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I shall be pitifully mysterious, and not tell you...O.o
Being very inteligent, writing my own fanfics, and being good at hockey.
Anime Fan Since
Age 6
Favorite Anime
Yu Yu Hakusho
Become a linguist. Master Gaelic, Latin, Greek, and Japanese.
Fanfic writing/reading
Writing, skiing, school(even though I hate it with a passion that burns brighter than the sun itself...), and making people laugh.
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Monday, May 2, 2005
'Tis Monday...*cringe* Back to school...
I didn't do much, 'cept get Fruits
Basket vol.2^^ Isn't Momiji just adorable?
Uh, I'll give ya some Spanish tomorrow...
-Grr... The pic didn't show...-
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Friday, April 29, 2005
Not much to say. So the purpose of this post will be to amuse you with Spanish, quizzes, and pics. The last two will be added periodically throughout the day^^
Spanish lesson: Locations
¿Dónde estas?= Where are you?
Estoy en...= I'm in...
Estoy cerca de...= I'm near/close to...
Estoy alado de...= I'm far from...

 You're Syaoran!
Which Card Captor Sakura wizard are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Go you! You are Kenshin. The legendary Hitokiri Botoussai.
What Rurouni Kenshin personality are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Which "Natural Wonder" are you?
 You're Yuki - the mouse.
Which Fruits Basket Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
More will be added later, ¡Hasta mañana!
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Thursday, April 28, 2005
I'm baaaaaaaaack...
This week is my Spring break and I went over my Grandparent's house and my Dad's house after. And now i'm back!
And speaking of family, guess what? I'M GONNA BE AN AUNT! ^^ My oldest sister Angela is the one having the baby^^
AND! I got Fruits Basket vol.1^^ I love it!
Spanish lesson for today: Names
¿Cómo te llamas?: What is your name?
My name is___: Me llamo...
Note: The double 'L' is pronounced as a 'y'.
'Tis all for now, ¡Hasta mañana!

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Friday, April 22, 2005
Yo, again.
I have two things to tell you from gym yesterday. One, I saw a friend with Fruits Basket vol.1^^
And since the teach was absent, our class walked the track outside. But it was cold and windy so after a afew laps we stopped and watched the guys play baseball in the next field^^
More Spanish for you!
For saying what shows or animes you used to watch, say 'Yo miraba...' then say the anime.
Ex. Yo miraba Sailor Moon.

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Thursday, April 21, 2005
It's FINALLY getting warmer outside^^ Which leads me to Spanish!
Here are some Spanish temperature phrases:
Hace calor- It's hot (outside)
Hace frio- It's cold (for those of you in the southern hemisphere)
Hace sol- It's sunny
And remember, the 'H' in Spanish is silent and the word 'hace' is two syllables^^
And yesterday, when I was going to my bus stop, I got chased by a bee...O.o Though I did not get stung...
-No piccy for now...*sniff*-
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Monday, April 18, 2005
On Friday there was a fight in my art class...O.o Not a physical one, but a verbal one. Between the two of them, they've probably said more curses in 15 minutes than you've ever said in your life... Security got called down too...O.o
On a lighter note, I rented Ladder 49, The Spongebob movie, and Ocean's Twelve. I already saw Ocean's Twelve, but I wanted to see it again. The Spongebob movie was a bit of a let down. And Ladder 49 was great! I even cried a bit at the end...T.T
Uh... What else...?
I accidently got ginger ale in my eye? X.x

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Thursday, April 14, 2005
In English, we have to memorize 28 lines of Romeo and Juliet...-_- But i'm doing the prologue part for act one and two. Ya know where the guy goes on stage and tells you a little about the play?
Since I have nothing else...
In lunch...
Me: *talking with my friends*
Dude at another table(who will now be known as Daat): *throws rolled up aluminum foil at me*
Me: *catches, throws back*
Daat: *catches and throws back*
Rolled up foil: *misses me and hits someone at another table*
The one who got hit: x.X
Adios amigos, ten un dia bueno!
Or for the Spanish impaired, 'Goodbye friends, have a good day!'

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Monday, April 11, 2005
We're FINALLY getting some warm weather here... I went to the beach and got some shells, sand dollars, and I even found a mini starfish...O.o
And I also got my Shonen Jump^^
'Tis all for now, see ya!^^
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Wednesday, April 6, 2005
Yesterday, we got out of gym to go see a few scenes from our school musical. It actually wasn't bad...o.O
And I went over my dad's house to celebrate my Grandma's birthday. I rode my bike around until they showed up. Heh, and when everyone was outside, Grandma had a bug in her drink^^ Hehehehe... And no, I didn't put it there... Seriously, I didn't...

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Monday, April 4, 2005
I got Chobits vol.8 on Saturday^^ I finally have all of them! Mwuahaha.
In other news, I went to my friends B-day sleepover^^ There were silly string fights, planning for our senior prank(bwuahaha), etc. We played Inuyasha: Tret of the Cursed Mask,it was fun. We started a new game and we played for a total of ten hours^^;; And we'd each act out the different voices^^
-No piccy...T.T-
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