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Wednesday, December 8, 2004
My mom liked Azumanga Daioh, but I couldn't get her to read the other volumes...^^;;
In S.S., the teach set up different stations that had to do with China and India^^ I got to wear a sari(google it if youdon't know what it is.) and win a chopstick race...We had to pick up as many beans with chopsticks as we could in a minute^^ We didn't finish, so we're continuing today.
Oh, and you ain't gonna believe this... They have manga in my school library! I can't believe it! ^^
Um, pic time!

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Tuesday, December 7, 2004
There was a bus drill in art today, but we missed it 'cause we didn't know what to do^^;;
Oh, in math, it was this girl's birthday, and she brought in cupcakes^^ they had peppermint patties and junior mints on them in the shape of a paw^^
And I lent my mom Azumanga Daioh vol. 1 to read at work today^^;;
Well, you know what time it is! Pic time!
Edit: I removed the pic because stupid tripod wouldn't let me post it...-_-;;
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Monday, December 6, 2004
800 visits!
Actually it's like 803...but still!^^
Bah, i've got nothin' else ta say... Soooooo... Pic time!^^
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Sunday, December 5, 2004
100 GB signings! Thank you all who signed my GB!^^ And thanks to Torn From Chaos, who was the 100 person to sign^^
My tree is now up and decorated^^
Now, for piccie time^^
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Saturday, December 4, 2004
Christmas tree^^
We're gonna get our Christmas tree today^^
Random question: If you were buried in a tomb, what would you have buried with you? I'd be buried with my manga, anime, and stuffed animals^^
Now, for the pics of the day!
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Friday, December 3, 2004
TGIF! And only two more weeks 'till holiday vacation...
Now all I have to do is steall a scanner, and I can show you all my comic... Oh, did I just say STEAL? I meant BORROW, really, I did... Is this the face of a person who would lie to you? ^^ Didn't think so...
I've got nothin' ta say, so let's skip to the pic^^

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Thursday, December 2, 2004
Do you think schools have scanners?
'Cause I drew a small comic yesterday... and I wanna show to you guys^^
The dudes painted the door a tan color... It's nice though^^
Here is a Yusuke pic, it's from the same picture as the Kurama one yesterday^^
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Wednesday, December 1, 2004
I've got off of school today!!!
Well not really... I'm staying home because the apartment dudes are coming to paint the door, and I don't want them in here unsupervised... I shouldn't miss too much in school^^
And, a pic of Kurama^^
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Tuesday, November 30, 2004
I think that anime makes you smarter! No, i'm not jokin'... Ever since i've liked anime, i've been smarter...O.o
Yesterday, my mom got caught in traffic. So, I went on mapquest.com and told her where to go to get home^^ That was so cool^^
My friend Cynthia got a hair cut, now it's a nice and puffy^^
Anywho, ja ne!^^
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Monday, November 29, 2004
I rented Spirited Away this weekend. I saw it before but I wanted to see it again^^ I'll watch it this afternoon^^
Oh, and I got Ceres, celestial legend(Ayashi no Ceres) volume 9^^ Just five more volumes and i'll have finished the manga^^
I might not get to all your sites this morning, but i'll get to them in the afternoon, ja ne!
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