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Being very inteligent, writing my own fanfics, and being good at hockey.
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Age 6
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Yu Yu Hakusho
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Thursday, June 23, 2005
Sorry I haven't been around for awhile, MyO has been down for me the past few days.
This past Monday I donated my hair to Locks of Love. I lost like a foot and a half of hair^^
And yesterday I took my last final of the year, the science regents. It was pretty hard but not too bad^^
Peace out.
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Friday, June 17, 2005
Sorry I didn't get to your sites. I was making mini-movies on a site I found. The things you can do with it are a little limited, but it's still fun^^
And yes, thank you, I did enjoy my ramen^^

What Inuyasha Family Member Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Thursday, June 16, 2005
But I do have to go back next Wednesday for my Science regents. I'll have three hours to complete it, but I'll be able to leave after two hours if I finish early^^
I donb't really plan on doing anything today. Just read some fanfics and have some ramen^^
Peace out.
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Wednesday, June 15, 2005
With the Detective Conan thing yesterday, I didn't watch the whole series... I just watched one episode.^^
And... *drumroll* Today's my last day of school!!! And today I just have to finish my English final and answer one more question on the Math final^^
My homeroom teacher is throwing us a bagel party today^^ I love bagels...
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Tuesday, June 14, 2005
I just finished watching Detective Conan. I like it^^
Anyway, the finals weren't really bad yesterday. The essay for S.S. was a little bit hard though. For English we had to answer some questions and write and essay. I answered the questions and planned my essay. I should be able to finish today^^
The Spanish reading part was EASY, and the Math final is WAY easy. Even the people who are failing Math said it was easy!
And today's finals are:
S.S.- Multiple choice questions
English- Day 2
Math- Day 2
And today in Spanish we're gonna have an ice cream party^^
I just have today and tomorrow, then i'm FREE! Bwuahahaha!
Uh, yeah... Well I'll see ya guys later, ja ne!
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Friday, June 10, 2005
It's still hot and humid, but it's cloudy and it's supposed to rain. Then it's gonna be cool again^^
The writing part was pretty easy yesterday, we had to write and 100 word story on a picture.
Today's test:
Spanish- Listening part
Monday's tests:
English- Day one of test
Math- Part one
Spanish- Reading part (Then i'm done with Spanish^^)
S.S.- Another essay
>.< Lot's of tests on Monday...
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Thursday, June 9, 2005
Sorry I wasn't able to get to some of your sites, I was running out of computer time...
Anyway, the essay for S.S. wasn't hard at all. It was on turning points in history.
And the writing for Spanish wasn't hard. We had to write a 100 word letter about a concert we went to or a letter about or childhood. I chose the former. Though the test was easy, it was damn hot in the classroom! -_-
And today I have:
Spanish- Second writing part
And tomorrow:
Spanish- Listening part
Besides finals, we had our annual film festival yesterday^^ We got to go to the auditorium, which had A/C^^ there were some pretty cool films. One of them was 'Plastic Fists of Fury' Very funny. If you wanna know more about this film, PM me.
See ya guys later, ja ne!
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Wednesday, June 8, 2005
I have, counting today, six more full days of school and one day for my science final. Most of my finals are in class.
Today's finals to take:
S.S.- Thematic essay
Spanish- First writing section
And tomorrow I have only one final.
Spanish- Second writing section
Well, see ya guys later!^^
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Tuesday, June 7, 2005
Looks like everyone finds cheese fights cool^^
Yesterday was pretty boring. We're reviewing for finals in most of my classes. I'm not too worried about the finals. In science, we did a practice exam in class... The practice exam was the make-up test from last year it was supposed to be harder than the regular test, but it was actually easy.
The only interesting part of my day was that there was a news van outside my school in the morning...O.o
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Monday, June 6, 2005
I had a good weekend, how 'bout you guys?
Well on Friday in lunch, we had a cheese war...o.O I'm serious... My friends were throwing paperballs at eachother and they threw some at me. So, I took some leftover cheese slices from my lunch and threw them at them^^ Then everyone at the table started throwing cheese at eachother^^
That same day me, Cynthia, and Ashley were walking over to our buses...
Us: *Walking*
Random dude: (to us) Ladies... *walks off*
Ashley: *as the dude is walking off* DUDE!!!
Me: O.o
And on Saturday, I got Fruits Basket vol. 5^^ Then on Sunday, I went to the beach^^
Peace out.
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