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myOtaku.com: snapsicles

Sunday, December 30, 2007

   Sorry, luv, it just would never have worked between us...
Went shopping today. Bought things. Got a pair of $80 pants for $9.99.
Lately I've had a strange urge to swallow things. Not just food, random things. Like shrinky dinks. Ow.

Holy flipping cow. I have to say, for the emo song of the week, “I’m Not Okay (I Promise)” TOTALLY takes the cake. In fact, was there ever a cake? I mean, if this song took the cake, the cake’d be high as a double-decker bus with blood squirting out of it [instead of a stripper...sorry, guys...KIDDING!], also adorned with razors, poetry, tight girl pants, & band shirts - the cake, not the blood. [See? There never was a cake.] Anyhow, you can’t take this song without the video. Help yourself, and don’t be afraid to come back for more. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OF9UB_xrhMI&NR=1

Whew! Now that that's over, what else do I have to ramble about...oh yeah. PONG! GET YER PURPLE LIL' HMM-HMM OVER TO MYOTAKU AND POST! IT'D BE NICE TO ACTUALLY HEAR ABOUT YOUR LIFE ONCE IN A WHILE! IF YOU DON'T START TELLING, THEN I'LL BE FORCED TO KEEP ASKING AND PROBABLY WILL START MAKING THINGS UP! Don't worry, you won't have any strange meetings with Fabio until you wear that pink frilly dress. ^^

That will be all. <3

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