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Friday, January 14, 2005
Sorry for my leave^^ I wanted a break. Anywho, I just did the speaking for my Spanish mid-term. I did good^^ Also, we’re working out schedules for next year. I should have an appointment soon. Heh, and my math teacher said he’d dye his hair pink if 95% of all his students pass the mid-term^^ I hope everyone studies...
Has anyone ever noticed how much you get hurt in basketball? I’m playing it and I’ve gotten the ball thrown in my gut, scratched, and knocked over… and it ain’t just me!
Here’s and excerpt from Spanish class when there was a sub…
Sub: Why aren’t you working? Don’t you have any brains?
Anthony: No, they were stolen by gypsies…O.O
Sub: *bursts out laughing*
Here’s the pic of the day!

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Thursday, December 30, 2004
I'm sorry for not visiting you guys...
But anywho... We froze in the city... o.O We got lost too... And we went to the museum of art too. Oh, and when we were walking back to the car...
(A white car is blocking a red car from passing.)
Red car:*keeps hand on horn*
Uncle Joe: In New York, that's how people say 'excuse me'.
White car: *moves*
Red car: *passes and yells* Fuck you, asshole!
Uncle Steve: And that's how we say 'thank you'.
*snicker* In case you were wondering, me and Uncle Steve are from New York, and my cousin Katie and Uncle Joe are from Virginia.
And, surprisingly, there wasn't a lot of traffic...o.O
Uh, well, pic time!

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Monday, December 27, 2004
It's been snowing over here since yesterday^^ I'm gonna go out there after i'm done with the post.
This weekend I got Rebound vol.3 and Yu Yu Hakusho vol.4 at Border's^^
And, finally, i'm gonna visit my dad. My cousin Katie came up with Uncle Joe^^ And we're goin' to NYC on Tuesday... And that reminds me, I got DVD vol.3 from Uncle Joe on Saturday.
I shall visit you all today, ja ne!
Oh, pic time!
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Thursday, December 23, 2004
I'm back from my MyO break...
On Tuesday, I went over and celebrated Christmas at my dad's new house. My sister was still there, and my grandma and uncle were there. I got...
Azumanga Daioh DVD vol.1,2,4(I'm gettin' the thrid vol. from my other uncle)
Inuyasha DVD vol.1
Yu Yu Hakusho: Tournament tactics(GBA)
Kingdom hearts: Chain of Memories(GBA)
Border's and old navy gift cards, and a datebook.
Today was an easygoing day. I had a free period in most classes. I had a party in S.S. My teacher gave us ornaments with our names on them. I had her for two years before this one, and I still have the ornaments from those years^^
In lunch, at another table, they put a small tablecloth and mini tree on the table^^ They had a mini trumpet and put water in it so it would blow out water^^
In math, a friend brought Mcdonalds. And we watched Shrek 2 on the teacher's laptop^^
And when the buses started to leave, one of the bus drivers said, "On Dasher, on Dancer..." And so on, that was cool^^
Someone who works for my mom sent us a ham...o.O
Sorry, no pic today... But Happy Holidays!^^
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Monday, December 20, 2004
I might have off of school today^^ My mom is stayin' home today^^
When I was at my grandma's house, we saw Christmas with the Kranks. It was funny, but kinda predictable ya know? We also visited grandpa in rehab because he just had a hip replacement. He's good. We all played 500 rummy, I won^^ Oh, in case you forgot, my sister was with us.
Our cat is back from the groomers... My mom said that when she dropped the cat off, one opf the ladis stuck her hand in the kennle, and she didn't have her arm bitten off... My response: o_O Damn...
Time to venture into the snow! *walks outside* *forgot snowshoes* AAAH! *falls in the snow, and wanders throughout the snow-y labyrinth*
Replacement announcer: We regret to inform you that Runa is temporarily lost in the towering feet of snow. I'm am her replacement, Bob. See, I used to be a weatherman... Until I made the mistake of predicting a snow storm...
Angry mob: *spots Bob* There he is! GET HIM!
Bob: Oh crap... Uh... Well... Have a nice day! Bye! *runs from mob*
Angry mob: *chases with torches and pitchforks*
Pic didn't show up...T.T
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Saturday, December 18, 2004
i'm goin' over my grandparent's house today and sleeping over 'cause my sister came up to visit.^^
Well, nothin' else ta say... so... Pic time!

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Thursday, December 16, 2004
I'm gonna stay home today^^
I gotta type up a family history report for English. See, we had to interview a family member about something, anything... So, I interviewed my mom about her heritage^^ Half Greek and half Italian^^ Of course I already knew that... But my mom met the Mafia when she was younger! I'm not lieing!
Sorry for not visiting y'all... I'll visit'cha today^^
My house was possesed, so I burned sage this morning^^ If you don't know what sage is, google it. Now.
Pic time!
-Damn pic didn't show...-
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Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Hello there^^
Over the weekend...
I got my Shonen Jump^^
And I saw Blade Trinity, and then jumped to Ocean's Twelve. Blade was kinda icky...o.O But Ocean's Twelve was cool^^
Oh, and next weekend on Sunday, we're gonna take my cat to the grooming place... My mom had to look at 4 places to pick, 3 of them turned us down 'cause we told them that our cat would attack them. So, finally, one who was brave enough accepted^^
So, i'll visit you all later. Pic time!

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Friday, December 10, 2004
I took a S.S. testyesterday, and it was frickin' hard! that's what I get for taking an AP course...
In Spanish, we started to make holiday cards^^ Oh, and happy Chanukah to all those Jewish!^^
No pic today, ja ne!^^
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Thursday, December 9, 2004
Not too much to post about...
My mom got me a bag of reese's sticks...
In S.S., we threw paper footballs at eachother...
That's it...
Pic time!
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