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I shall be pitifully mysterious, and not tell you...O.o
Being very inteligent, writing my own fanfics, and being good at hockey.
Anime Fan Since
Age 6
Favorite Anime
Yu Yu Hakusho
Become a linguist. Master Gaelic, Latin, Greek, and Japanese.
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Writing, skiing, school(even though I hate it with a passion that burns brighter than the sun itself...), and making people laugh.
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Friday, April 30, 2004
Karasu and Kurama?
Hm, this pairing is starting to grow on me...

Well, there is no doubt that that Karasu likes Kurama, but what does Kurama feel? One could only wonder... Now, you would most likely say that Kurama hates Karasu, but how do you really know that? Let me ask you a question; when you see Kurama, what do you see? Is it his handsome looks? His ability to fight with extreme grace? His smarts? Or is it Youko? Most likely you've said one of them. Do any of you really think about what goes on in his head? He could be thinking about any number of things. You don't know. He might actually like Karasu, you never know... Sorry to bore you with this, I was bored and wanted to say something. Um, well... not much else to say... 'cept it's Friday! YES! *proceeds to dance* ^_^
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Thursday, April 29, 2004
I know I don't have alot of school time left, but this kid in my class is so freaking annoying! At least I only see him once a day... He doesn't pick on me, but he's just so annoying! Grrrrr... Welll, since he's stupid, I won't see him next year(I'm in mostly advanced classes next year.)
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Wednesday, April 28, 2004
O.o I just had a dream where one of my friends kept trying to blow places up...
First he did the public library, then he went to our school... Funny, he never struck me as the violent type. However, he did look really ticked off at something. I ain't gonna look at him the same way today...
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Tuesday, April 27, 2004
In today's news...
Only 35 more days of school!!!!!! Me and my mom even made a paper chain to count down. I go to the high school next year! You know, they should make summer vacation longer. My dad doesn't want me to stay home during the summer. You know what else? I am NOT going to summer camp again! I had to go to summer camp for 6 years, and I refuse to go back! YOU WON'T TAKE ME ALIVE!!!!!!
Oh, before I forget, I had a VERY strange dream last night. In it, pigs in blankets were attacking boats. O.o Weird, I know. They weren't actually pigs. They were the food...
ALSO! I finally updated my fanfic! I am currently writing a romance fic right now... I can't wait for summer, because then i'll be able to update a heck of a lot faster. I also have the rest of my current fanfic planned out. I plan to end it with about 11 chapters total. My last one was 13 chapters; don't be fooled by that though, my last fic had really short chapters. I've made the chapters longer in my current fic.
Oh, me and my friend are planning to write a YYH-Inuyasha crossover fic. Yes, I like to write stuff... You got a problem with that? Heh, of course you don't^^.
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Sunday, April 25, 2004
Evil squirrels...
Last friday, in science class, I was talking to my friend behind me. I asked her whether or not she thought squirrels were evil, she said that they attacked her by throwing nuts at her. So, needless to say, she thought they were evil. I once saw a bunch of squirrels throw a bunch of nuts at the truck that was parked next to my mom's car.
Now, are chipmunks evil? I asked my friend that, and she didn't know. So, are the chipmunks evil too? Time will tell...
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Damn pie knife...
I was going to get a spoon in the kitchen. When I was sifting through the drawer, I got cut by that stupid pie knife! Not a steak knife, not a butter knife, but a PIE KNIFE!
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Thursday, April 22, 2004
In other news!
In other news, I'm currently working on the fifth chapter of my fic. I am also planning out the plot for a romance fic. Yes, I am going to do the challenge.
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You know how I said I was going to research the end of the world? Well, my mom's recent dream told me to research dreams first. See, I had a dream where everything around me was on fire. My mom, recently had a dream that had the Hindu god(dess) of fire. Weird, ne?
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Friday, April 16, 2004
Bible code, end of the world...
Last night at around 8:00, I saw a show on The Bible Code. It was saying things about events leading up to the end of the world, predicted events, etc. Now, i've seen many differents thoeries on this topic, and I want to try and put all of this information together. I'm going to start researching on these thoeries ASAP. If anypone would like to share information that they have, please tell me. I need as much info as I can get.
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I was so tired this morning, I actually had to drink coffee. I stayed up late to see The Apprentice. Well, at least i'll know what people are talking about in school today...
In other news, my plant AND fish died a little while ago. My plant wilted after being bitten by my cat -_-;;. My fish was already dieing, and just happened to bite the dust a few days before my plant. I buried my fish in a small shoebox and put flowers by his grave. I won't tell you exactly where because i'm afraid someone will dig him up. And yes, I actually do believe that someone out there is stupid enough to dig up a buried fish...
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