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I shall be pitifully mysterious, and not tell you...O.o
Being very inteligent, writing my own fanfics, and being good at hockey.
Anime Fan Since
Age 6
Favorite Anime
Yu Yu Hakusho
Become a linguist. Master Gaelic, Latin, Greek, and Japanese.
Fanfic writing/reading
Writing, skiing, school(even though I hate it with a passion that burns brighter than the sun itself...), and making people laugh.
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Tuesday, August 2, 2005
Sorry I didn't visit yesterday; I forgot.
I didn't really do much yesterday... I watched some shows my mom taped for me while I was on vacation, read some fanfics, took some quizzes, and sat in the A/C.
Oh, and I just found out that our school budget thing failed. So, they're getting rid of sports and extracurricular activities. Damn...
Also, my sister just found out that she's gonna have a boy! I'm gonna have a nephew!^^ She's gonna name him Connor.
Peace out, my homies.
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Monday, August 1, 2005
Hi guys, how was your weekend? Mine was good. I went to Borders and ordered Fruits Basket Vol. 8. Then my mom and I got coffee.
Then we saw March of the Penguins. It was interesting. Lot's of cute penguins^^
And I finished the sixth Harry Potter book yesterday. Very good. This book explains alot of stuff to ya and it's very surprising!
And to Darke: I'll go check out that manga :)
Ja ne!
Personality quiz results^^
My Music Personality
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Friday, July 29, 2005
Hello^^ I'm eating leftover Chinese food for breakfast. Pretty good actually...
*Yawn* My cat woke me up early by meowing alot... -_-;;
And I called my friends yesterday. Ashley was babysitting and Cynthia's phone made a bunch of weird noises... O.o Maybe I'll have better luck today.
Peace out, homies.
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Thursday, July 28, 2005
I return!
Hiya y'all, I'm back from vacation! I didn't really go anywhere; I just spent my time over at my dad and Holly's house with my sister.
I went to the beach and pool. And if I didn't wanna swim, I'd read Azumanga Daioh^^
The three of them went scuba diving a few times when dad and Holly were off of work. (They didn't get any vacation time off this year.)
One of the nights we were there, my grandpa, grandma, uncle Steven, Andrea, and I went to the Olive Garden^^ Good food. We sat down and there was this couple behind us with a kid. The kid was climbing in the plants around the table while the couple was fighting. The guy was calling his ex-girlfriend or something like that...
Hey, anyone else watch the space shuttle Discovery take off? I did.
And I've begun reading the sixth Harry Potter book. It's good so far^^
Well I'm gonna go call my friends and say hi, so see ya later guys!
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Monday, July 11, 2005
Hiya guys! How was your weekend? Mine was good^^ I saw Fantastic Four it was good, go see it.
I'm going on vacation with my dad, stepmom, sister, and my cousin for the next two weeks. I'm being picked up later today. I'll try and make it to your sites! Well, I gotta get packin'
See ya guys later! *waves*
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Tuesday, July 5, 2005
Happy late fourth of July^^ How was your weekend? Mine was good. I cleaned up my room a little, re-arranged things, and dusted. My room looks better now.^^
¡Hasta luego!
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Friday, July 1, 2005
Yesterday I tinkered around with the colors on the site. Hopefully it's a bit easier on the eyes now^^
AND I got my report card^^
Fourth quarter grades:
English: 95
S.S.: 98
Math: 99
Science: 98
Spanish: 100
Art: 90
Gym: 92
Final exam grades:
English: 90
S.S.: 95
Math: 98
Science regents: 93
Spanish: 96
Art: 92
I'm happy^^
Peace out, my homies.
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Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Yesterday I went shopping with Holly(step-mom) and got a bunch of new summer clothes^^ She had some extra money so she let me get Fruits Basket vol.7. Then we got someBurger King and she dropped me off at my house. I had fun^^

What type of Bishounen are you? Find out at by Rin.
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Monday, June 27, 2005
Sorry I haven't visited. MyO hasn't really been working right for me the past few days.
I haven't been doing too much... Just reading fanfics, playing online games, etc. I'm just chillin' out^^

What Fruits Basket Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Friday, June 24, 2005
Sorry I couldn't get to your sites. MyO was going WAY too slow when I was trying to visit you guys.
I didn't do too much yesterday. I read some fanfics and played a bunch of online games. Very fun.^^
Peace out.
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