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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

   Harry Potter...?
Mhmmm. I decided to post a mini-song-HP-fanfic up here, since I don't really have anywhere else to put it. I might submit it to a couple sites, but I'm not sure. Based off post-OotP and "View From Heaven" by Yellowcard.

V I E W | F R O M | H E A V E N
*I'm just so tired
Won't you sing me to sleep
And fly through my dreams
So I can hitch a ride with you tonight
And get away from this place
Have a new name and face
I just ain't the same without you in my life*

Harry woke from his dream with arms outstretched, a trace of a heart-wrenching scream on his lips. Gasping, he reached for his glasses, to see Ron peering worriedly at him. "Blimey, Harry! You almost woke the whole house! Is...is it your scar again? I won't tell Hermoine, I promise-"
The boy sat up and buried his face in his hands. "I - I don't want to talk about it, Ron. Thanks, but goodnight." He tried to keep his voice civil. His well-meaning friend got the message, said goodnight, and was soon emitting a whiffling snore.

*Late night drives, all alone in my car
I can't help but start
Singing lines from all our favorite songs
And melodies in the air
Singin' life just ain't fair
Sometimes I still just can't believe you're gone*

Images sprang into Harry's mind, unbidden. Flashes of green, red, yellow, blue...colors of spells and encantations flooding the room. Death Eaters...Malfoy, Lestrange, Dolohov, Macnair, Rookwood...he could see the cruelty and utter despise in each pair of eyes as clearly as if they were inches away.
Harry shuddered.

*And I'm sure the view from heaven
Beats the hell out of mine here
And if we all believe in heaven,
Maybe we'll make it through one more year
Down here*

And then...hope! A faint glimmer, but hope nonetheless - The Order! Lupin, Moody, Tonks, Kingsley...Sirius. A smile flitted across Harry's face. When this was all over, somehow Sirius would be cleared, and they could go live together, out in the country somewhere...just like they had planned, oh, so long ago..

*Feel your fire,
When its cold in my heart
And things sorta start
Remindin' me of my last night with you
I only need one more day
Just one more chance to say
I wish that I had gone up with you too*

The fight repeated itself like a scratchy old record. It was impossible to make it by oneself - the Death Eaters were living up to their viscious title and were not at all afraid. Ah, Dumbledore had finally arrived! "Now it's really over..." Harry murmured, causing Ron to pause mid-whiffle.

*And I'm sure the view from heaven
Beats the hell out of mine here
And if we all believe in heaven
Maybe we'll make it through one more year
Down here
You won't be comin' back
And I didn't get to say goodbye
I really wish I got to say goodbye*

Bellatrix was after Sirius now, but why? They were on the dais now, Sirius shouting mocking encouragement, ducking the last spell speeding towards him. He reared up, nearly dancing in front of the archway. Bellatrix's face contorted with untold rage, and madly swung her wand. A jet of light burst forth, blasting into her opponent, a look of shock written all across his face - how had he forgotten to duck? Padfoot sprawled backwards...slowly disappearing beyond the veil as the battle raged on.

*And I'm sure the view from heaven
Beats the hell out of mine here
And if we all believe in heaven
Maybe we'll make it through one more year
I hope that all is well in heaven
Cuz it's all shot to hell down here
I hope that I find you in heaven
Cuz I'm so...
Lost without you down here*

Harry's scream mingled with sounds of battle and Lestranges' terrible and triumphant cackle. The boy who lived lunged forward, plowing through to reach the archway. Why hadn't Sirius come out the other side? It had to be an act..it was all an act, he was fooling Bellatrix for sure... But where was he? Why did he keep everyone waiting under this illusion?
"SIRIUS! SIRIUS, COME BACK! COME BACK!" Harry's throat was thick with sobs and screams of sorrow. One last scream cut through everything else, causing a momentary pause. His throat felt torn into pieces, and his life ripped to shreds.
Lupin suddenly tackled him and shoved him to the ground; Harry felt a spell graze his shoulder, white hot and glowing. He didn't care anymore.
"HARRY! He's gone, you have to listen to me! HE'S GONE!"
This last, bitter word echoed in Harry's mind. He was simply numb. His world was no longer, everything plummeting into darkness leaving his heart fettered to the top. He was shattering as glass. Nothing mattered..heck, why didn't he give himself up to Voldemort right now...at least the pain would cease in death.

*You won't be coming back
And I didn't get to say goodbye
I really wish I got to say goodbye*

Harry woke from his nightmare to see Ron welcoming another day at the Burrow by throwing open the dusty curtains. The piercing sunlight burned through Harry, transfixed by his memories of his cheery godfather. The boy who lived whispered longingly in a voice hoarse from tears.

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