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myOtaku.com: snapsicles

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

"she drank from a bottle called DRINK ME...she ate from a plate called TASTE ME...and so she changed, while other folks never tried nothin' at all."
Well. It's now July..and a bit has happened since I last posted [does anyone read this, anyways?]. I went to France [and came back - boo], I watched some cool movies, I've started taming the shrubs in the yard, I got a shiny new ipod - and lots of music on it, thanks Josh!, new headphones, new pants, and..um...well, that's abouot it. Not much else is worth mentioning. XD Summer, of course, is flying by MUCH too fast.
I can't report that I've changed all that much, no major traumas or anything. Unless drama over new rules from my parents counts...I was seriously worked up about that. I'm taking advice I was given, though.
Whee. Happy [early] July 4th, everyone! Don't blow yourself up with fireworks or anything. Not a good idea. :)

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