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I shall be pitifully mysterious, and not tell you...O.o
Being very inteligent, writing my own fanfics, and being good at hockey.
Anime Fan Since
Age 6
Favorite Anime
Yu Yu Hakusho
Become a linguist. Master Gaelic, Latin, Greek, and Japanese.
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Writing, skiing, school(even though I hate it with a passion that burns brighter than the sun itself...), and making people laugh.
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Saturday, November 13, 2004
Let's see...
...What's on the 'to do' list today...? Ah! Food shopping!
Hm, oh yeah! I gotta go put up chap.8 of my fic. It's a YYH fic, and you can see it by going to my account(click where it says 'website' on the sidebar)
Well, that's about it! Ja ne!^^
EDIT: Bwahaha! 702 visits and counting! Thanks to all who take time out of their lives to visit me! I LOVE YOU ALL! T.T
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Friday, November 12, 2004
Bon giorno!
How's everyone doin' today?
I got gym this morning. We're doing arobics^^ Step arobics right now, it's kinda fun^^
Hm... Oh yeah, I checked out a book on how to speak Japanese from my school library^^
Um, what else...? I just ate toast?
Well, ja ne!^_^
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Thursday, November 11, 2004

You are a very genki and energetic person with a lot of talent. You would pursue your dream tirelessly no matter how hard it may seem. You have a mysterious way of getting people to like you, regardless of their personality. Your emotions can run wild sometimes but you bring happiness and laughter around everyone.
Which Gravitation Character Are YOU? Take the quiz at Dare to Dream |
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Hm... Hallo?
Who else has off today? Well, anywho... I'm just workin' on some science work that's due tomorrow. And, can you believe it? I have three tests tomorrow! @.@ Is it me, or do teachers like to test you on the same day as others?
Heh, in lunch yesterday, we were throwing a bottle at each other... Heh. We hit a couple of people at other tables too^^;; And then my friend stabbed the bottle with a pointy pen...o.O Odd, ne?
Hm... what else...? Ah, well! Ja ne! ^^
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Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Buenos dias!
And how is everyone this morning? It's 6:46am over here... And damn, I have school in an hour and a half... I have to go make up a lab from science class. It's a paramecium live culture lab^^ We did an amoeba one a while ago... And in my bakaness, I named one of them Phil^^;;
Hm, what else...? Wow, i'm bored...o.O Oh yeah! I have off of school tomorrow! YIPPE! ^_^
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Tuesday, November 9, 2004
In Spanish yesterday, my teacher was giving out grades, and she for me my grade was a hundred! and this kid comes up to me and goes, "Touch," he poked me, "Now maybe some of your greatness will rub off on me." ^^;;
My math HW was in my backpack in the bottom and it got crushed and torn a bit and my math teacher comes to check HW...
Math teacher: *sees my HW* *laughs* Did you get hungry on the bus ride and eat the HW?
Me: ^^;; Heh, no... It got crushed in my backpack...
Hehe, behold the hilarity of my school! o.O
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Monday, November 8, 2004
This will be a very short post... I have to go outside and wait for the bus in a couple o' minutes!
We should be getting report cards soon...^^ I have no worries!
Let's see... My mom got my Christmas present! Gameboy advanced and a game...^^
Um, that's about it... Ja ne!^^
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Friday, November 5, 2004
Yesterday, I got a dragonology book...It's cool^^
Oh, here's a fragment of my math class...
Kid: When are we ever going to use this again in our lives...?
Teacher: I will not lie to you, outside of the test, midterm, and final, you will probably never use this again^^;;
Bwahaha! I'm almost done with chapter 8 of my fic... when it's completed, i'll post it here^^
Anywho, i'll visit your sites later...ja ne!
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Monday, November 1, 2004
Happy November!
How was everyone's Halloween? I was a lawyer^^ I was threatening to charge people with various crimes^^ What fun!
I went trick-or-treating with my friends, and when walked(while getting candy, mind you...) Then we spent about 20 minutes trying to convince Ashley to change and go trick-or-treating. When we FINALLY got her to go, we went around her block and then went back to her house. We all traded candy^^
And now I shall bring some candy to school to snack on^^
Adios amigos!
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Thursday, October 28, 2004
Anyone see the lunar eclipse last night?
It was COOL! The moon was all red!
Anyway, it's spirit week at school. Today is student teacher swap day, the students dress as teachers, and vice versa.^^ I wish I had a camera...
And I gave Rurouni Kenshin vol.1 to my dad on Tuesday...bwahaha! Now he's gotta get used to the right-to-left style of manga^^
Also, my grandpa and uncle asked what I wanted for Christmas... I wrote it down(Azumanga Daioh DVD vol.2 for my uncle and vol.1 for grandpa) And my uncle said, "What the hell is this?" Hehehehe...
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