~'Naruto'~One word for you...
GOOFY![not the disney character xD]You're hyper and happy all the time, you're rarely angry if you are then it's a GOOD excuse.Naruto like you A LOT, first you and him were JUST FRIENDS, but somehow he's fighting out of the friend cricle and into the love circle, only you have the key to open that palace of your heart to him. You got a lot of friends and is the girl that shine up the room when IT'S gloom. You and Naruto have been friends..for EVER so it is kinda hard for you to sacrifice your friendship and into Lovers.

xXxKISS!::You sat on your bed making yourself ready for a training and hopefully a mission.Your apartment was oposite from Naruto's, so Naruto usually came to you and walk with you to the training grounds.-I can FEEL it that this day'll be AWESOME.you said putting on you are ninja shoes. The door to your room opened and Naruto showed at the door.-Naruto you baka/idiot, how many times have I told you..knock before open...I could being on my undergarments.You muttered last words, Naruto clearly didn't hear it. He grinned that usual goofy grin. You sighed,Naruto sat next to you on your bed. -Soo ready for TRAINING?!You asked, Naruto nodded.You put on you last shoe, then you notice Naruto felt something strange. You look at Naruto and he to you, he looked nervously.You: Naruto-kun?Naruto:
(your name)-chanYou two look each other for awhile, Naruto was blushing CRAZILY!Naruto:
(your name)-chan...I-I l-li...y-you.Naruto stammed, nervously.You: Naru-kun...Before you said more, his lips touched yours...it was nervously kiss, after few shocky moments that felt strange...but somehow it felt normal...you kissed back and Naruto felt more confident.The kiss was long and gentle.

::COMMENT TIME::Naruto: She's prettier..no MUCH HOTTER than SAKURA!Sasuke: She's loud...Sakura: I like her...Finally Naruto leaves me alone.Hinata: N-Naruto-kun likes her, if Naruto-kun is happy I'm happy...Shino: ..sad, Hinata really likes Naruto...Kiba: She's FULL of energy and kinda funnyShikamaru: DOUBLE TROUBLE!!!Ino: She's cute and funny.Choji: *eating food*RockLee: SHE'S YOUTHFUL!Neji: She's fineTenten: She's funny, but obnoxious sometimes.Sand Siblings:.....Who?Kakashi: She and Naruto are cute TOGETHER BWHAHA!!! <- gone crazyGai-sensei: YOUTHFUL, but nothing comparing with my Lee!Asuma: She's hyper active Kurenai: She's okay....kinda hyperBaki: I think most people here (on quizilla) don't even know me so why am I here???

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