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Friday, September 10, 2004
Sorry for the distorted site...
I'll fix it next week...
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Today is my birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^_^
Today at school we got to get out early because of an assembly.^^
OKAY! Time to celebrate 500 visits!
Thank you to all who visit and comment on my site!^_^
Every party needs chibis!^^
Ja ne!^^
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Thursday, September 9, 2004
Today school was better.^^
I have all my supplies ready, and all I have to do is put my stuff into my binders, and i'll be set^^.
Remember when I said that there was alot of buses? They gave us a sheet showing us what row our buses are in.
And I counted 65 buses!!!!
I got my locker, and it's right across from my history class. I won't be able to go to my locker alot, so i'll use my backpack.
Oh, and my homeroom teacher said that if everyone passes the first semester, he'll throw us a pizza party^^.
It's my birthday tomorrow!^^ I'm going to a Japanese restaurant tomorrow too!^^
Anywho, see ya later!^^
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Wednesday, September 8, 2004
First day of school was okay...
I found all my classes, and I was on time too!^^
Teachers were nice, so this year shouldn't be too bad.
But the REAL challenge is finding your bus in the drop-off area-_-;;
There's got to be at least 20 buses!
We're probably going to hand in the emergency cards today.
We're also gonna get the lists of supplies, paperwork to have our parents sign, etc.
What's nice is that they aren't going to start marking lates until next week.
Oh yeah, we're getting our lockers today.
Well, that's about it... Ja ne!^_^
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Tuesday, September 7, 2004
First day of school...T.T
At least we have a half day today...
The Juniors and Seniors go in the morning, and then the Sophmores and Freshmen go in the afternoon.
Half of my teachers are teachers I had in middle school, so that'll ease the transition:)
Me and my friends have the same classes for most of the day, so we can all get lost together!^^
Sorry I didn't get to most of your sites yesterday, I couldn't get on the computer.
Later days!
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Monday, September 6, 2004
Howdy! This is Runa with your(or rather my...) weekend report!
On Saturday, I tought my mom how to make s'mores! She's never had one up until I tought her! Ain't that weird?
And on Sunday, I went to an Indian Pow Wow, which is like a fair kind of thing.
I'm part Cherokee Indian, so I wanted to go again.(my mom and I went before)
We both got pairs of moccasins(shoes). I got a pair of hair wraps, and a book, 'Cherokee words with pictures'.
And today, Me and my mom are gonna watch a Law and Order marathon.
We got tapes yesterday so we can tape all of them!^^
And, unfortunately, I have school tomorrow...T.T
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Wednesday, September 1, 2004
Happy September!!!!!
My birthday's in 9 more days! WHEEEEE!!!
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Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Yesterday, I went to the orientation of my new high school, and I swear that place is like a labyrinth... They added more onto the school to support the amount of people coming, they say there'll be about 3,000 students!O.O
You see, the high school used to have only 10,11, and 12th grades in it; now they decided they wanted to have 9th graders too... That means, that two grades from all three of the middle schools have to merge together... So, I predict that there will be mass confusion for the first couple of weeks...
I only found a few of my classes.(I got lost several times in the process of doing this...-_-;;) I also found out that my history room is non-existent, all I found there was a bunch of boxes and some other rooms that I didn't know what they were...
But this is the cool part, we have two gyms, an auditorium, a cafeteria, and a library that're all seperate from each other! And the auditorium has A/C! Hehehe...
After the orientation, I went over my friend's house with another friend, we didn't do much... We played Gauntlet though... I had dinner over there, and then I went home.
This morning, I went outside for a little bit. Then, all of a sudden, It started pouring rain!X.x...
'Tis all for now, see ya!^^
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Thursday, August 26, 2004
You know the ginger candy? from my last post? I gave it to my dad, i'll have to ask him about it later...hehehe...
Tuesday night, I went with my dad and stepmom to an amusement park. It was fun! I got to eat funnel cake and those dippin' dot things.
We went on the roller coaster twice, once when it was darker out. It's cool, because when you get up to the top, you can see all the lights!
Another ride started smoking right after my dad and stepmom(let's call her Holly from now on.) got off. It smelt like an electrical fire...
There was this bungee thing too... You know, where you jump up and down attached to bungee cords above a trampoline? Anyway, I tried to do a flip, but I couldn't... And I wasn't the only one who couldn't either, only a few were actually able to flip.^^
Have you ever been on one of those swing rides? Where it lifts up and then goes in a circle? Well, while I was waiting on the swing, I started swing in little circles. The operator guy had to come over and tell me to stop^^; hehehehe...
Oh, and I also brought home some vegetables from my Grandpa's garden; nothin' beats the fresh stuff...^^
I'll come by your sites and comment today. See ya then!^^
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Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Good news! My schedule change went really well! I now have lunch with my friends^^ YAY! My guidance counselor is very nice.
At the school they're still doing some work on the building. They added onto the building; I hope they're done by the time we go back to school...
Yesterday, my mom got ginger candy from a health food store. It's VERY spicy! I'm gonna try to get my dad to eat some today when I visit him... I'll tell you how that goes.
Later days!
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