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I shall be pitifully mysterious, and not tell you...O.o
Being very inteligent, writing my own fanfics, and being good at hockey.
Anime Fan Since
Age 6
Favorite Anime
Yu Yu Hakusho
Become a linguist. Master Gaelic, Latin, Greek, and Japanese.
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Writing, skiing, school(even though I hate it with a passion that burns brighter than the sun itself...), and making people laugh.
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Friday, June 3, 2005
Sorry I haven't been around the past two days, I had some work to do.
To fill you in on the past few days...
In Spanish we had to record a class period on tape. But the lighting messed up the tape, so we had to do it again yesterday. My teach said she'd give us an ice cream party too^^
And my Homeroom teach said he's gonna bring in bagels the last day of school^^
Peace out.
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Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Meh, back to school...
But I only have 14 days left, including finals^^
I went to see Star Wars III, and then I jumped to Madagascar. Star
Wars was really good^^ Madagascar was funny, but somewhat of a letdown. I liked the penguins.
I was gonna put up a Spanish lesson, but i'm kinda short on posting time...
Peace out.
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Friday, May 27, 2005
I didn't do too much yesterday. I finished my essay, made ramen, and read fanfics.
Spanish lesson: Counting
Uno= One
Dos= Two
Tres= Three
Cuatro= Four
Cinco = Five
Seis= Six
Siete= Seven
Ocho= Eight
Nueve= Nine
Diez= Ten
Allright, now time for the double digits...
Diez= Ten
Viente= Twenty
Trenta= Thirty
Cuarenta= Forty
Cincuenta= Fifty
Sesenta= Sixty
Setenta= Seventy
Ochenta= Eighty
Noventa= Ninety
Cien or ciento= One hundred
Okay, in order to make a number in between these intervals, like 74, you put the first digit first, then put 'y', and then the second one... Like so:
74= Setenta y cuatro
52= Cincuenta y dos
Now for numbers 11- 15, it's different...
Once= Eleven (pronounced 'own-say')
Doce= Twelve (pronounced 'dough-say')
Trece= Thirteen (pronounced 'tray-say)
Catorce= Fourteen (pronounced 'cah-tore-say')
Quince= Fifteen (pronounced 'keen-say')
I'll do a lesson on hundreds and the higher numbers on Monday.
Question, how do you get the boxes around your posts? I can't seem to find out how...
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Thursday, May 26, 2005
Howdy y'all^^
Sorry for not visiting or posting. I had an essay to do.
But today i'm taking off 'cause people are coming into all of the apartments to check the fire alarms and neither me nor my mom trust them enough to leave them alone in the house. And I have off from school tomorrow too^^ You see, we had only one snow day this year, so, they give us an extra day off for Memorial weekend. so I have today, tomorrow, and Monday off^^ Awesome.
See ya later, ja ne!

What Chobits Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Tuesday, May 24, 2005
I did my 28 lines for English class. I got a 92 without the 10 points bonus credit for volunteering^^
And when I finally have everything done, my S.S. teach assigns us an essay. -_- Ever notice how school's a continous stream of a assignments one after the other?
So ends my short post, peace out homies.^^
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Monday, May 23, 2005
I had a good weekend^^ I Fruits Basket vol. 3 and 4. My mom is bringing vol. 4 to work today to read^^
Well, aside from that, I did nothing really. Though my mom and I were cleaning out old papers and such...
Mom: Next I gotta get rid of my romance novels T.T
Me: Screw the romance novels, you have manga now!^^
Adios amigos!^^
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Friday, May 20, 2005
Interesting day...O.o
Let's start with when my bus was leaving in the afternoon...
Okay, the afternoon busses are divided into rows. There are five rows. Three in the front parking lot and two in the teacher's parking lot. My bus in the teacher's parking lot, to the left of the second row. When it comes time to leave, my row goes first, passing the other row.
Well, when we were leaving, this guy in the other row pulled down his pants and boxers and stuck his butt out the window, thus mooning my entire bus row...-_-;;
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Thursday, May 19, 2005
The tests were kinda easy. Only a few hard questions^^
In school, we're having our Spring art show^^ And I saw two anime pics. One of which was Sasuke from Naruto^^ Cool, ne?
And speaking of the spread of anime... I got my mom to start reading Fruits Basket^^ She loves it! Her favorite character is Shigure^^
No Spanish today, i'm too tired... Ja ne!
 Gummi Sushi
So cute you can't bear to eat 'em...too bad they don't make them anymore. Who doesn't love chocolate stuffed marshmallow rice with fruit flavored gummi fish
Get some of these weird treats and more at
Which Bizzare Japanese Treat Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Suprisingly enough, I didn't miss too much^^ I got all caught up last night^^
I got two tests today though...-_- Spanish and English.
Speaking of Spanish...
Jugar al rescate: Tag
Jugar al escondite: Hide and seek
Saltar a la cuerda: To jump rope
Jugar a las canicas: To play marbles
Columpiarse: To swing(oneself)
Coleccionar: To collect
Muñecas: Dolls
Muñequitos: Action figures
Monedas: Coins
Sellos: Stamps
PM me if you want the conjugations of the verbs^^
 Dreamer! You love to dream and laze around. Girls will love your sensitive heart and your cute shyness!
What kind of Boy are you? .._..contains Anime pictures.._.. brought to you by Quizilla
Yes, I know i'm a girl... It was just such a cute quiz...^^;;
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Tuesday, May 17, 2005
I didn't really do anything yesterday. Though I did type up my science report thing and my two sonnets^^ Then I pretty much spent the rest of the day reading fanfics.
Meh, still too tired to put up a Spanish lesson... Ja ne!
 You should star in a fantasy!
What Genre Movie Should You Star In? (Anime Pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
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