me getting any color in my hair...she's worried about what all the French peeps are going to think. Sheesh. I have to ask Mme Bougie about it and "do some research"...no comment.
Nothing too exciting going on..

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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

kiss from a rose...aw, isn't that sweet?
Boys are so annoying.
They way they act, the things they say.
The way they string you along, and then - drop back to "normality" at the last possible second. They almost make me wish I was lesbian. XD But no worries on that...

Ugh. I'll be venting tomorrow to you peeps, Traeume and TingTing [who's not on here..why not?].

me: hey what's up?
boy: I'm studying...alone *emo*
me: oh, well you could've come to my study group
boy: I would probably spend the hours talking to you
me: Haha that'd be fun...wouldn't get much done tho
boy: That's my point.. maybe i should tho someday :)
AND THEN, me being as awkward/stupid as I am, ask him if he's being sarcastic and say yeah, maybe we should DOTDOTDOT[dot]
THEN this STUPID[cute]STUPID[funny]STUPID[clever]STUPID boy doesn't say anything for a half hour, and acts like normal. URGH! Not like he's making me freak out or anything. I DESPISE texting now...can't tell what the other person means!

Sheesh. I'm flippin'.

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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Midquarter's tomorrow. To say the least - the very least - I'm screwed. I'd use stronger language, but...lol. I'm doing terrible in math [C+] and I'm going to get screwed over for it. I'm really pissed off at myself. I feel like I should be able to do better. My mom would love to blame it on the computer - the source of all evil, pretty much - and I dunno, maybe I'm just not as smart as I'm made out to be. I know you don't need to be smart, per say - if you work hard, supposedly... I just feel so damn inferior. There are plenty of reasons why.
Anyways, sorry for being so dramatic. I dunno what's up with me.

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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

   RASH [this better not elicit an apology]
Remember all those things I wrote?
The ones you probably never read - no time, they're boring, too long - those.

[I poured myself out in those, by the way.]

I can hardly believe you have the nerve to come and ask me to share - my problems, difficulties, whatever - and make you not feel like an outsider.

[I did the best I could, love.]

I don't know what you count as "problems," because if you're measuring, I'm not using your scale. I'm never going to measure up - is there no hope of an exception?

But I must be jumping to conclusions again. It's an island long forgotten, and only unpleasantly rediscovered when my thoughts are put to life.

I've always regretted those moments.

Was I too harsh in my phrasing? Was it too unexpected from someone who goes with the flow? Excuse me, am I interrupting when I ask for help?

Oh - there I go again. Pouring myself out to the world - not considering others - not caring what happens.

That is too rash.

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There seem to be more things I want to accomplish than time for. I'm not just talking homework/school, but..just other things - enjoy life more. XD It's strange digging for the lines.
I'm so sick of school. Just the atmosphere...something about being crammed into a room with 30 other people and "learning" really gets me. I have to admit, I was watching some Pride & Prejudice vids on Youtube today.. I came across one I particularily like [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ctl2LVnuH0&feature=related]. Yeah, I'm super cool. XD Just maintain that illusion a little longer...
I haven't been writing lately. It's weirding me out. Most things I want to say have already been put to words, and I feel like a parrot. This isn't mixing well with school...

A bright yellow Sesame Street band aid glares up at me from my ankle. It seems to be taunting me with smiling muppet faces and wayward dots and smeared stripes. The part that gets me is that it's stuck on this long after all the abuse.

This, right now, here, is the test. Nothing exciting is going on, the goal is to merely maintain equilibrium. It makes me crave drama - action, change, decisions. I want to spin out, do something drastic, something - anything - to feel more than I do now.
Break the ice I'm standing on. I dare you.

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Friday, February 15, 2008

Carbo load tonight...speech meet in the mornin'. I'm kindof nervous, because I know I need to work on my speech..it's pretty good writing wise, it's just the performing part. XD Aieeee...! I'm supposed to be OFF SCRIPT, but there's no way that's happening...oh well. I'm doomed. XD
Lots to do this weekend! I have to go to the dentist on Pres's day - my day off, pooh - and work on a picture book for english, etc etc.
Anyways. We wrote a FRQ in APUSH, and me & courtney kicked some smurf. We had to correct a couple peoples, and Schweiters & wotsisfaces got...well, thrown in the trash. Really. Not by us, by Moore. Then we corrected another groups, and "war" kept looking like "woo."
"The Great Woo, also known as the woo to end all other woos..."
Tata, tout le monde! J'ai besoin aller et...euh...faire quelque chose. Ouais.

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